Saturday, August 31, 2019
Marketing Communications
Introduction Some of the aspects that characterize the present-day business environment include its increasing dynamism, volatility and uncertainty. This poses challenges for businesses that are rigid and not well prepared to change with the transformations in the market (Williamson et al., 2013). On the other hand, it creates opportunities for companies that have the capability of implementing necessary changes that will make them remain relevant to their target markets. Some of the main areas that have been changing in organizations in recent years include management and communication styles, organizational structures, approaches to marketing and the utilization of technology in different departments within organizations (Shimp & Andrews, 2013; Diefenbach & Todnem, 2012). This paper intends to address several issues that relate to the changes and developments taking place in the business environment. It presents an analysis or opportunities and threats that companies like Yahoo and Google face in relation to the rapid technological advancements. It also addresses the appropriate communication approaches that companies should use to facilitate internal and external communication and the communication mix that is used at Apple to market itself to its target clients. In relation to this, the report presents an analysis of a communication campaign used by Nike, a leading sports’ equipment and apparel manufactures in the UK, to establish how effective it is in attaining its marketing objectives. Opportunities and Threats for Google and Yahoo in regard to rapid technological changes Google and Yahoo are some of the well renowned internet-based companies that offer search engine and e-mail services to a wide range of users. Both companies also deal in software development. Based on the services and products offered by these companies, they are directly affected by technological advancements, especially in the ICT sector (Segev & Ahituv, 2010). The opportunities and threat s that these advancements expose the companies to are discussed in this section. Opportunities There are several opportunities presented to these companies as a result of technological advancement. One of these is that it provides a wide range of avenues through which the companies can communicate with their clients and vice versa (Hundal & Grover, 2012). It also provides increased avenues through which the companies can market their products. Technological advancements in the ICT sector across the globe have also led to an increase in internet accessibility. For Yahoo and Google, an increase in internet accessibility provides an opportunity for them to earn more revenue through advertisements (Shih et al., 2013). This is because they are among the most visited websites internationally. Google is ranked as the most visited website, while Yahoo is ranked the fourth (Alexa, 2014). Being business oriented, technological advancement will also make it possible for them to market their products and services to a wider market base through strategic marketing communication strategies. It also provides an opportunity for them to launch e-commerce strategies, which are cost-effective for the company and convenient for clients. Among the advancements that have taken place is the development and increased use of smartphones (Persaud & Azhar, 2012). Given that both companies deal in software development, it provides an opportunity for them to create revenue from developing applications that can be used on these devices. Google has effectively taken advantage of this advancement and has developed the Android operating system (Gandhewar & Sheikh, 2011). The fact that its operating system is compatible with many mobile devices like manufactured by different companies like Samsung and LG increases its usability. With the growing number of global populations using smartphones, the company has a lot to benefit as Android is among the top smartphone operating systems (Butler, 2011). Threats With the increase in the technological advancements in the market, these companies are also exposed to a range of threats (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011). One of these is the increase in competition from other companies that provide the same products and services. With internet companies like Twitter and Facebook having a growing number of users, they provide a threat for Yahoo and Google in terms advertising revenues (Lagrosen & Josefsson, 2011). There is also a possibility of other internet based companies coming up to provide stiffer competition. In the software business, Google’s Android operating system faces a threat from Apple’s iOS, if it decides to adjust it and make it compatible to other devices (Butler, 2011). Other technology companies may also come up with more innovative products and better marketing approaches than Google and Yahoo, which might reduce their current market shares. Another threat that is associated with technological advancements is posed to the human resources of these companies. Employees face the risk of losing jobs because a wide range of jobs that were initially handled by people can now be done even better by machines (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011). Even though this might come as a relief for these companies as they cut salary costs, the fact that these advancements may increase unemployment undermines the social responsibility efforts that these companies may have. The increase in technological advancements also increases the levels of cyber crime. Even though the systems of Yahoo and Google may be secure from this risk, given that they have measures in place to address this issue, clients who have opened email accounts with them may not be as secure. Hackers may gain access to their emails, obtain their personal information and use it against them. Even though such cases might occur as a result of low email security measures by the user, some of them tend to blame the email hosting companies like Yahoo or Google as being the reasons for their predicaments. As a result, this ruins the reputation of these companies. Communication at GoogleInternal and external communicationCommunication is among the aspects of a business that are paramount to its success. Internal communication refers to the passing of messages or information within the organization. This could be within the same department or interdepartmental communication (Wright, 2012). External communication refers to the communication that goes on between the organization and external stakeholders, who mainly comprise of customers. When carrying out internal communication, there are several factors that have to be considered. For instance, the messages ought to be confidential to avoid access from external parties. In this case, Google has a company intranet, which consists of an internal message board and email system (Goodman, 2006). This can only