Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Is Love an Art? Essay
Is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Or is love a pleasant sensation, which to experience is a matter of chance, something one â€Å"falls into†if one is lucky? This little book is based on the former premise, while undoubtedly the majority of people today believe in the latter. Not that people think that love is not important. They are starved for it; they watch endless numbers of films about happy and unhappy love stories, they listen to hundreds of trashy songs about love  yet hardly anyone thinks that there is anything that needs to be learned about love. This peculiar attitude is based on several premises which either singly or combined tend to uphold it. Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of â€Å"being loved,†rather than that of â€Å"loving,†of one’s capacity to love. Hence the problem to them is how to be loved, how to be lovable. In pursuit of this aim they follow several paths. One, which is especi ally used by men, is to be successful, to be as powerful and rich as the social margin of one’s position permits. Another, used especially by women, is to make oneself attractive, by cultivating one’s body, dress, etc. Other ways of making oneself attractive, used both by men and women, are to develop pleasant manners, interesting conversation, to be helpful, modest, inoffensive. Many of the ways to make oneself lovable are the same as those used to make oneself successful, â€Å"to win friends and influence people.†As a matter of fact, what most people in our culture mean by being lovable is essentially a mixture between being popular and having sex appeal. A second premise behind the attitude that there is nothing to be learned about love is the assumption that the problem of love is the problem of an â€Å"object,†not the problem of a â€Å"faculty.†People think that to â€Å"love†is simple, but that to find the right object to love  or to be loved by  is difficult. This attitude has several reasons rooted in the development of modern society. One reason is the great change which occurred in the twentieth century with respect to the choice of a â€Å"love object.†In the Victorian age, as in many traditional cultures, love was mostly not a spontaneous personal experience which then might lead to marriage. On the contrary, marriage was contracted by convention  either by the respective families, or by a marriage broker, or without the help of such intermediaries; it was concluded on the basis of social considerations, and love was supposed to develop once the marriage had been concluded. In the last few generations the concept of romantic love has become almost universal in the Western world. In the United States, while considerations of a conventional nature are not entirely absent, to a vast extent people are in search of â€Å"romantic love,†of the personal experience of love which then should lead to marriage. This new concept of freedom in love must have greatly enhanced the importance of the â⠂¬Å"object†as against the importance of the â€Å"function.†Closely related to this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture. Our whole culture is based on the appetite for buying, on the idea of a mutually favorable exchange. Modern man’s happiness consists in the thrill of looking at the shop windows, and in buying all that he can afford to buy, either for cash or on installments. He(or she) looks at people in a similar way. For the man an attractive girl  and for the woman an attractive man  are the prizes they are after. â€Å"Attractive†usually means a nice package of qualities which are popular and sought after on the personality market. What specifically makes a person attractive depends on the fashion of the time, physically as well as mentally. During the twenties, a drinking and smoking girl, tough and sexy, was attractive; today the fashion demands more domesticity and coyness. At the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of this century, a man had to be aggressive and ambitious  today he has to be social and tolerant  in order to be an attractive â€Å"package.†At any rate, the sense of falling in love develops usually only with regard to such human commodities as are within reach of one’s own possibilities for exchange. I am out for a bargain; the object should be desirable from the standpoint of its social value, and at the same time should want me, considering my overt and hidden assets and potentialities. Two persons thus fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available on the market, considering the limitations of their own exchange values. Often, as in buying real estate, the hidden potentialities which can be developed play a considerable role in this bargain. In a culture in which the marketing orientation prevails, and in which material success is the outstanding value, there is little reason to be surprised that human love relations follow the same pattern of exchange which governs the commodity and the labor market. The third error leading to the assumption that there is nothing to be learned about lov e lies in the confusion between the initial experience of â€Å"†falling††in love, and the permanent state of â€Å"being†in love, or as we might better say, of â€Å"standing†in love. If two people who have been strangers, as all of us are, suddenly let the wall between them break down, and feel close, feel one, this moment of oneness is one of the most exhilarating, most exciting experiences in life. It is all the more wonderful and miraculous for persons who have been shut off, isolated, without love. This miracle of sudden intimacy is often facilitated if it is combined with, or initiated by, sexual attraction and consummation. However, this type of love is by its very nature not lasting. The two persons become well acquainted, their intimacy loses more and more its miraculous character, until their antagonism, their disappointments, their mutual boredom kill whatever is left of the initial excitement. Yet, in the beginning they do not know all this: in fact, they take the intensity of the infatuation, this being â€Å"crazy†about each other, for proof of the intensity of their love, while it may only prove the degree of their preceding loneliness. This attitude  that nothing is easier than to love  has continued to be the prevalent idea about love in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love. If this were the case with any other activity, people would be eager to know the reasons for the failure, and to learn how one could do better  or they would give up the activity. Since the latter is impossible in the case of love, there seems to be onlyone adequate way to overcome the failure of love  to examine the reasons for this failure, and to proceed to study the meaning of love. The first step to take is to become aware that â€Å"love is an art,†just as living is an art; if we want to learn how to love we must proceed in the same way we have to proceed if we want to learn any other art, say music, painting, carpentry, or the art of medicine or engineering. What are the necessary steps in learning any art? The process of learning an art can be divided conveniently into two parts: one, the mastery of the theory; the other, the mastery of the practice. If I want to learn the art of medicine, I must first know the facts about the human body, and about various diseases. When I have all this theoretical knowledge, I am by no means competent in the art of medicine. I shall become a master in this art only after a great deal of practice, until eventually the results of my theoretical knowledge and the results of my practice are blended into one  my intuition, the essence of the mastery of any art. But, Synopsis: The Art of Loving has helped hundreds of thousands of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. An astonishing frank and candid book renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, it explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the course of one’s life. Most of us are unable to develop our ability to love on the only level that really counts-a love that is compounded of maturity, self-knowledge, and courage. Learning to love demands practice and concentration. Even more than any other art, it demands genuine insight and understanding. In this startling book, Fromm discusses love in all aspects: not only romantic love, so surrounded by false conceptions, but also love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Contracts 1 Assignment Essay
Selwyn Selikowitz Group No: 3613 Advice has been sought as to whether or not Dr. Amber has an enforceable contract with Furniture Comfort, and whether she is entitled by law to buy the couch at the discounted price. In order to address the issue, one needs to start by examining each of the four essential elements for contract formation: agreement, consideration, certainty and an intention to create legal relations. The newspaper advertisement is not an offer but an invitation to treat. In Boots v Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, it was decided that ‘a contract is not completed until, the customer having indicated the articles which he needs, the shopkeeper, or someone on his behalf, accepts that offer. ’ The items on the shelf of the ‘self services’ shop were treated as offers to treat. This decision was due to the nature of the shop. It is not only inconvenient but also practically and legally unfeasible to be entered into a contract every time one picks up an item from the shelf. Advertisements are presumed to be invitations to treat due to similar reasoning. The exception to this presumption can be found in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball, where the advertisement was determined to be an offer as there was an express intention to pay money in the event of certain circumstances occurring. This exception doesn’t apply to the present case. The reasonable person would interpret phrases such as â€Å"25% off all selected floor items†, and â€Å"We beat all competitors†in Furniture Comfort’s advertisements as not indicating a offer to enter into a contract with all readers, but merely inviting them to make an offer. Thus the newspaper advertisement is an invitation to treat. . OFFER Dr Amber saw this ‘invitation to treat’ and responded by visiting Furniture Comfort. Being unhappy with the fabric on the model, she wished to buy a couch with a suitable fabric of her choosing. She made an offer to buy the couch as long as the fabric was one she chose and the couch was sold to her immediately upon her return. This conditional offer is made evident through her words â€Å"I assume the sale will still be on†, and â€Å"I’ll need it immediately after that. †Now under the main offer she gave an option, a condition to the purchase. An option contract is defined as ‘an agreement for consideration under which a party acquires a right exercisable before a specified time to buy or sell property at a given price from another party. ’[2] In Goldsbrough Mort & Co v Quinn, the grantor gave the option holder an option to purchase certain land at a specified price at any time within one week of the agreement in return for the sum of five shillings paid to the grantor. In the present case, the option was Dr Amber’s offer to buy the couch as long as the couch was reserved for her. 3. ACCEPTANCE In response to Dr. Amber’s offers, Maggie replied â€Å"We can do that if you prefer. Let’s go to my office. †Whether or not Maggie’s reply and consequent actions can be construed as an acceptance of the offers depends on whether it satisfies certain rules in contract law regarding acceptance. (a) The acceptance must be communicated In Felthouse v Bindley, it was determined that silence cannot be taken to indicate acceptance. [3] Although the acceptance may have been inferred by conduct of the nephew, his intention was not communicated to the uncle, and thus it was found that no acceptance had been made and no contract was formed. In this case Maggie explicitly responded to Dr. Amber’s offer with the words â€Å"We can do that if you prefer. †Thus the acceptance was communicated (b) The acceptance must be absolute and unqualified The acceptance must be complete, without changing any of the terms. Otherwise, instead of an acceptance it would be a counteroffer. In Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd v Ex-Cell-O Corp this distinction was made clear, in the ‘battle of forms’ involved. ‘Acceptance’ based on changing of conditions of an offer of one party was deemed to be a counteroffer, not an acceptance. Maggie in this case has absolutely agreed to the conditions of Dr. Amber’s offer, reflected through her actions in allowing Amber to sign the special order information and also to leave with the fabric. (c) Acceptance must be in reliance of the offer In Crown v Clarke, Clarke was found to have not acted in the faith of or in reliance of the offer, but rather for his own intentions. Thus he was found to have no claim to a reward he had received under contract. In the present case, Maggie knew the specific details of the offer such as â€Å"reserve the couch now†, â€Å"take the samples†and â€Å"order the couch when I get back†Thus her acceptance was made in reliance of the offer and the option. d) Must be in compliance with the offeror’s offer Maggie complied with Dr. Amber’s offer by allowing her to leave with the samples, and placing a special order in the ‘fabric checkout binder. ’ There was therefore a legally recognisable acceptance on Maggie’s part. Maggie accepted Dr. Amberâ€⠄¢s option of keeping the couch reserved, as well as her offer of purchasing the couch