be accessed by company employees who have been allocated usernames and passwords. These channels of communications have been highly secured, making it impossible for an external party to access the information or messages passed. Internal communication in organizations also has to be effective and quick. For Google, this is facilitated by the fact that it has a horizontal communication structure. According to Butler (2010), horizontal or lateral communication is the free flow of information or messages across different functional groups in the organization. Employees and managers across all departments and employee levels at Google interact freely without any hierarchical boundaries (The Financial Express, 2005). This approach to communication enhances cooperation among employees and also quickens the process of resolving conflict. On the contrary, it reduces the authority of departmental heads in the organization. External communication is meant to promote products or services offered by the company, or to advertise its clients’ products to a wide range of customers (Wright, 2012). It can also be meant to engage with customers with the aim of making them feel like they are part of the organization. Depending on the aim that is to be met by external communication, there are several measures that can be used. One of the most effective tools that the company uses to accomplish this is through its website. Based on the fact that its website is the most visited in the world, there is a high level of surety that it will communicate to a wide audience (Segev & Ahituv, 2010). Even with the high number of visits on the company’s website, many customers who may be targeted by the messages might not be among the website visitors. Thus, another alternative option that the company uses is through sending e-mail messages directed to certain clients that could be interested in the goods or services of the company. In 2012, the company spent over $231 million in marketing its products, which include the Google+ social media platform, Gmail and the Google Chrome web browser (Efrati, 2012).Market communication theories relevant to the communication str ategyThere are several marketing communication theories that can be considered as being relevant to the communication strategies utilized at Google. One of these is the heightened appreciation model (Dahlen et al., 2010). It is based on the fact that companies need to carry out consumer market research to establish the key attribute that attracts consumers to a brand. Market communication strategies are then designed to link the identified attributes of the product or service to the brand (Fill & Hughes, 2013). For instance, in the advertisement of its Google+ service, the company is aware of the need for people to interact and share instant messages and videos on social media. Google then links this need in the market to Google+, encouraging more clients to subscribe. Another model that can be used to represent the market communication strategies at Google is the advertising exposure model. This model suggests that advertisement objectives can only be met if it created five effects to the target consumer (Fill & Hughes, 2013). These effects are; creation of awareness, conveying messages about the positive attributes of the products, generation of feelings among the target audiences towards the brand, creating a brand personality and triggering purchase intentions (Dahlen et al., 2010). This model also relates to the advertisement efforts that have been implemented by Google as it markets a wider range of its products. The AIDA model can also be used in explaining marketing communication. It is regarded as one of the oldest and most popular market communication models. This model states that there is a hierarchy of events that have to occur for a marketing communication strategy to be termed as having been successful. In chronological order, these are attention, interest, desire, and action. After the attention of the target clients have been drawn, marketers are required to raise their interest in the products or services being advertised through highlighting their advantages. After this has been done a sense of desire is created in the clients by providing them with the assurance that the products or services will satisfy their needs. This will trigger action from the buyer, which is demonstrated by making the purchase. At Google, this model has been widely used, especially when it spent approximately 231 million to market its products in 2012 (Efrati, 2012). However, this model has received criticism for being out-dated and irrelevant for the present market environment.The Communication Mix of AppleThe communication mix is referred to as the specific approaches that are used by companies to promote their services or products to their target customers. There are five elements that make up a communication mix. These are discounts and promotions, public relations, direct marketing communication, advertising and personal selling (Wright, 2012). At Apple, the marketing mix element that is mainly used is direct marketing communication. This approach involves interactive communication with the aim of seeking a certain response from the target audiences. With reference to the recent development at Apple when it was preparing to acquire PrimeSense, an Israeli 3D chip developer, it was vital for the company to inform its external and internal stakeholders or the impending acquisition (Velazco, 2013). Some of the approaches that the company could use to pass this information include direct email communication, social media interaction with its clients and through its website. The company has maintained a large customer data base that contains the contacts of its customers and other Apple stakeholders (Wright, 2012). This also makes it easy for the company to pass such vital information directly to its customers and other external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders, who mainly comprise of employees, can be formally informed through circulation of a memo or posting the message on internal communication platforms.Importance of Cross-functional communicationCross-functional communication is applicable within the organization. It is referred to as the communication among people from different departments or functional groups in the organization (Shimp & Andrews, 2013). The importance of cross-functional communication that is beneficial to Apple Inc is the fact that it enhances cooperation within the organization as different teams work towards attaining the same organizational goal. Encouraging cross functional communication also promotes awareness of whatever is taking place across the entire organization, which eliminates cases of ignorance of misinformation. Some of the challenges that are associated with ineffective cross-functional communication in organizations include the failure for members of certain departments in the organization