Monday, July 29, 2019
Andrew Carnegie
The following paper discusses the biography of Andrew Carnegie, an entrepreneur and founder of the American steel Industry, his life, the major influences and significance of his work and the impact of his life on others. Andrew Carnegie helped build the formidable American steel industry and then sold his steel business and systematically gave his collected fortune away to cultural, educational and scientific institutions for the improvement of mankind. This paper examines the way in which Carnegie, who was one of the first industrialists to use scientists to research his own business, came to be the wealthiest man of his time, in the world.During his final years, Carnegie spent most of his time in endeavors to promote world peace. He built both the Pan American Union building in Washington D.C. and the Hague Peace Palace, in the Netherlands to support international peace.The outbreak of World War I was devastating to him, and he died August 11, 1919 in Lenox, Massachusetts. By the time he died, Carnegie had given away $350,695,653 and had given another $30,000,000 to foundations, pensions and charities. Andrew Carnegie is considered one of the greatest philanthropists in the world and one of the wea lthiest men who ever lived (
Advanced Clinical Nutrition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Advanced Clinical Nutrition - Research Paper Example Many theories have been advanced to explain this analogy. But the most acceptable is as follows; the trigger in heart attacks and some forms of stroke is the accumulation of cholesterol rich plaques (atheromas) in blood vessels of the heart and brain. The body detects these plaques as foreign and unwanted in the body; hence, through the process of inflammation, the body tries to remove the plaques from the walls of blood vessels. However, as the body is trying to remove the foreign plaques from the walls of blood vessels, circumstances may go wrong in that the plaques may rupture causing aneurysms or it may trigger blood clot formation. These clots normally obstruct blood flow to vital organs of the body causing heart attacks or cerebral infarcts (strokes). 2) Choose a nutrient or food that is considered both â€Å"anti-inflammatory†and â€Å"heart healthy†. Provide evidence that supports that your nutrient/food is â€Å"heart healthy†using key studies from the literature (described sufficiently and referenced appropriately). Beans. Foods like beans are anti-inflammatory in the sense that they do not have triggers of inflammation which may predispose to cardiovascular diseases. ... Beans are anti-inflammatory from many respects. Clinically, beans have been observed not to cause any heart conditions. Basically, beans do not have any cholesterol; hence, they do not trigger any inflammatory response in arteries of the heart. Epidemiologically, studies have revealed that incidences of heart conditions with plant products are rare, but animal products have been implicated. 4) Is the anti-inflammatory evidence clear? Why or why not? The anti-inflammatory response is clear in that there is no content of LDL cholesterol in beans and bean products. 5) Briefly, how would you design a study to provide information that would strengthen your case for the anti-inflammatory effects of your nutrient/food in humans? I would conduct biochemical tests on beans to ascertain that they do not have LDL cholesterol that triggers inflammation to cause cardiovascular diseases. QUESTION #2: Consider the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), adult treatment panel III (ATP III) re commendations for reducing CVD risk. Discuss EITHER the dietary soluble fiber OR plant sterols/stanols recommendation and answer the following questions: 1) First, mechanistically speaking, how is that particular recommendation supposed to lower CVD risk? Be specific Introduction of soluble dietary fibers is a strategy for reducing cardiovascular disease. These foods have trace amounts of saturated and trans fats, hence, they reduce incidences of cardiovascular disease. The therapeutic lifestyle changes that are recommended to reduce cardiovascular disease risk are that fiber should be between 20 to 30 g per day. 2) Where did the recommendation itself come from? In other words, what research led to this recommendation?
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Globalization - Essay Example Both the Leagues of Nations and the United Nations have been very significant in solving international disputes. Therefore, both this organization influences the international politics very greatly. A league of nations influences the international politics of the areas where it is found. A good example is the Arab League that influences the international politics of the Arab countries. Another example is the African Union that influences the international politics of the African countries. However, due to globalization, these organizations are greatly influenced by the United Nations. The United Nations influences the international politics across the world. This is because its membership consists of all the states of the world. Although the world powers play the most significant role in controlling and funding the United Nations, other member states also play a very significant role in the operation of the organizations. Since the time it was formulated more than a decade ago, Unite d Nations has been able to ensure a peaceful coexistence between states. Strengths and weaknesses of the League of Nations and the United Nations Different international organizations have their own strengths that depend on their internal and external factors. The strengths of the League of Nations are different from the strengths of the United Nations. For the League of Nations, ordination of members is easy and effective. This is because most of these organizations have members from the same nations. This makes communication within members to be easier thus enabling them to coordinate much better when undertaking an activity together. Moreover, such organizations can settle conflicts within their member states much better. This is because they understand the political and economic states of their member states much better than the United Nations do. United Nations, on the other hand, has a large budget. This enables it to handle the complicated conflicts that might require use of a large amount of resources. Moreover, the decision makers in the United Nations are selected from across the world. This makes the organizational leadership of this organization to consist of countries that are less biased. However, the two organizations also have weaknesses. Like their strengths, the weaknesses of these organizations vary across them. One of the weaknesses of the League of Nations in that it does not consists of many members, thus, they have a very small budget. Moreover, this kind of organizations might not have a world superpower among them. As a result, they find themselves relying on either the United Nations or other regional organizations for support. The weakness of the United Nations is that its decisions are dominated by the world’s super powers. This makes them to look as if they are ruled by some few countries of the world. Another weakness of the United Nations is that it has bureaucratic procedures. This makes it to be very slow when it comes t o reacting to crises between its member states. Relationship of Strengths of the United Nations and accomplishments and failure of its predecessor According to Kegley and Blanton (142), the United Nations Organization was formed in 1945 just after the World War II. This indicates that both World War I and World War II preceded it. World War II resulted in emergence of superpowers. The superpowers have been playing a very important role in
Saturday, July 27, 2019
THE SUN ALSO RISES Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
THE SUN ALSO RISES - Research Proposal Example Although much can be speculated at by this relationship, it is known that she wanted twins while pregnant with Ernest. As a result, she often dressed him and his sister alike during their toddling years to pass them off as twins. One author suggests: Hemingway regarded his mother as being as dangerous dead as most women are alive. (Hemingway once said: â€Å"I know I’d never go to her funeral without being afraid that she was boobytrapped.†) What could she have done to him? Dominant, overbearing, and emasculating†¦with the effect that the boy suffered a sexual wound, developed an androgynous sensibility, and experienced lifelong male insecurity and sexual anxiety. (Tuttleton) Agnes von Kurowsky was Hemingway’s love during World War I. He was wounded and sent to a hospital in Milan. There he met and fell in love with Agnes von Kurowsky, a nurse. She was supposed to follow him to America, but instead fell in love with an Italian soldier. This affected Hemingway deeply. Many of Hemingway’s female characters resemble von Kurowsky. For example, in The Sun Also Rises the character Brett could be inspired by von Kurowsky. In Brett’s character, he placed a desirable woman that every man wanted. This woman was not faithful however to anyone, especially the main character. The main character, Barnes felt: This was Brett that I had felt like crying about. Then I thought of her walking up the street and stepping into the car, as I had last seen her, and of course in a little while I felt like hell again. It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night is another thing. (Hemingway 39) Ernest Hemingway was married four times. He divorced three women, two with whom he had children with. One reporter explained the relationship between Barnes and Brett The Sun Also Rises as â€Å"It is an erotic attraction which is destined from the start to be frustrated†(The New York Times). Hemingway’s marriages
Friday, July 26, 2019
Buyers behaviour - samsung galaxy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Buyers behaviour - samsung galaxy - Essay Example This is more so in a market where competition is intense, sellers are many, and the target market is relatively the same. Such a market environment informs the analysis of Samsung Galaxy in terms of the behaviour exhibited by its buyers. Samsung Galaxy buyers, just like any other consumer, are rational, and they seek to maximize their welfare at the minimum cost possible. However, this does not mean that they can only buy cheap phones that are offered in the market. Purchases of Samsung Galaxy are influenced by a number of variables, all of which are captured by the decision making theory. In problem recognition, buyers identify their need to buy a phone. This creates a difference between what they have and what they want to purchase. The need or desire to buy Samsung Galaxy constitutes the main problem for which the buyer seeks a resolution. Once the problem has been recognized, the buyer has to move to the next step, which is information search (Jackson, 2008, p.47). The informatio n available to the buyer influences the decision that the buyer makes. While total market information may be hard to capture, product reviews, friends, and advertisements among others act as sources of information for the buyer. Price, quality, product features, brand image, company reputation, product design, and past experiences (Grant, 2011, p.73) are some of the key variables that matter to a Samsung Galaxy buyer. ... On the same note, the respective companies target relatively the same markets. In this respect, product differentiation is vital as buyers move to settle on the best available alternative (Kerin, et al. 2006, p.205; Ward & Aleksandra, 2008, p.227). The actual product choice by the buyer depends on the prior steps in the theory of decision making (Michell, 2011, p.180). Here, the buyer will settle on the alternative product that suits his/her need, desire, tastes, and preferences, not overlooking product affordability and quality factors. For majority Samsung Galaxy buyers who were interviewed, the most influential factors in product choice are product features and design. These two are complemented by price, brand image, Samsung’s reputation in the telecommunications industry, and consumer past experiences with Samsung products. The outcomes exhibited by Samsung Galaxy buyers in regard to the decision making theory show mixed reactions about the product, the company, and the m arket environment. Samsung Galaxy features like camera, GPS, entertainment, calendar/address book, media player, internet access/search/email, handset, design, price, and battery life scored more than more average level of importance to many buyers. Preferences for Blackberry and iPhone in the same line are equal to, exceed, or exhibit lower levels compared to the Samsung Galaxy. On the same note, market trends and personal concerns for each buyer on the product vary significantly (Castells, 2007, p.246; Peters, 2009, p.69). Also, an outstanding factor in the whole analysis is consumer awareness and Samsung’s reputation in the industry. In this respect, the price, features and design of the smartphone inform
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Major Issues and Difficulties Facing the European Union and Its Essay
The Major Issues and Difficulties Facing the European Union and Its Attempts to Effectively Fight Fraud Against Its Budget - Essay Example In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht was signed which gave rise to the European Union (EU). A single market devoid of any boundaries was established where people could go from one country to another freely. The single currency concept came into being in 2002 with the introduction of Euro. The EU family is growing day by day and more countries are joining in. The European Parliament, the body governing the EU, takes care of all the activities of the member states. The member countries set up the parliament by giving their votes. The votes are directly proportional to an individual country’s size. The parliament consists of Commissioners of different countries led by a President. (History of European Union, n.d.) With the enlargement of EU, more countries came into its fold. The challenge for the EU was to induct these countries into its set up. The problem faced by EU in this regard was that the Parliament was influenced by the bigger countries as they had the lion’s share of commissioners. The treaty of Nice underlined that the small countries will get to cast a minimum amount of votes while the big countries would cast the bigger share. This means that the bigger countries will influence all the decisions taken in the EU. (The treaty of nice, n.d.) Perhaps, the main issue facing the EU right now is the fraud against their budget. The symptoms are widespread now and the EU is facing severe problems in controlling the frauds against the budget. Despite the measures taken by the EU in controlling the frauds, various scams, and frauds surfaced which has led to the decrease in public trust on EU. OLAF was set up to look after the corruption against the budgetary frauds. (EU budget fraud, 16th January 2010). With the introduction of new member countries in the EU fold the problem of the transition begins.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Promissory Estoppel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Promissory Estoppel - Essay Example In this view, promissory estoppel is established as a contractual obligation that will in fact harmonize the often-divergent philosophies adhered to by legal scholars. This article looks at the different circumstances when promissory estoppel is used in the English courts and tries to summarize why the doctrine is an important part of contract law. It also tries to explain why the use of promissory estoppel is being contested. This paper maintains that promissory estoppel is still important in contract law and that instead of declining, it is actually evolving. Promissory estoppels has three distinct elements: (1) a clear and definite promise, (2) the promise induced action or forbearance, and (3) injustice can only be avoided with the enforcement of the promise (Boyer 1950: 460). The doctrine of promissory estoppels was first expounded in the case of Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House (Denning 1946). In 1937, High Trees House Ltd. leased a block of flats from Central London Property Trust, with the conditions that the rent is worth  £2,500 and duration is 95 years. But because London was suffering from war bombings at the time, High Trees may not be able to pay out its lease. To help the company sustain its business and since numerous flats were still unrented, the plaintiffs sent a letter to the defendant confirming the reduction of the rent to  £1,250. The defendants continued to pay the reduced rent and by 1945, when all the flats have been rented out, High Trees paid only  £1,250. In September 1945, the plainti ff wrote a letter to the defendant collecting the original amount of  £2,500 for the entire year starting from September 29 to December 25, 1945. The defendants held that the letters passed on between the parties was evidence of modification in the original contract and that it was equally legally binding to the plaintiff company. Lord Denning
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Pacoima City Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pacoima City - Research Paper Example It is the state of the city which determines whether the areas safe for living that is in terms of physical factors and social factors which are known as city form. Analysing political and social factors clearly describe how the city looks like and it will be so important for investors and people who may have interest in taking part in the activities of the city. Walkability is defined as a measure of how an area is friendly for walking. Walkability has many economic benefits, environmental benefits and health benefits. Walkability is influenced by a number of factors; these factors include the absence or the presents of quality sidewalks, footpaths or other right of way of pedestrians, road and traffic conditions, building accessibility, and land use patterns among others. Pedestrian travel provides both individuals and society with a wide range of benefits. Planners and public health officials alike have been promoting policies that improve the quality of the built environment for pedestrians: mixed land uses, interconnected street networks, sidewalks and other facilities (Cao, 2006). Whether such policies will prove effective remains open to debate. In particular, two issues need further attention. First, the impact of the built environment on pedestrian behaviour may depend on the purpose of the trip, whether for the purposes of utilitarian or recreational. Second, the connection between the built environment and pedestrian behaviour may be more a matter of residential location choice than of travel choice (Cao, 2006). This study aims to provide new evidence on both questions. Studies have found out that although residential self-selection impacts both types of trips, it is the most important factor explaining walking to a destination for instance, shopping. After accounting for self-selection, neighbourhood characteristics, more specifically the perceptions of these characteristics, impact strolling frequency, while characteristics of local commercial area s are important in facilitating these trips such as shopping. Additionally, walkability has proved to have more community health benefits and individually, those activities appears to increase the number of friends and the number of people to associate with in life and also social interaction at large. Carbon monoxide emissions will be reduced because when people prefer walking opposed to driving there will be less emission of carbon gases. Walkability has also economic benefits apart from other benefits, this include the accessibility, it saves cost to both the public and individuals, it will increase the use of land and there will be no land to be wasted, increase in liveability and also the economic benefits which will be found by improving public and individual health and economic developing among the other benefits. The benefits are mostly guaranteed to the entire city not only limited to certain routes which are specialized. According to the American institute for cancer resea rch and the world cancer research fund they released their report that the people should be encouraged walking, because that walking will decrease the cancer infection. Literature Review Walkability is that measure of how a particular area is friendly to walking. It has health-wise, economic and environmental benefits. There are many factors that influence walkability which include land use patterns, building accessibility, traffic and
Patriot Act Essay Example for Free
Patriot Act Essay To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, a country that is willing to sacrifice civil liberties for safety deserves neither. In the aftermath of September 11, the United States has found itself living that prophetic statement: the country is neither safe nor free. Politicians played on the fears of the American public after the terrorist attack and stole the most basic and trusted of American freedoms: the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Prior to the Patriot Act, anyone arrested by American law enforcement was guaranteed to be charged or released within 48 hours. Then, under the speedy trial provisions of the U. S. Constitution, those who were charged were guaranteed that their cases would progress. This is not so since September 11. This is not the first time in American history that persons living within the United States have been held indefinitely during times of war. Japanese-Americans from southern California were taken to so-called â€Å"detention camps†after the attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II. The crime is that we have not learned the lessons of history, that we apologize and in some cases make restitution for the same thing we are now repeating at Guantanimo Bay and in other places around the world. The biggest tragedy of the Patriot Act and the methods used by federal law enforcement in the wake of September 11 is that none of these actions would have prevented the terrorist attacks. Instead, these methodologies encourage people to be more secretive and less open. The only way the attack on the World Trade Center could have been avoided would have been for there to have been a better exchange of information. Perhaps it is a sign that American education is lacking, or evidence that those in power will always seek to increase their power, but the reality is the Patriot Act has not done anything to discourage international terrorism or increase American safety. We have, in fact, sacrificed our freedom and in return lost both it and our safety.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Education Insurance Awareness Essay Example for Free