to appreciate or recognise the contributions made by other departments (Diefenbach & Todnem, 2012). This may result to destructive rivalry that may affect the attainm ent of organizational goals adversely. In a scenario where Apple might plan to acquire another company, cross-functional communication enables all the departments to be equally ready for any changes or additional responsibilities that may arise after the acquisition (Diefenbach & Todnem, 2012).Analysis of an integrated Marketing communications campaignMarketing communication campaigns are defined as strategies that are implemented by organizations with the aim of increasing market awareness about their products or services. This is usually with the aim of increasing the purchasing intentions of the target audience. According to (Bergemann & Bonatti, 2011), ideal integrated marketing communication strategies effectively coordinate all product promotional messages to ensure that they are all consistent. This section presents a market communication campaign that was launched by Nike, a company that deals in the manufacture and distribution of sports equipment (Nike, 2014). The marketin g communication campaign was implemented with the aim of increasing the company’s market share in the UK to extend its lead. This is as a result of the stiff competition from Adidas (Thomasson, 2014). The campaign intended to make use of all the available avenues to increase awareness of the UK market about the brand. It also intended to market the new products that it had launched and seen as appropriate for the target market. These mainly included sports shoes. This marketing communications campaign targeted a wide range of customers, who ranged from 18 to 50 years of age (Nike, 2014).Factors that make the campaign successfulThere are several aspects of the campaign that make this campaign successful in attaining its originally set goals. One of these is the wide range of media outlets were used to pass the message to the audience, basing on the fact that media consumption varies among individuals within different age groups (Bergemann & Bonatti, 2011). Another factor that made the communication campaign successful was the fact that it highlighted the favourable attributes of the company’s products, which included the affordable prices and the comfort of the shoes. Referring to the heightened appreciation model, this is an effective trigger of purchase intentions among the target audiences (Fill & Hughes, 2013). Given that this marketing communication campaign was strategically designed, the only aspect that could undermine its capability to attain the intended goals is the launch of a similar or better campaign by its key competitors.Media UsedDifferent forms of media were used in this campaign to increase the size of the audience that could be reached. These were classified as print, broadcast and interactive media. Print media comprised of newspapers and magazines. These targeted different clients. For instance, ads that were placed in fashion magazines targeted the fashion enthusiasts who could need Nike’s products to work out. Broad cast media basically comprise of radio and TV (Lamb et al., 2008). Different market segments were targeted by advertising on a wide range of TV and radio channels, and at different times. Given that communication campaigns in print and broadcast media are one way, they were designed to contain as much information as possible to answer any questions that clients could have regarding the product (Bergemann & Bonatti, 2011). Interactive media comprised of all the media outlets that could allow the company and its clients to engage real-time with each other (Correa et al., 2010). These comprised of social networking, mobile and via the company’s blog. As opposed to print and broadcast media platforms, interactive media provided capabilities for the company and target customers to engage constructively (Kim & Ko, 2012). Some of the major social media platforms that are ideal for such form of communication between companies and customers include Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Despi te the advantage of real-time engagement that social media presents for companies, information on a flaw of negative attribute on the product spreads very fast (Correa et al., 2010). Conclusion This paper has covered a wide range of issues that relate to the present-day business environment. In regard to the technological advancements that are taking place in the present-day business environment, Google and Yahoo have been used as cases to discuss the opportunities and threats that these advancements present to the company. The paper has also presented an overview of internal and external communication in Google, which has incorporates that factors that are considered and the channels that are used in the communication. Different marketing communication theories have also been presented. These include the heightened appreciation model and the advertising exposure model. In the paper, different organizations have been used in the explanation of various concepts presented. Based on the arguments that have been presented in the paper, companies have to ensure that they effectively communicate with their customers and also encourage cross-functional communication so as to succe ed in the current hypercompetitive business environment. Failure to implement an appropriate communication mix will not only have adverse effects on the marketing efforts of the company, but will also hamper internal operations. For future research, the marketing communication theories and models should be analyzed more broadly so as to establish their relevance to different businesses. References Adler, G., 2013. Management Communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Alexa, 2014. Web company Information: Top Sites. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 April 2014]. Bergemann, D. & Bonatti, A., 2011. Targeting in advertising markets: implications for offline versus online media. The RAND Journal of Economics, 42(3), pp.417-43. Butler, C.J., 2010. 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Friday, August 30, 2019
Biotic and Abiotic Structure and Function of an Ecosystem
In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem. Choose one of the following ecosystems:Tropical rainforest.Grassland.Coral Reef.Estuary.Desert.You will write a two to three page APA-style research paper about your choice of ecosystem including: Where might this type of ecosystem be located? Give one specific example. Describe the structure of the ecosystem: List both the abiotic components and biotic components Describe the function of the ecosystem: How do the abiotic and biotic components interact in biogeochemical cycles? Describe both the carbon and nitrogen cycles Describe disturbance and recovery: Describe one natural and one human caused disturbance to the ecosystem. Explain the damage to the ecosystem, including how the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ecosystem changed. Explain how ecosystems recover naturally based on resilience mechanisms and the theory of secondary succession. The following grading rubric wi ll be used for this assignment.Grading RubricAPA Style 5% Where might this type of ecosystem be located? Give one specific example 20% Describe the structure: 40%Abiotic components: 10% Biotic Components 10% Describe the function:Describe the Carbon cycle: 15% Describe the Nitrogen cycle:15%Disturbance and Recovery:Example of natural disturbance event and changes to the ecosystem.Discussion of recovery process: 15% Example of anthropogenic caused disturbance event and changes to the ecosystem.Discussion of recovery process. 15% Explain how ecosystems recover naturally based on resilience mechanisms and the theory of secondary succession. Â
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Illegal Street Racing
Illegal Street Racing Hi today I will be talking to you about illegal street racing. The purpose of this speech is to persuade you not to illegally street racing. The specific purpose is to persuade you not to illegally street race because of the dangers. I will be talking to you about the things that can happen while street racing, some facts about illegally street racing, things that have happened to some people, And lastly some things you can do to prevent street racing. Well I know some of you are wondering what is wrong with illegal street racing. For starters illegally street racing is against the law. And I know some of you are like so is popping fireworks in sirten states but fireworks doesn’t kill 37,000 people yearly in the United States of America. Street racers either drive their car with excessive speed on public roads causes deadly accidents or get crushed at illegal racing events. Car accidents are the leading cause of death of youth aged 16 to 20. The total of street racing fatalities was 72 in 2001. Street racing drivers can be arrested for months losing their license to drive to drive permanently and their cars will be impounded. Police pursuit accidents have an average of 300 to 400 deaths per year. More people die from street racing than in gangs. More people die from street racing than wrong way driving. In 2001, the National Highway Safety Administration reported that the police listed street racing racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes. According to the California office of traffic safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street racing were issued in 2001. In San Diego, where the street racing problem has been termed â€Å"epidemic†, 16 death and 31 injuries were directly related to illegal racing in 2001. In Florida in 2011, 216 citations were issued for racing on the highway. When the sun goes down, drivers say illegal racing takes off on Tulsa streets. Tulsa police say a Friday night accident that injured four people was the result of street racing. A car racing southbound on Yale Avenue hit another driver turning onto the Creek Turnpike. Driver, David Morreau says he races for the thrill, â€Å" You get a pretty good adrenaline rush. It feels good,†but says he doesn’t race on Tulsa streets. Morreau thinks racing should stay on the track. Don Falleti lives near Memorial Drive. Police say it's another hot spot for street racing. â€Å"Friday nights and Saturday nights if you want a thrill just come on over at 9:30 or 10 o’clock at night,†Falleti said. Both drivers say they see no end in sight. â€Å" If you are going to do it, you can’t stop people from doing it. People are always going to do it, â€Å" Morreau said. Police warn if you are cought street racing you could end up with a reckless driving ticket that would cost $365. 00plus court costs and a higher insurance rate. . Street racing is a global problem that affects us all regardless of participation. More of our young people illegally street race than older. Street racing can be prevented by just going to were you need to go. People can stop street racing by playing video games. If you want to street race I advise you race a drag track. So I have hope you want illegally street race. So I have told you about the thing that can happen while street racing, some facts, things that have happened to people, and lastly thing you can do instead of illegally street racing. Thank you and have a great day
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Course Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Course Project - Essay Example tatement The employee performance need to be evaluated as the productivity of the employee is seen as a problem due conflicts, layoffs and violation of standards. First, there will be a strategic planning where the human resource department needs to make planning as to what they want to achieve and in what manner. There will be surveys with employees and management .With this human resource managers can acquire information about the working pattern and attitude of employees .Also the managers can give information regarding the employee performance strengths and weaknesses. Then analysis would be done and a performance appraisal and evaluation strategy would be formulated. In performance appraisal the training and development needs of the employees will be analysed and suitable training program will be implemented to increase productivity. As per ( Scullen 2) â€Å"Developmental feedback on strengths and weaknesses would likely be more effective if it came on an ongoing basis, rather than in an annual or semi-annual performance appraisal†.Then the mission, goals and values will be instructed to the employee in training sessions. Later, the performance of the employees will be studied to see the effectiveness of the training and development program. As per (People Stream) â€Å"Performance Management is used to ensure that employees activities and outcomes are congruent with the organisations objectives and entails specifying those activities and outcomes that will result in the firm successfully implementing the strategy†. Thus the employee performance appraisal project will bring the company back to it