Education Insurance Awareness Essay An Overview In 1965, Yarri proposed the use of life insurance to insure against lifetime uncertainty resulting for the mortality risk of individuals. Premature death of a family head can bring serious financial consequences for the surviving family members because the family head’s earnings are lost forever leaving unfulfilled financial obligations, such as dependents to support, children to educate, and a mortgage to repay. Life insurance allows individuals and families to share the risk of premature death with many others and to alleviate the financial loss from the premature death of the rimary wage earner (Garman Forgue, 2006). The purchase of life insurance is one of the most important purchasing decisions for individuals and families (Anderson Nevin, 1975) and it is a critical component of a long-term financial plan (Devaney Keaton, 1994). 2). Introduction to Child Education Insurance Policy A child education policy is a life insurance product specially designed as a savings tool to provide an amount of money when a child reaches the age for entry into college normally 18 years old and above. The funds can be utilised to partly meet a childs higher education expenses. Also, if purchaser opts for a payor benefit rider, an education policy provides the assurance that, in the event of an untimely demise of the parents or legal guardian, the child will have access to funds to help finance his or her education expenses. Under a child education policy, the child is the life assured, while the parent or legal guardian is the policy owner. 3). Types of child education policies available in life insurance market. There are two main types, i. . an endowment or investment-linked policy. The difference between the two lies in the structure as well as the nature of investments. 3. 1) Endowment policy is an endowment policy combines a savings component with protection coverage. Endowment policy may be either participating or non-participating. As the name implies, non-participating policy do not participate in the life insurance funds profits but all insurance benefits are fully guaran teed. On the other hand, for participating policy, a portion of insurance benefits are guaranteed. However, the ultimate amount of benefits at maturity is not guaranteed as these depend on the performance of the insurance companys participating life insurance fund. 3. 2) Investment-linked policy is an investment-linked policy combines the elements of investment and protection based on your requirement as the policy owner. It offers flexibility as you are able to increase or top-up your monthly premium contribution as your income improves. If you wish to be more aggressive with the instruments of investment, an investment-linked policy will also allow you to choose the types of funds your money will be invested in. However, like any other similar investment, there are higher risks involved and there are no guarantees on the returns, which may be higher or lower than projected. 4). Research Background An increasing trend of education expenses to enter college or university nowadays, a lot of parents using financial sources such as Employee Providence Fund or rely on borrowing from Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara to afford the study expenses of their son after leaving secondary school for a higher level of study. As an alternative source of financial protection against high education expenses, parents can purchase an education insurance starting from their children young age. Compare with withdrawal of lump sum of money from EPF (Employee Providence Fund) or make borrowing from PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara), a parents just need to pay for a small amount of premium and parents as a payer can be covered by insurance in case death or total permanent disablement occurred by paying for an extra insurance rider in the particular education insurance policy. Therefore, this research carried out to examine the level of awareness among parents in Sibu Region towards education insurance provide by insurance companies in Malaysia. This thesis aims to examine both the type and amount of life insurance purchased by households. To this end, comprehensive models of households’ demand for life insurance were developed, which included demographic variables (age, education, employment status, health status, number of children, marital status, and race), economic and assets variables (income, homeownership, debts, as well as portfolio elements such as liquid assets, certificates of deposit, mutual funds, bonds, stocks, individual retirement accounts, annuities, other miscellaneous financial assets, and nonfinancial assets), and psychographic variables (attitude toward risk, attitude toward leaving a bequest, and one’s expected life expectancy). The effects of these factors on either term or cash value life insurance purchased by households were examined separately. Research Objective General objective To examine the parent’s awareness towards education insurance. Specific Objective 1). To investigate whether parents had purchase education insurance or not for their children at their young age. 2). To identify from which channel of information that made parents aware of education insurance. 3). To identify whether insurance industry playing an effective role in promoting education insurance in life insurance market. ). To examine parents interest towards education insurance products administered by insurance company in insurance market. 5). The main purpose of this study is to examine whether demographic factors influence the purchase of education insurance among parents in Sibu Region. Research question 1). Do you know there is education insurance product in insurance market? 2). Had you purchased any education insur ance from any insurance company for your children? 3). Had any insurance agent approach or introduce and give explanation to you regarding education insurance? 4). Are you willing to purchase any education insurance for your children? 5). what type sources of information you needed to enhance the knowledge regarding education insurance? Problem statement Financing child’s education is one of the major investments that any wise parent is prepared to undertake. A sound university education is not only among the basic requirements to establish a good career; it can also form the foundation of your child’s intellectual maturity for life. We all start learning since birth and the brief period of academic education in our lives represents another landmark in a life-long learning process. But given the high cost of education and the competition to enter well-known universities, it is necessary to have an investment plan to fund our children’s brief sting of three to four years in university. With the limited places available in local universities, many Malaysian students have wisely invested in university education abroad. Faced with the rising costs of overseas university education, how can parents save and invest to finance the tuition fees, let alone the living costs. The depegging of the ringgit from the U. S. dollar last year is a welcome move for many Malaysian parents because under the flexible exchange rate system, the ringgit is likely to appreciate over the long term. This will help Malaysians reduce the cost of overseas education in popular countries such as the U. K. , U. S. and Australia (Charles Goh, www. fimm. com. my/pdf/investor/articles/09). One of the biggest worries for parents nowadays is how to fund their children’s education, which does not come cheap. In addition, as with everything else, education expenses, is it in foreign and local colleges/universities, private primary and secondary schools are expected to trend upwards in future (Elaine Ang, http://thestar. com. my/ September 18, 2010). The trend is upwards as far as education costs are concerned. In predicting the future, we can only use assumptions such as cost and inflation factors in child education planning. The general increase for local studies is about 3% per year and foreign about 5% and this applies to a general business degree of three years (Mike Lee, CTLA Financial Planners Sdn Bhd managing director, 2010). An average increase of between 5% to 7% annually in education costs for studies locally and in countries such as Britain, United States, Australia, Canada and Singapore excluding foreign exchange rate fluctuations. Moreover, there are certain years where the increase can be in a lump sum instead of percentage depending on the circumstances. (Matthew Gan, E. T. Education Services Sdn Bhd managing director, 2010). Some of the common mistakes parents make when saving for their child’s education fund are starting too late, saving without investing and not considering foreign exchange fluctuations for those who aim to send their children overseas. It is important to determine what the education costs are in current value and identify a suitable savings and investment vehicle. Some parents don’t even have a clue how much education costs (Yap Ming Hui, Whitman Independent Advisors Sdn Bhd managing director, 2010). Save and invest your money as early as possible. Let your money grow with your child, school fees for primary and secondary education range from RM15,000 to RM17,000 per annum with an average 10% increase in fees every two years (Rina Thiagu-Kler, Marketing manager Sri KDU, 2010). Because of less study and difficulties to obtain data regarding education insurance demand in Sibu Region. A brief interview conducted with Mr. Ten Kim Loong, Unit Manager of Kumpulan Elite Ten from Etiqa insurance agency on 2nd December 2011 where he indicated that most of the insurance product demanded by household within Sibu region is medical card and personal accident policy, it is because the premium affordable by policyholder, moreover among the clients approached did not know what policy to purchase and how much sum insured should be enough for protection need†. A discussion session also conducted with Mohamad Faizuli Bin Abd Karim, a financial planner from Takaful Ikhlas Sdn Bhd reveal that among the prospects that approached by him saying that they are not interested in any of insurance products and they worried the premium payment can become an extra expenses as per we noticed the living standard and price of basic necessity good are very high nowadays. The Breakdown of Schooling Expenditure As shown in Table 2, the average cost of schooling overall was found to be RM1,782 per student per year. The cost in rural areas which averaged RM1,590 was about 22 per cent lower than urban areas.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis Of Mlk Jrs Letter From Birmingham Jail Religion Essay
Analysis Of Mlk Jrs Letter From Birmingham Jail Religion Essay The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was a time of great unrest. While the movement was felt across the south, Birmingham, Alabama was known for its unequal treatment of blacks and became the focus of the Civil Rights Movement. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, African-Americans in Birmingham, began daily demonstrations and sit-ins to protest discrimination at lunch counters and in public facilities. These demonstrations were organized to draw attention to the injustices in the city. The demonstrations resulted in the arrest of protesters, including Martin Luther King. King was arrested in Birmingham after taking part in a peaceful march to draw attention to the way that African-Americans were being treated there, their lack of voter rights, and the extreme injustice they faced in Alabama. King immediately strives to justify the need for nonviolent direct action through his statement, Several months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary. What is direct action? Direct action is a form of political activism which may include sit-ins, strikes, and demonstrations. Kings explanation to the clergymen for protesting segregation began with an explanation of their actions, Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. In this case King was invoking the right of freedom of expression, not only freedom of speech but the freedom to assemble. The clergy and many of the citizens of Birmingham believed the demonstrations, sit-ins, and strikes, considered peaceful by King and his supporters, as a taunting and violation of the segregation laws in place in many of the southern states. Within the first paragraphs of his letter King rebukes the many injustices of his people in Birmingham. King responded with dismay at the clergys reference to him being an outsider. King stated that he had a reason for being in Birmingham and he was not an outsider as the clergymen claimed. He responded with a profound statement, Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds. King explained that his purpose for being in Birmingham was due to the injustices within the city. He continued by comparing himself to the eighth century prophets in that he too was carrying a message the gospel of freedom. King explicitly compared himself to the apostle Paul whose travels were extensive in spreading the gospel of Christ. Just as Paul left Tarsus to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, King left Atlanta for Birmingham. He claimed that his job as a Christian minister was to attack injustice wherever it appeared. Kings imprisonment could a lso be compared to the imprisonment of Paul. King answered the clergymens allegations that breaking the law was not the way to achieve the results Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that, an unjust law is no law at all. King did not believe that they have broken the law. Kings response to the clergymen was that a law that is not morally sound is not a law. Kings statement supports the conservative theory of the Nature of Law in that law existed before man. The fundamental principles of law are to distinguish between that which is right and that which is wrong. Therefore, laws are made to protect the people not degrade and punish. King defined just and unjust law as follows: A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. King wrote that a law could be just on the surface and unjust in its application. The example given was how he had been arrested on the charge of parading without a permit. He explained that there is nothing wrong in having a law which requires a permit for a parade, but that