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Management accounting system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management accounting system - Essay Example A cost management system for Skytop would provide information to make life easier for all involved.Cost accounting system will assign costs (costing) to specific products (meals, room per night, gaming machine round, etc.) and services (cleaning, room service, meal preparation, etc.) and other cost objects as identified by management. This in-turn will satisfy the financial reporting requirements then management decision-making essentials. For example the General Manager gets to know the actual cost of a room to make the pricing decision; the HR Manager is informed of the actual cost of each staff (salary, benefits, etc.) for HR related decisions; the Marketing Manager would be able to find out actual profit (revenue from the campaign minus the actual cost of the campaign) generated by a specific marketing campaign; the respected owners will be informed of the actual cost of keeping a hotel and would be able to make related decisions. Operational control system on the other hand will provide accurate and timely feedback concerning performance; the activities that should be performed and evaluation of those activities (controlling). Furthermore it concentrates on finding scope for improvement and aids in the planning process. In other words helps planning realistic budgets (uses information from cost accounting system as well) and accordingly enables performance control. For instant all managers will be able to compare budgeted costs to actual costs, understand the difference and thereby use the information to find means of improvement e.g. cost cutting, hire new staff, changing the menu policy, etc. The owners too can conduct performance evaluations of the management, measure actual return on investment and assess hotel’s growth in financial and non-financial terms. b) Type of information required For efficient function of the system the management will be required to gather variety of information both fina ncial and non-financial. The sources of this information could be from both internal (within the company) and external sources (external environment for comparison purposes). The internal information from within the company which are financial such as cash flows, labor charges, material costs etc Also non-financial information such as time records (labor hours, meal preparation time), stock levels, quality measures, customer feedback ratings, etc. The external information from the environment would typically include global competition, growth of the hotel industry, advances in information technology, advances in the food preparation, customer orientations, new product development, total quality management, time as a competitive element, and efficiency. Depending on the budgetary control system and the reporting system that is used these information would be required regularly on daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. c) Key cost drivers A cost driver is an activity or factor that originates costs. Activity based costing which is considered to be the most realistic and accurate method of costing requires identification of cost drivers. Thus, ‘Number of rooms’ night’ and ‘number of stays’ is two of the key cost drivers that are widely used in the hotel industry (Pavlatos & Paggios,
Marcel Breuers Tubular Metal Chair Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marcel Breuers Tubular Metal Chair - Essay Example The discussion regarding the legacy of Bauhaus chairs reveal a number of aspects of the design and its connection with the modern designs. Many artists and others concur that the design of the classic Bauhaus chairs depicts the contemporary modern lifestyles. On the other hand, tubular metal chair predominantly paved way for a more advanced invention and innovativeness in the field of furniture design. This design in the artistic field paved way for a more chronologically advanced design industry whereby each and every individual artist is guided by their own liberally generated ideas. The functionalism of the modern furniture designs were particularly influenced by the post World II ideals of commoditization, cutting down excess and design practically. The remarkable shift from the decorative principles to minimalism as seen in the design of the Bauhaus chairs was generally attributed to the introduction of new technology as well as the changing philosophy of architecture. For examp le, the tubular metal chair was the revolutionary design in the furniture project under which bent tubular steel and canvas as well as manufacturing methods was powerfully used. The handlebar of Marcel’s Adler Bicycle inspired him a great deal in the adoption of the use of steel tubing to construct this chair. Through this design, it was proven that steel tubing was actually an appropriate material proposal by Marcel as it was available in larger quantity. The periphery of the tubular metal chair exhibition room was divided.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Police role descriptions in the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Police role descriptions in the media - Essay Example Being a bank of almost all the police stories in the United States, this website serves as an accessible source for the most recent happenings which concerns police and their activities. Four stories will be chosen depicting these four police roles. An analysis will be offered whether this depicted role is real or not. During December 21, 2007, the Salt Lake Country Sheriff's Office boasted of seizing more than 400 pounds of exotic, African-based drug called "khat" which is reported to be sweeping the whole United States. The drug is typically chewed and similar with other illegal drugs, produces a feeling of euphoria inducing hypnosis, hyperactivity, hallucinations, violence, suicidal depression and physical exhaustion. Even though not as intense as cocaine, "khat" has the ability of reducing a person's motivation with continued use (Winslow and Reavy 2007). Even though the price of khat is expected to discourage consumption among the low and middle income classes, the police expect that it will be a phenomenal drug for young adults because of it can be chewed instead of being injected or smoked (Winslow and Reavy 2007). The effort of seizing the drugs is a way to combat the problems which is associated with drug addiction once a distribution network is set-up. It should be noted that khat is gaining popularity indicated by the presence of 25 tons of smuggled khat in the United States in 2006 (Winslow and Reavy 2007). In this story, the highlighted police role is crime fighter whereby the police act in order to fight the crime of drug smuggling, illegal drug trafficking, and the likelihood of drug abuse which can disrupt peace and order in the community. In this particular story, I believe that the media has no intention of romanticizing the story by clearly labeling police as a crime fighter. Since the story only talks about the seizure of khat and the likely effects of khat abuse, the role of the police as a crime fighter stated in here is real. I believe that police are really committed in combating drug smuggling, drug trafficking, and drug abuse because it being unable to stop them can post larger problems for them in the future. Social Servant The Associated Press releases a very heart-warming Christmas story of a policeman in Philadelphia. This story relates how transit officer Steven Rocher helps a woman deliver her baby while he is on his way to deliver presents to his mother's home. Hearing a woman scream for help while lying in this sidewalk, this transit officer immediately halted and responded to the woman's plea. Even though inexperienced in the task, he managed to deliver the baby and communicated his gladness that the baby is safe. After the delivery, Rocher also flagged down a colleague in order to bring the mother and the newborn baby to the nearest hospital (PA helps deliver 2007). This story recounts how an officer can be a social servant by going beyond his