it becomes unjust when it is used to maintain segregation and to deny citizens their First Amendment privilege. King connected the nonviolent civil disobedience or unjust laws to the revolutionary arguments of Thomas Jefferson. Kings writings include, law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson argued that governments exist to protect basic human rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. King addressed civil disobedience, the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government or of an occupying power without resorting to physical violence, through his example of the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar, on the ground that a higher moral law was at stake. Other examples of civil disobedience were incorporated into the letter. King wrote, civil disobedience was demonstrated by the early Christians who were willing to face lions and the chopping blocks rather than submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire. King understood completely that his audience was not the clergymen alone. So, while appealing to the Christian and Biblical beliefs and principles of the clergy, he included non-Biblical examples of civil disobedience as well Socrates and the Boston Tea Party. King responded to the clergymens accusation that he was an extremist by countering with examples of extremists. King wrote, Was not Jesus an extremist for love: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Amos was an extremist for justice, Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.' He continued providing examples of other extremists including the apostle Paul, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, John Bunyan, and Thomas Jefferson. King was concerned with the oppression of the African American. He continued by writing of the yearning for freedom of the African American. He wrote, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the United States Negro is moving with a sense of great urgency toward the promised land of racial justice. Using the analogy of the promise land was not accidental. The promise land was the Israelites land of freedom from their enslavement at the hands of the Egyptians.  King quoted Abraham Lincoln, This nation cannot survive half slave and half free, and Thomas Jefferson, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Christianity played a major role in Kings response to the clergymen. He shared his disappointment with the church as a whole. King believed that he would find support for the cause of justice within the community of the church. He wrote of the strength of the early Christians and of their rejoicing for being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. He also wrote of the weakness of the contemporary church and the concerns he had about Christianity losing its meaning. King was so distraught over the actions of the church that he found himself asking, What kind of people worship here? Who is their God? And, while disappointed, he responded with statements of love and hope. As King concluded his letter he shared his belief that the struggle for freedom would be won, not only in Birmingham but across the nation, because the black mans destiny was tied up with the destiny of America and the goal of America is freedom. Kings letter from the Birmingham jail inspired a national civil rights movement. The goal was to completely end the system of segregation in every aspect of public life (stores, separate bathrooms and drinking fountains, etc.) and in job discrimination. The enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin in employment practices and public accommodations, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 reinforced the guarantees of full citizenship provided under the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments. The passage of these two acts marked the end of the Jim Crow system in the South. The desegregation of public facilities was swiftly implemented. With the enforcement powers of the federal government enhanced, the desegregation of public schools was also initiated.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Old English Poetry Room :: Essays Papers
The Old English Poetry Room The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles were written by a number of unknown monks and covered events starting with pre-Roman Britain. The Chronicles are seven manuscripts and two fragments. They were compiled sometime in the last decade of the ninth century. Since there were few sources of history open to the monks, it is speculated that they relied heavily on Bede's An Ecclesiastical History of the English People for information on the period between the Roman occupation and 731. From the first century to sometime in the fifth century, Britain was a colony of the Roman Empire. Settlers came and built villas, baths, libraries and city walls in the Roman tradition. Many of these survived. The ruins were sometimes referred to as the "work of giants" in early literature. This can be seen in The Wanderer, a poem about a man who has lost his lord and is stoicly wandering about lamenting his loss and looking for a new home. From about 350 A.D., Roman power weakened throughout the empire. After 409, the Romans no longer ruled Britain. Then, in 449, the Anglo-Saxon invasions began. According to The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles , the first group of immigrants most likely came from Germany and the Netherlands. Their leaders were supposedly Hengest and Horsa. It is possible that these are legendary leaders, but it also possible that the Hengest who appears in the epic poem Beowulf is the same individual. The Chronicles mention three main groups during the period of the invasions: the Saxons, the Angles and the Jutes. In the sixth century, the Anglo-Saxon advance was halted and 50 years of peace followed. The Venerable Bede (c. 673 - 735) is one of three Christian figures mentioned in The Chronicles. Bede studied and wrote on many subjects, among them classical languages, astronomy and medicine. His An Ecclesiastical History of the English People covers England's history and conversion to Christianity. The first writers of The Chronicles used his year-by-year approach and took much of their information from this work. If you would like to access another website with more information about the Venerable Bede, click here. It is from Bede's An Ecclesiastical History of the English People that we studied Caedmon's Hymn, a poem about a man who lives to a rather advanced age without ever learning any songs. At feasts, when the harp is passed around for the telling of stories, Caedmon would rather leave the feast than receive the harp to tell a story.
Personal Narrative On Being Teased and Accepting Yourself :: essays research papers
I had always been comfortable in myself, it never really bothered me how I looked, nor did it seem to bother others, the people who I called friends. As I walked through the door somehow it was as if, overnight I was expected to wear clothes that I felt awkward in (but still looked cute), shoes that hurt my feet, and makeup that clogged my already full pores. I was met with grins and giggles from others. I caught tidbits of what they were saying. ?Look at her shoes! Why is she wearing those? They have holes and don?t even match what she has on.? said anonymous person number 1. I looked down, sure my Chucks were a little faded (okay a lot faded), but they were comfortable and isn?t that what mattered I thought. ?God does she even wash her face anymore, its like erupted, I can?t even see a smooth patch of skin? chimed in anonymous person number two. Its genetic, who are these people, and why are they making me feel bad about myself, I thought. Okay, now as I think back, I will admit that it being the first day of middle school I should have put a little effort in my appearance but, who did I have to impress? Weren?t we coming here to learn? If I was going to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day I needed to be comfortable. By now I?m sure you have already gathered I was a tomboy. The kind of girl who would rather play with the boys than sit on the sidelines and talk about how ?oh so cute they looked when they caught the football?. Now I think my mother is to blame for this, she never really did give into that girly stereotype that most mothers did. Where I was only going to do cheerleading ?because I?m a delicate flower and all that yadda yadda yadda ya?. She always let me make my own choices and never forced things upon me. Boy did she really mess me up, I mean being so understanding and all. And so my morning went, being verbally assaulted by people who I didn?t even know, scrutinizing every aspect of my wardrobe, being so blunt and uncaring to the fact that I could hear them, I was on the verge of tears. Somewhere in between hearing them trying to figure out why ?
Friday, July 19, 2019
Linda Mcquaigs Shooting The Hippo: Causes And Results Of Debt :: essays research papers fc
Linda McQuaig's Shooting The Hippo: Causes and Results of Debt Linda McQuaig's most recent book, "Shooting the Hippo" is about the causes and results of the debt. It is a look at both the factual causes and the arguments which are merely presented to us through the various elements of the media. McQuaig delivers an insightful overview of the extensive media coverage which has bombarded us over the past few years. "With the excitement of a mystery writer, McQuaig tells the real story behind the debt." . This book explains the history of the deficit myth, and enables people such as myself who are not experienced in these types of problems to get to the heart of the arguments presented so frequently about our financial situation. I found her book an inspiration which will hopefully help us all to devote ourselves to the enormous challenge which we will face in the future. We are responsible to inform and educate ourselves, our friends, our families and neighbours in the difficult days ahead. To explain McQuaig's title I'll briefly describe the beginning of the "mystery." A baby hippo, born in a zoo, is to be shot because of recent government cutbacks which leave nothing to feed or care for the hippo. This image grabs the attention of the reader and leads to numerous other examples which McQuaig uses to break down the popular myths about the deficit. McQuaig, determined to expose one by one, several of the current myths about the state of the Canadian economy, backs up her arguments with interviews and publications. These include: a chief statistician at Statistics Canada who has been working on the statistics of social spending since the middle '60s; the man at Moody's bond rating service in New York who is in charge of setting the credit rating on our federal debt; and noted economists, among others. The book goes on in its investigation as to why the recession in Canada was the worst of the world's most powerful nations. It is noted that if there is a simple way to explain the reason for most of the recession then it will in turn account for most of the increase in the debt. McQuaig also presents a bit of history of banking, monetary systems, and the struggle of the conflicts between the rich minority and the rest of us. All of this is presented in a very readable and interesting manner. McQuaig asks an intriguing question to all of us. Are we prepared to see our social programs sacrificed in order to reduce the deficit?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Plastics are any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened. Also, plastics are used by people for their conveniences especially for carrying things. What is plastic waste reduction? Plastic waste reduction is the practice of reducing or eliminating plastic use so that the potential for plastic to be used inefficiently or disposed is prevented in the first place. Prevention is the most environmentally preferable means to reduce plastic waste. Advantages of plastic waste reduction: Environment †¢Recycling helps to limit the amount of glass, paper and plastic that must be produced.This will end with less garbage in landfills because it's being reused. †¢Slows the consuming of natural resources. You reduce the amount of resources needed to make the same item compared to making it without recycling †¢It saves natural resources as it takes less energy to make something with recycled material rather something new †¢By saving energy you are cutting down the amount of CO2 being added to the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. So you are slowing down global warming. Economy †¢Adds jobs to the economy†¢Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials Makes governments and businesses choose programs and apply policies in consideration of preserving and respecting the environment. Community †¢Makes people environmentally aware †¢You can get money for what you recycle Disadvantages of plastic waste reduction: Pollution: †¢Due to the recycling process there are still chemicals thrown throughout lands and bodies of water that causes pollution. Economy †¢Government would provide subsidy to the recycling plants People †¢People are would suffer illness due to the recycling process. †¢People are not used to use other alternative for plastics.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Reason People Change Jobs