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Life of William the Conqueror Research Paper
The Life of William the Conqueror - Research Paper Example Ever since he was crowned as the King of England on the Christmas day in 1066, William displayed a tremendous amount of valor, energy, determination, and ruthlessness in achieving his goals. Even though William was quite cruel and ruthless towards his enemies and people who disobeyed his laws, England owes much to his administrative and legislative reforms. It was William the Conqueror who â€Å"instituted his strategy for medieval warfare of building castles and went on to build many castles in England including his most famous, the Tower of London†(Biography of William the Conqueror). Similarly, the Doomsday Book is very often regarded as another remarkable legacy of William the Conqueror as the book offers a clear-cut insight into the medieval life, customs, and manners. The life of William the Conqueror is worth analyzing when one deals with the early history of England. William was reported to have born as the illegitimate son of Duke Robert 1 of Normandy in either late 1027 or early 1028. In 1034, Duke Robert decided to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and he entrusted William into the care of his uncle Robert, archbishop of Rouen and his nobles and nominated him as the next Duke of Normandy (William 17). Subsequently, William became the Duke of Normandy in 1035 after his father’s death when he was only seven years old. It was in the year 1051 that Edward the Confessor pledged William that he would be made his successor to the throne of England and in the next year William married Matilda of Flanders. In 1065, William was successful in gaining Harold Godwinson’s pledge of allegiance whereby Harold would assist him to assume the throne of England. However, things turned upside down after Edward the Confessor’s death when Harold tried to gain the throne of England in 1066. This paved the way for the historical battle at Hastings. In 1066 William the conqueror obtained â€Å"support from the Pope for his invasion of England and t he right to the English throne,†defeated Harold’s men at the battle of Hastings, suppressed all other rebellions within the nation, and on 25th December he was crowned as the King of England (Biography of William the Conqueror). From 1067 onwards William the Conqueror started constructing castles in various parts of the nation which included the well-known Exeter Castle and the Tower of London. Even though he and the Normans faced strong rebellion at Exeter from Harold's mother Gytha in February 1067, Hereward the Wake and Harold's brother, the Earl Morcar at Peterborough in 1070, William could easily defeat the rebels. On May 11, 1068, William crowned his wife Matilda as the Queen of England. The Doomsday Book was published in 1086 and on September 9, 1087, the great conqueror met with death. One can never undermine the administrative as well as legislative reforms introduced by William the Conqueror in England. In fact, the arrival of the Normans and the reign of Wil liam brought about radical changes to the course of English history as well. However, William never tried to replace the existing Anglo-Saxon laws with the Norman practices. On the other hand, he effectively blended the Norman laws with the Anglo-Saxon law and native customs.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Military Intervention in Turkish Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Military Intervention in Turkish Politics - Essay Example Intellectuals and politicians also voiced out sentiments against the monopolization of political power by a single party. In response to these issues, the president permitted greater freedom for the expression of political opposition. Some members of the RPP took advantage of this and formed the new organization, the Democratic Party. For next four years, the Democrats frequently challenged government policy and were able to attract support by proficiently utilizing the growing popular hostility with the interference of the state in peoples' lives. The state eventually underwent a peaceful transition to a multiparty. The government had undertook agricultural reforms and to improve the standard of living of the peasants. They brought in huge quantities of expensive agricultural machinery, built dams and irrigation canals and constructed a national network of highways that in general helped communication as well as unlock previously remote regions to commercial agriculture. By mid-1950s the economy began to decline and agriculture was devastated by series of droughts. In addition, they faced a problem of spending without planning and importing consumer products and expensive machinery without funds to pay for them. It created annual budget deficits that in turn amounting national debt. The Democrats faced public cr iticism. Eventually, they censor the press, imprison journalists, and shut down offending newspapers which caused violent protest. The government called upon the army to disrupt Republican Party campaign rallies to maintain law and order. However, they didn't want to be turned into a tool of political repression against the state's principle and in time, the intervened and ended the first Turkish republic. Second Intervention Turkey underwent social, economic, and demographic change. There was a rapid urbanization caused by the migration of villagers to cities in search of better economic opportunities. Social and economic transformation, for the most part with the transition from an agricultural to a mixed economy put strain to Turkey's two-party political system, the Republican and Justice. When new governments came to power, the industrialists and peasants, who prospered in the first republic, did not want to lose their status. They formed political parties to represent their particular interests in the national assembly. On the other hand, the industrial workers and university students, Marxists and Muslim revivalists, believed their needs were being ignored. They formed their own organizations and parties through which they hoped to gain a share of political power. The process of institutionalizing interest groups led to a propagation of political parties. Various smaller organizations attracted enough voters to prevent either Justice or the Republicans ahead with absolute majority. The excessive favors granted to the minorities causes social and political disorder and paralyze the legislative process. There was a wave of social unrest marked by street demonstrations,