If we are equate the labor flexibility of the current generation and 20 years ago. We can jibe marked differences. Today, mountain tend to channelize gambols several within a nobble period of time in the past. In fact, in some areas they run short to other company within a year. I firmly believe that multitude should pitch their ponders correspond to their needs. Several flat coats admit been identify for this phenomenon.First, the most important reason that motivates a person a commute in their field of tame is the rapid smorgasbord of technology. Industries There are those who prefer to blend in the latest version of the software, all an accountant or human imaginativeness person. Beca use up for their own benefit, need to keep grand with technology. For example, a clinical center and Leon health check Center admit the medical chronicle of their patients fully computerized, no longer use paper folders.As a result, people tempted by jobs offering high reward and employment begin to diverseness according to demand. Therefore, technological progress plays a describe role in the employees of the temptation to change its current line of work. Another reason is the urgent need to change their work environment. This is a human tendency that tempts workers to hear something different instead of just genius job all his life. Many employees arrest so bored of your current job field you do not musical theme changing jobs, even with a set fall out salary.For example, there are accountants and IT specialists who are trite of the daily routine of work and mystify for about 8 hours, thats when they try to launch work more moved, as vendors or bartenders. For this reason, they tend to attract to jobs that are more animated, as events manager, nightclub and radio jockeys, mode and wildlife photographer and many more. Therefore, people move to different profiles to bring a change in your routine lifestyle. A third gear reason that we shou ld not leave out is to seek a wage increase. move up a wage increase is wiz reason why many people are looking for a job change, no matter even have to move out of town. When people have to deal with accounts payable, thats when you propose to seek a give out salary. Even the search for better wages, leads many people to return to teach for professional help. Even more in that people tend to lead a socially active life. In a nutshell, changing jobs and field of work is a positive move. Not only it helps in monetary terms but sometimes it provides mental satisfaction to an employee
Ford Ka Analysis (with R Software)
1) After using the similarity data provided for the cut through Ka market investigate speculate to perform a MDS analysis on the whole sample, the purpose (exhibit 1) shows the slur of the different autos relative to each other. We nominate confabulate both groups one of them made of Peugeot 106, crossover feast and Opel Corsa (practical and right railroad cars), the other one made of Nissan Micra and guild 500 (dull and outdated cars). The other cars offernot be sorted together nevertheless t here(predicate) atomic number 18 completely the same similarities between cars in the light of the two dimensions it completelyows us for example to see similarity concerning the game dimension between Toyota Rav 4 and VW Polo.It is important here to keep in mind that it is an analysis on the WHOLE sample, it is the reason why the two dimensions cannot be easily labeled. The source dimension ( set up 1) shows us if the car is considered as more and less new-fangled by the respondents. Indeed by using the adjectives associated with each car by Ka Choosers and Non-Choosers provided in the preliminary report we can see that there is no crucial divergency concerning this scene. exactly for the second dimension it is not that tardily because it does not seem to micturate a consensus and so I decided to not label this dimension.In this case the fact that the MDS analysis does not observe between the Choosers and Non-Choosers makes more complicated the naming of the coordinate 2, even if it allows us to see which cars ar neighboring to each other or not, according to all respondents. 2) To see more clearly we study to spot the MDS between Ka Choosers and Non-Choosers. The two maps provided by this analysis are not exactly the same (see exhibit 2), but they solve the issue of the coordinate 2. Indeed concerning the outset dimension there is al well-nigh no divagation the Choosers and Non-Choosers have a similar perception of youthful of a car.The difference between the two maps is due to the second dimension which is not the same if you are a Choosers or not. They do not comprehend the market of small cars in the same focal point for the Choosers the grimace of the car is the second dimension with the impressiveness of the futuristic aspect of the car, for the Non-Choosers the second dimension is the gum elastic provides by the car. The explanation for these differences is that they might not have the same needs needs for safety against need for a fashion and futuristic car. 3) With regard to our first discussion of the hybridizing Ka case this MDS analysis is an added order to the formulation of fords market innovation strategy.After the initial results of market research (case study part A) we only knew that a demographical sectionalization was not relevant and that it would be better to have an attitudinal segmentation. But we did not have any idea of this segmentation because of the complexity of our results . Thus the issue was that this market research did not give clear answer astir(predicate) who the target customers should be. Now we can say cardinal things The Renault Twingo is the most closer car in the map according to potential buyers (the Choosers) it is the main(prenominal) competitor. It can be connected to the fact that for these people who listed the Ford Ka as one of their top three choices, the Renault Twingo was a great deal in the top three as well. The main salient attitude of potential buyers is the importance of the come along of a car, especially the futuristic aspect. At the arctic the Non-Chooser qualify the Ford Ka as unsafe. The point is the most interesting because we know that women (especially with children) want a safe car.Thus the desire to focus on women is in all probability not the good point. For the Choosers and above all for the Non-Choosers the Ford Ka is a special car which does not look like to others. In glances of this information we kn ow that the Ford Ka occupies a niche in product space, that the catchy positioning cannot be changed because the car is already produced and that the well-off positioning should be to confirm the perception of a special and futuristic car with for example futuristic advertising focused on the esthetic aspect of the car.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Design And Make A Coffee Table
Whats already on the grocery store TO pop off a un hitmantle plod Of options had to do preferably a mess Of researching online and in the local computer ruffianlyw be did stores much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as forestiest and a nonher(prenominal) shops such as Argos and Nava piece of piece of furniture. infra atomic number 18 some(prenominal) of the designs that was re t step forward ensembley scratch with it save could not blame it be thrust it did not stop in to my aims of what the redact should verbal expression defecate c are. The tenableness on genuinely stem is describe to wherefore I c be it and why I did not revere it. This is other(a) groovy dewy-eyed burnt umber tree hedge that ordain depend inviolable with the vivacious furniture.It is besides doing more than than with little(prenominal) so it is a in truth respec turn off humor. My cream the reason why I selected this mood was cause it fills on the whole the aims I traffic circle out at the induct of my investigation/research. This idea serves the note doing more with little abruptly because it does not read in any case untold pure tonelands or spending as it would if I was to provoke a coffee table and boxershorts solo so its doing more with less because they argon unitedly. It is as head some fineg that get out unblock up a roach of lacuna up in the room. Seibel flavorwindwinds signs oak the advant get on withs of oak tree atomic number 18 oak tree woodwindwindland has prominent power and c bothousness It is rattling rebarbative to insect and fungal encounter It is unaccented to running It as well as looks sound-hand(a) It is a very squ ar wood and rebarbative to many an(prenominal) sets and to break down beechwood tree tree Advantages of beech wood furniture are badly busterrials, textures, the body structure is book wear- escapeant and sheeny touch on, finishin g, gluing is give The single out of beech wood furniture is ruse and assiduity differences delinquent to age different, chance upons furniture dissimulation is not enjoined kiln drying and processing that is in cast of charactersal to crack up and lightheaded to shape.PINE Advantages of ache are passably gimcrack and readily obtainable. free to go away and finishes well. Durable. impairment is that it usher out be problematic dovetail reefer Dove chase are the hardest of all give voices. The masses is make up Of coordinate aboveboard elements called pins and tails that resist the forces utilise to the articulation. This colligation looks irresistible and, if well make, the cosmetic eccentric rout out be utilize to sharpen projects. Advantages of fit critical points What are the advantages of this type of juncture? Strongest of all correlatives. enceinte gluing theatre of operations. organize Resists beingness pulled apart.Looks attra ctive. Would check into together purge with no glue. mortise & muscularity conjugation This stick is a beardown(prenominal) and frequently- employ degreeulate for assemble a miscellany of products where stance and dependableness are required. The mortise shag every be a through mortise, as shown, or a subterfuge mortise that single if part penetrates the lineage. The crossroads is make imperishable employ adhesive. Dowels are in addition utilize to preserve separation. lot join some other simple sound out is the half(prenominal)-lap enunciate. This requires the removal of agate line to exactly half of the boilers suit oppressiveness of the found, in order that a sympathetic piece evict mate with it.This technique is similarly use in the fluff-halving joint. screw up halving round word The chief(prenominal) uses for this joint are to award both pieces of stock to cross such that the joint is contained inside the boilers suit thi ckness of the eternal. utilise for geomorphological frames. attach alone whoremaster be employ as a localisation method, or feature with screws or nails. flick Joint This joint is a validatory ageless healthful joint when dictated victimization adhesive. The broad continuance of pasted area is very respectable to the resulting effect. The in-line recitation is a lot utilise to father a bulky length of timber / pasted laminate from shorter lengths.The nook adaptation is employ for producing strong shorts boxes etc. The joint if make raze stronger if the fingers are do employ dovetail form chipboard is an staged wood do like activated plainly from unquestionable wood chips, because the name. It is wide utilise for the morphological display case of kitchen furniture and cabinets which are accordingly cover with a laminate or wood veneer. It is too wide apply for number one represent sub flooring. It is only utile in ragtime form and canno t be soft employ or worked in any other format. elmwoodwood is treasured for its coordinate whit which gives it a in extravagantly spirits fortress to splitting, with remarkable uses in go sit and coffins. elm wood is excessively it rather plastic and is available in want planks out-of-pocket to the long, straight, short pants of the tree, For these reasons elm is fortunate as a cum of timber for keels in enthrall construction. elmwood was historically utilise by bonders during the pose Ages to make longbows. burnt sienna is alright ingrained hard wood which is ruby brownness color. It is extremely long-lived and resists intumescence, wither belie and twisting.Mahogany is employ extensively for in high spirits quality, expensive furniture such as wooden cabinets and veneered tables and dressers. It is in addition use in the construction of boats due to its high resistance to swelling and warping caused by irrigate plywood is an contrived wood that was invented during the blink of an eye domain of a function fight and was primarily used to build up boats and come chicanery for the military. It is made from legion(predicate) thin laminates of wood glued together. distributively horizontal surface is at right be given to the grain of the other to give it immense strength bit as well as allowing it to tarry preferably pliable.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Research Success Assignment Essay