Friday, August 23, 2019
Forensic Science and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Forensic Science and Law - Essay Example If there are no exceptional circumstances, the prosecution should not attempt to introduce such evidence. A judge would also consider whether there were any dissimilar characteristics between the print and that taken from the accused, and the size, quality and clarity of the print relied upon [R v Buckley1]. On the authority of an insp0ector, which can only be given where the officer has reasonable grounds for believing the suspect is involved in a criminal offence and the fingerprints will tend to confirm or disprove his involvement or facilitate the ascertainment of his identity. An authorization may only be given for the facilitating the ascertainment of the person’s identity where the person has either refused to identify themselves or the authorizing officer has reasonable grounds to suspect they are not who they claim to be. Fingerprints may also be taken from a person convicted of a reasonable offence or cautioned, warned or reprimanded in respect of such an offence. Subsection (2) replaces the existing provisions about the taking of fingerprints on the authority of an inspector with a wider power to take fingerprints from any person detained in consequence of his arrest for a reasonable offence. The existing requirements to give a person whose fingerprints are taken without consent reasons for doing so and for recording the reason as soon as practical applies to the new power. This amendment to Section 61 of PACE 1984 will prevent persons who come in to police custody and who may be wanted on a warrant or for questioning on other matters from avoiding detection by giving the police a false name and address. Using Livescan technology, which enables the police to take fingerprints electronically and which is linked to the national fingerprint database (NAFIS), the police will be able to confirm a person’s identity whilst he is still in police detention if his fingerprints have been taken previously.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
City of God Essay Example for Free
City of God Essay Question 1: a) Throughout the film we see Lil’ Dice evolve into Lil’ Ze. Lil’ Dice turned into Lil’ Ze when he became a man, and when he became in control of the drug scene in the slums. Lil’ Dice was just a child and did not know any better, He was influenced by all the horrible things that were happening around him while he was young. Changing his name to Lil’ Ze was a way to show his man hood and too grow up. Also so show a form of power to others, as if he could do as he pleases. Lil’ Ze became a monster due to his environment. Any child how is introduced to this type of violence at a young age could potentially react in the way that he did. Growing up, the people who he looked up too were hoods, and therefore that’s what he aspired to be. He tried to be better than them. He wanted to be the best and that’s how he became such a heartless killer. b) Tiny was portrayed as a very powerful man. He is someone people do not want to mess around with. What he says goes. In the excerpt, Tiny said â€Å"if anyone was still dealing in the area, he was ordering them to stop.†(Pg.429,p2) In this quote he is using his power to get what he wants and to start his business again. Tiny also showed no weaknesses, he showed everyone else that he wasn’t afraid of anything. Even the other gangs in the slums. In the excerpt, Tiny’s death was portrayed very differently in the excerpt than the film. Tiny was killed by other blocks gangs where as in the film, Lil’ Ze was killed by the Runts. Tiny’s demise was due to what was going on in the slums and the conflict between drug gangs. Whereas Lil’ Ze was killed by runts who had guns. The endings also differed because Lil’ Ze had been arrested where as Tiny hadn’t been. c) The film ends with the Runts killing Lil’ Ze because it shows that Lil’Ze was no longer in power and he was looked down upon by those who wanted to be him. His reign was over. This shows that the future of Favela will be filled with violence, and will only get worse in the future. Since the runts grew up in this society, they never really had a chance to avoid this lifestyle. It’s also hard to live a crooked society and get money in a proper way. Personally I have sympathy for the runts because they have to rob and steal in order to survive. They also were introduce to so many drugs, whereas Lil’ Dice was only introduced to stealing. The runts were introduced to killing, drugs, and stealing. Therefore they had no choice but to follow this path. d) The film does not glamorize the gangster lifestyle. In the typical gangster movies, people are rich and cheating the rich. They are not in a situation of poverty or struggle. They normally come from wealthy families and big cities. Whereas in City of God they are stuck in the slums and the only way to get out is violence. The only way to be rich is to drug deal. Therefore this movie doesn’t glamorize the gangster lifestyle because they are not in a good situation. Question 2: a) The reasons for joining the gang and being a leader for Knockout Ned and for Lil’ Ze are very different. Lil’ Ze grew into it, whereas Knockout Ned chose to join for revenge against Lil’ Ze. Knockout Neds reasons for joining did make it more acceptable, but then it turned him into a hood, and poisoned his mind, and he became just as bad as Lil’ Ze. b) Antunes has a major role in Knockout Ned’s gang life. When Antunes is killed, Knockout Ned sets his killers houses on fire and seeks for revenge; this causes the gang war to get bigger and more personal. Antunes was also involved in the warfare at the beginning, and therefore Knockout Ned had more reason to be involved. c) Benny and Knockout Ned are role models in their group for many reasons. Benny was smart, kind, spontaneous, and a leader. He always listened and did the right thing. He also gained a lot of respect for standing up for others and for influencing Lil’ Ze. He was the peace keeper between all the gangs. Ned however, was a leader because Lil’ Ze was after him and he joined forces with a gang. He was the one Lil’ Ze set his mind on, and therefore to have revenge, Ned took control of Lil’ Ze’s rival gang. Benny and Ned both treat their women and families properly and liked to be loved by others. They are genuinely kind hearted people. They don’t like to kill, they like to create peace. d) I feel more compassion for Benny because, after being in all this violence, he wanted to escape and leave with his girl. Then he got accidentally shot and he died. Benny didn’t like all the violence, he want to leave and go away to relax and live. I feel bad that his life ended due to an accident. I believe that he was a truly kind person at heart. Whereas Ned started out as a good person and slowly became poisoned with violence. I believed Lil’ Ze liked Benny