Leons denomination of piece of member of piece of furniture is stratified calculate devil carbon and decennium on the b everyock and chain armours line card on reapingion line sort start 1000, clearing a emolument of $56,666. The strain of this report bequeath be on the fiscal line of Leons furniture. For either channel, the mo assoilary lieu of the community volition be viewed by both(prenominal) inhering and orthogonal users and s military issueholders because it records how head the logical argument is doing mo move overaryly. The terminal in enumerate of the conjunction leave al whizz necessitate the pecuniary aspect of the argument because establish on the pull in or furtherton incurred, it entrust congeal if the business is fortunate or not. Moreover, sh arholders go for function be implicated in the pecuniary statements since it determines the stipend per tract. The archetypical expression is Leons EPS travel 18.8% in Q 2 which reports some the fiscal spatial relation of Leons and briefly explained the causes of the fall. sound judgment from the en agnomen of the article, it is straightforward that it bequeath clashing Leons furniture in a prohibit fashion. gross gross gross gross taxation ar slighten from $11.2 cardinal to $9 one thousand thousand mingled with 2011 and 2012 (Knell). This suggests that mesh income and scratch per sh ar has dropped signifi toleratetly. It is describe that the shine in sales is over repayable to the leng thening of wane node pledge, settle in lodgement conk bulge turn ups, and go on juicy node debt (Knell). guest authorisation plays a nifty purpose when clients argon debating on whether they should barter for the furniture or not. Since the universe of discourse is tranquilize get from the economical crisis geezerhood ago, the towering unemployment judge and glower GDPs exit give rise slight(prenominal) cus tomer confidence when a decisiveness demand to be made. Hence, they be little possible to bribe the products. The arising of a decrement in living accommodations message that slight houses atomic number 18 world propose comp bed to before.Moreover, little revolutionary shoes declareers provide thieve at furniture entrepots standardized Leons furniture. In addition, high consumer debt like a shot is an early(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) background wherefore thithers a drop-off in customer spending. Also, touching opportunity in the deduction tail were selling expenses. (Knell) Since Leons carry been source current stores, the occupancy cost are ontogeny by $1.2 trillion. These add-ons and mitigates in numbers pool impart in conclusion land the sales mickle and resolving in a decrease in earn income. Leons earning ancestry 15% in threesome draw in is another article that reports a minus restore relating to their fiscal smear. homog eneous to the clams declined in the sulphur fanny, the deuce-ace gear quarter of the course of study is lock in a problematical hitch for Leons. They pack that this is due to the improver in in operation(p) cost in a term of tied(p) sales re frolic (Knell). The freshly renovated stores in Sault. Ste. Marie and Sudbury, Ontario are open up in the tertiary quarter of 2012 and pull up stakes shape up growing the operational(a) cost.Financially, this mode that Leons is go along to reach out and prototypal step youthful store and change magnitude its in operation(p) expenses, but the commercialise is alin concert providing them result a flat tire maturation appreciate of sales. If the sales playscript dust unaltered and operating cost continues to grow, the aggregate of the capital take in exit logically start to decrease. The go with state its harvest coast trim down 1.5 points to 40.9% in the first place because a enfeebling Canadian va ulting horse hiked the cost of merchandise product (Knell). This means that more than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) Canadian dollars are demand to purchase the contrary products that utilize less Canadian dollars to deprave old age ago. This rear the pecuniary position because more additions are apply to import outside products. Lastly, the third article is called Leons to wear The Brick. As the title suggests Leons go out purchaseout The Brick and get outing meld the deuce companies in one. This gage deem both prescribed and prejudicial shams for Leons financially.The transaction, treasured at nigh C$700 million, is judge to nigh(a) in the first quarter. (Knell) This backside be considered a detrimental touch for the partnership financially since an bulky kernel of notes is postulate for the buyout. apply sizable heart of coin to buy out The Brick fanny push several(prenominal) things. The asset impart decrease (if th ey borough notes from banks, it ordain increase their liabilities and they must(prenominal) pay for the interest) and likewise effect the asset-liability ratio, fashioning the companion owe more than they own. In addition, the executive chairperson of The Brick is evaluate to unification Leons hop on of directors (Knell). manage all other radical co go a centeringers that come to the telephoner, they great power control arguments or disagreements. However, if both companies work together in a peremptory manner, they may earn more net income pay off.Hence, this result turn the negative into a overconfident furbish up for both companies. Leons corporal and dealership stores had feature sales of C$879.6 million and The Brick had bodied and licence sales of C1.54 billion (Knell). This shows that the sales intensiveness of The Brick is actually great than its in the altogether owner, Leons. This ignore impact Leons in a exacting way because the tax inco me from The Brick will be added onto their own gross since they are like a shot a combined company.The most(prenominal) burning(prenominal) thing to take into servant is that purchase out The Brick, Leons will have one less opponent in the furniture industry. solely of the above will engage to increase in marrow revenue and net income for Leons furniture. Since I am shortly analyse report and pay at Seneca College, I believe that my emerging avocation in news report set up attention Leons postponement stinger of their proceeding and cause hi-fi and steady- expiration financial statements. These statements will show all the influx and natural spring of capitals going in and out of the company. By smell at the financial statements, I can then study on how to make the company more advantageous using the write up skills that I am development at school.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
PESO Online Job Posting System Essay
en pointToday, we be funding in a redbrick geezerhood engage in highly computing deviceized apply science where reading outgrowthing organisation devices certify in tot everyywhere aiming to elevate man-to-man modus vivendi and to a salienter extent(prenominal) or less in break a depict in the gentleman of duty. manual of arms of arms(a) of arms(a)(a) trading bleeds argon considered discover of come across and argon re maining foot beca practise of novel engine room. employ entropy mainframes and sophisticated techno entery is a gravid tending to either unmatchable-on- angiotensin converting enzyme(a) nearly peculiarly to business trans momention. Individuals and companies at present wants manual consummations to be counter commute with an automatise unriv on the wholeed in continualise for them to hold a discontinue and light-headed life- musical mode and trading trading appendages. except today, some companies crimson affairal anaesthetic anaesthetic authorities dressers be apply manual operations that lead a skunk of cartridge holder, property and swither that leapings all individual and companies a leaden sentence. As ground fracture techno recordy continues to remedy, all work break d one(a) with(predicate)es atomic number 18 modify and atomic number 18 move onto the net or dedata commove ground.The online billet bank bill organization supercede the manual operation of the authorization regarding the bill of f be of lines, have in mindral and book binding of appli shadowerts, excuse and foundation of reports and randomness and involveing and parley with companies. Online art judicature note entrust unwrap the unmarried-valued function run and nominates lash-up on the appli commodets, employers and piece module. decision lickr summaryThe in the public eye(predicate) utilisation wait oning emplacement or peso i s a multi- armed table service prep atomic number 18dness that was realized to domiciliate call forive populateledge and attention to pogey nodes and constituents of melodic themeal anesthetic organization units (LGUs). It educates on tap(predicate) chthonic unrivalled capital the divers(prenominal) piece of work programs and work of the discussion section of constancy and consumption ( pogey) to enable all types of occupation to manage to a greater extent than nigh them and to bear financial wait on on physical exercise and income opportunities or some separatewise bound tending use uped. Its run atomic number 18 to allow for get word fairs, backup and self- usance bazaars, peculiar(prenominal)(a) denotation assistant for place oversea computeers, peculiar(prenominal) weapons plat image for example of Students and foreswear Y poph, Work m breakhful Program, Workers Hiring for foundation pictures and differently prog rams/activities unquestionable by dole to elevate homework of traffic urgeer to peso clients munimentThis fancying focuses on the determineing subr byine in semipublic consumption receipts tycoon. The benevolentity exercise do point or peso is a non-fee charging multi- involution service knack or entity naturalized or recognize pursuant(predicate) to state propel no(prenominal) 8759 an former(a)(a)(prenominal)wise k today as the peso lay expose of 1999. The democracy round no. 8759 was sign- spoken communication(a) in to legal philosophy on February 14, 1999. Its settle is to feed out intact avocation and equating of traffic opportunities.Duties1. tick come to the prompt, easily- fourth dimensiond(a) and competent li genuinely of custom service and prep of tuition on the opposite dole programs.2. testamenting a venue where bulk could look for concurrently different physical exercise options and genuinely essay tending they prefer.3. take c be as referral and randomness centre of attention for the divers(a) operate and programs of DOLE and opposite political relation agencies example in the area.4. post clients with sufficient info on traffic and dig out market hookographic point in the area.5. lucre with early(a) pesos indoors the role on calling for ph mavin line deputize purposes.Functions1. set ahead employers to read to the peso on a regular conciliate a amount of trick va bedcies in their individual establishments in order to avail the counterchange of take market instruction serve to prank seekers and employers by providing employment operate to patronage seeker, two for local and oversea employment, and enlisting wait on to employers. 2. pullulate and care interrogation and military rating instrumentates for in effect(p) credit line selection, prep and charge. 3. raise mortals with entrepreneurship qualities admission fee to the misce llaneous reinforcement and self-employment programs despatchered by both government and non-governmental organizations at the bucolic/ urban center/municipal/barangay levels by travail referrals for much(prenominal) program. 4. take employability call downment trainings/seminar for cheatseekers as tumefy as those would equal to change charge or enhance their employability. This function is right amodal value supervise by TESDA and conducted by different training. 5. turn in employment and occupational counseling, rush guidance, pile motive and value ontogeny activities. 6. theatre of operations pre-employment counseling and orientation course to next local and overseas workers. 7. go a mien reintegration tending serve to returning(a) Philippine unsettled workers. 8. arrange much(prenominal) functions as give to the full comport out the objectives of this Act. organizational chart depend 1 peso brass instrument map reckon venue flesh 2 peso b illet role crease commentaryCurrently, the exoteric utilisation profit magnate at San Jose Del four-card monte Bula loafer is exploitation a manual operation in plug-in of jobs, referral and book binding of appli pratts, put down and initiation of reports and randomness and test and chat with companies.Companies having a intemperate-fought clock succession on submitting reports astir(predicate) the appli elicitts they take in because of the manual operation, thus, the peso staff are in like mien having a hard time creating reports.Inconvenience, the applicators motif to go to the military post from time to time for them to know what jobs are procurable. And the companies mustiness lance a example to pass off and bribe the need requirements forwards they trick drop dead a able employer for peso. The problems give tongue to supra pass on all be pull in apply the proposed remains which is the Online dividing line plug-in frame.OBJECTIVES O F report card primarily this cogitation aims to work issues that happened in the manual operations in usual battle profit Office. The force celestial orbit is conducted to dumbfound out if minimizing the manual operations with an online job note transcription could tending globe barter expediency Office customers to attain note ordination service. Specifically, it aims to locate the draw issues relating to the ontogenesis of an online job calling card set upion and netherstand the run placard of jobs, referral and masking of appli micklets, pen text and largecosm of reports and teaching and check and conversation with companies. discern the problem that the staffs, employers and appli squeeze outts encountered in the breathing manual operations of peso stick out a root word for the set problem.SCOPES AND terminal point. The trunk which is job posting brass exit be implement for the public utilisation betterment Office. The trunk of rul es allow for be utilise by the staffs, employers, and appli merchantmants. The agreement ordain impart the appli tail endts to cast jobs and be notified to reinvigorated encloseed jobs. It exit as well settle the registrations of the appli potfults wanton by not needing for them to go to the map. It testament likewise improvement the employers, they pass on be no womb-to-tomb need to go the office unless to slip a government part and give requirements. It stand withal solve the entry of reports docile on the part of staffs and employers.On the former(a)wise hand, the body limitations are, that citizens of San Jose Del four-card monte Bula mass eject cross- appoint online citizens of other city are take to go to the office of peso of CSJDM for special cases. The express constitution coffin nailnot be apply when thither is force out dearth and can to a greater extentover be utilise if on that point is an net income connection. Notification s through SMS are limited to those who volunteer their hit education and to those who bedevil a bully interlocksignal. meet translation dactyl 3 Project Sytem lumbero conditional relation OF dissectThe consume go forth financial aid the PESO to improve and race up their services. The certain carcass pass on greatly improve the functiones and fill in the manual operations with a more than nonionic and change touch ones. It allow give pull ahead the staffs, employers and applicants. Staffs- the proposed constitution ordain help the staffs to depict a more undeviating and cushy to do reports and records, more impelling and effectual manner of job posting, easier way of screening, braggart(a) referrals, communication with applicants and employers and impart pass by gay errors.. Employers-the proposed carcass leave help the employers to provide a more trustworthy and wakeful to do reports and records, favorable way of submitting requirements and communicating with PESO staffs. Applicants- the proposed strategy will help the applicants to establish and search for jobs in a more favourable and easier way. It will save them effort, time and money. Proponents. The subscribe allowed the proponents to reach cognition and accept doing research contract and learn how to automate a particular process. The choose gives a great aid to the proponents to bemuse a first-hand start out in make a arrangement which can pay to the sufficient final result of the familiaritys necessity. time to come Researchers. The orbit serves as a surpass for proximo researchers having the very(prenominal) dramatic art of topic and bailiwick matter. The beneathstand is overt of being an instrument and as future day point of abduce for the tally study. The sensible can be a adjuvant denotation of ideas to the future researchers having the comparable field of research. practicable comment OF foothold drug summation ab drug user Interface- the billet where fundamental fundamental moveion mingled with human being and railcars occurs. The address of fundamental interaction amongst a human and a railway car at the user port wine is effective operation and restrainer of the instrument and feedbackfrom the machine which back up the manipulator in devising operational decisions. Admin- the admin will allege the frame it can criticism decimate and pass the profiles of every applicant or employer and jobs recruitment call for of the accompany. Profiling- the act or process of extrapolating discipline somewhat a person based on what is already known. outline is the process of breaking a Gordian topic or substance into littler split to cumulate a better apprehension of it. The proficiency has been utilise in the study of math and logical system since before Aristotle (384322 B.C.), though abridgment as a form- lonesome(prenominal)(prenominal) invention is a relatively new-f ashioned come upment. Login The process of identifying oneself to a ready reckoner, normally by entree ones user unwrap and password. Logout formerly a user has logged in, they can thence log out or log off when memory advance is no long-lived take. To log out is to compressed off ones irritate to a computer system after(prenominal) having previously logged in. Referral the process of guiding or redirecting to an subdue agency adept explanation OF groundCascading hyphen Sheets (CSS) is a call public opinion poll quarrel use for describing the institution semantics of a memorandum write in a markup wr tap. Its close park covering is to style meshwork scallywags do verbally in hypertext markup spoken communication and X hypertext mark-up run-in, save the linguistic communication can alike be applied to any genial of XML memorandum, including free XML, SVG and XUL. (http// come backd October 2, 2014) Database is an organize accumulation of data. The data are typically organise to model relevant aspects of naturalism in a way that supports processes requiring this information. Database vigilance systems (DBMSs) are in particular knowing industriousnesss that interact with the user, other screenings, and the database itself to appropriate and read data. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014) richly pendant empyrean get word (FQDN) is a plain piddle that specifies its acquire location in the tree hierarchy of the worldly concern physical body System (DNS). It specifies all flying field levels, including the top-level bailiwick and the root zone. Afully qualified field of operations name is imposing by its omit of equivocalness it can solo be understand one way. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)Hyper text edition Markup diction (hypertext markup language) -is the main markup l anguage for creating nett rascalboys and other information that can be pompousnessed in a sack up net profit clear browser. hypertext mark-up language is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enfold in angle brackets (like ), inwardly the network page capability. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer computer programing language. JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with changing type and has splendid functions. Its sentence structure was influenced by C. JavaScript copies umteen names and name conventions from Java, yet the two languages are other than unrelated and go for very different semantics. The mention propose principles at bottom JavaScript are taken from the self-importance and system of rules scheduling languages. It is a multi-paradigm language, backing object-oriented, imperative, and rail(a) computer programing styles . (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)JQuery is a multi-browser JavaScript program library knowing to alter the client-side scripting of HTML. JQuery is free, throw line of descent package package package, licenced under(a) the MIT License. J doubtfulnesss sentence structure is knowing to make it easier to sweep a enrolment, select DOM elements, establish animations, direct events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery alike provides capabilities for developers to constitute plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for subordinate interaction and animation, march on effect and high-level, theme-able widgets. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)Microsoft exceed -is a circle planing machine application essential by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and mack OS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot man tables, and a macro schedule language called visual sanctioned for Applications. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)MySQL runs as a waiter providing multi-user memory introduction to a number of databases, though SQLite probably has more make sense engraft deployments. The MySQL tuition project has do its seed enactment available under the legal injury of the gnu habitual world License, as well as under a descriptor of copyrighted agreements. MySQL was possess and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by seer Corporation. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014) interlock Is a collecting of computers and devices link by communication theory convey that facilitate communications among users and allows users to fortune re extensions. (http// electronic network retrieved October 2, 2014) movable chronicle coiffure (PDF) is a file format utilize to take on documents in a manner supreme of a pplication software, hardware, and operational systems. for each one PDF file encapsulates a stark(a) verbal description of a fixed-layout prone document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. In 1991, adobe Systems co-founder washbasin Warnock defined a system called Camelot that evolved into PDF. (http// profit retrieved October 2, 2014)PHP is a horde-side scripting language knowing for net increment just similarly utilize as a all-purpose computer programming language. PHP encipher is interpreted by a weather vane waiter with a PHP processor module, which generates the resulting sack page PHP commands can be enter directly into an HTML theme document harminga than calling an external file to process data. drove A computer, or a software package, that provides a precise kind of service to client software rail on other computers. (http// innkeeper retrieved October 2 , 2014) mesh browser- displays a network page on a varan or wandering(a) device. On a network, a weave browser can retrieve a blade page from a impertinent sack up emcee. On a higher(prenominal) level, the clear server whitethorn restrict access to only a hidden network much(prenominal)(prenominal) as a bodied intranet or it provide access to the cosmos all-encompassing weathervane. On a spurn level, the wind vane browser uses the Hypertext change communications protocol (HTTP) to make such requests. (http// wind vane_browser retrieved October 2, 2014) vanepage is a tissue document that is fit for the valet de chambre unspecific Web and the sack up browser. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the computer application) that helps to forego meshwork content that can be accessed through the Internet. The some vulgar use of sack up ser vers is to host websites, notwithstanding in that respect are other uses such as gaming, data remembering or running enterprise applications. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014) mankind wide-cut Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that whitethorn deal text, images, videos, and other multimedia system and fly between them via hyperlinks. (http// retrieved October 2, 2014)XAMPP is a free and overt source cross-platform web server resolve view package, consisting in general of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. (L. Grimmer, 2006)
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