because Benny was a brother to him. But Lil’ Ze was jealous of Ned and therefore hated him. Question 3: a) The film makes chose Rocket to narrate the film because although he was not involved in the violence, he was a part of it all. He lived with them and was not sucked into all the drugs and violence. He kept his mind on his dreams and did not corrupt himself. Rocket showed the potential that people in that society can have. If it had been viewed under Lil’ Ze’s point of view, the gangs would not be equal, the other group would have been the enemies. And the film would have had much more violence and no potential to show a way out of the slums. b) Rocket never becomes a victim of the slums because deep down he knew he wanted to be a photographer, he had dreams that he could reach. He also gained knowledge from the death of his brother to not get involved in the gangs. He would ultimately get killed if he joined. I think he has a good head on his shoulders because he was educated. He was not a lucky exception, anyone could have done what he did, but they didn’t and they joined in on the crowd. c) Photography saved his life, if he didn’t love photography, maybe he would have joined the gang. He followed his dreams and did not give up on them. He also ended up getting a good job out of taking pictures of the gang and Lil’ Ze. I believe he only gave the pictures of Lil’ Ze dead and not the cops because he didn’t want the cops to be on his bad side. I believe it was the right thing to do to stay alive in the slums. d) The factors that cause the cycle to keep going is that poverty cause people to do unthinkable things such as robbing and killing for a living. Therefore when kids are introduced to it at a young age, it becomes a normal thing for them and they show no mercy to embrace the violent side. The government plays a big role in this vicious cycle because they do not help or support the City of God. They only send more poor and homeless people to this city. They also do not enforce any proper laws to stop the violence. All they have is corrupted police. So the film blames the government for all theses problems.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Lucent technology supply chain summary Essay Example for Free
Lucent technology supply chain summary Essay Lucent Technologies is a multinational telecommunication company which was spun off from ATT in 1996. Before restructure, as an integrated telecommunications services and equipment company, ATT had been primarily U. S. -centric market and more than half of income was generated by services in U. S. However, the restructure made Lucent focused on communications equipment globally. When Lucent expand into global market, its flagship product, the5ESS ® digital switch, was a market leader in worldwide telecommunication infrastructure equipment. While the 5ESS ® digital switch provided the company’s more competitive edge in global market. This custom configured, engineered-to-order product made only a portion of its assemblies could be built to stock. Moreover, 5ESS ® digital switch orders from Asian market had continued to grow rapidly, and Asia became an important part of Lucent’s business. U. S. -centric Supply Model Before Lucent’s independence from ATT, it established some joint ventures in four Asian countries to meet the increasing telecommunication equipment demand in Asian market. But this marketing entry mode just provided access to these markets. Most manufacturing continued to be done in Oklahoma City. The Asian joint ventures only performed final assembly and testing. It was believed that Lucent would benefit from the cost saving from economies of scale in manufacturing in US. However, as tremendous demand growth and intense competition arose from these countries, the delivery costs and lead time became two critical issues in this industry. The long distance inhibited the instant response. Delay means market losing. What’s more, increasing local content by having locally purchased parts would lower the costs and made product more locally attractive. Asian-centric Supply Model After 1996, asset management, product lead time and supply chain efficiency became more and more important for this new independent manufacturing firm. The primary market shifted from U. S to Asian market required a redesign of the Asian supply chain. First of all, it took a â€Å"hub-and spoke†model. Taiwan was the hub of the Asian supply chain. Custom engineering and manufacturing of Asian orders would be manufactured in Taiwan rather than Oklahoma City, and Asian orders were placed with Taiwan rather than U. S. Low volume assemblies remained in U. S. Secondly, different supply modes (inshore or outsource) were decided by different product volumes. And then it used local components (direct procurement) and local suppliers (local procurement). Last but not least, it insisted a strict quality control. Products manufactured by Asian joint ventures had the same quality standards. There were also some barriers for the redesign of supply chain. For example, the new manufacturing center in Asian mean losing job in U. S. The transfer of production to joint venture may reduce Lucent’s profits. And also the sales organization worried about the sales decreased because of losing â€Å"Made in USA†label. All of these barriers were addressed when the benefits of redesigning outweighed the costs. The redesign decreased the lead time, and customer satisfactions had improved a lot. Meanwhile, Taiwan joint venture reengineered its factory to improve the productivity. The increasing productivity and decreasing costs means the firm became more profitable. Also, support of Asian joint ventures helped Lucent win more business in Asia, and the huge capacity of Asian joint ventures can support Lucent’ global customer demand. So the all improvement by redesigning the supply chain made Lucent more competitive in global market. Summary and Recommendations Despite its success in the later 1990s, new challenges have arisen. How to response the changing demand in this complex business environment and how to expand its capacity in other emerging markets? The internet and IT tools caused fundamental changes in business models and traditional customer-supplier relationships. Contract manufacturing company in Asian provides new opportunity for the firm to outsourcing its manufacturing and logistics responsibility. In my view, outsourcing its assembly and component is a better way for Lucent to cope with new challenge. Because 5ESS ® digital switch was reaching its mature period in the product life cycle, and the intensive competition and changing environment forced telecommunication industry to devoted more time to new product research and marketing strategy. In its initial stage, the core product is the key to success and the supply chain redesign facilitate its further success. But nowadays, the product life cycle is shortening and the industry is changing at ever-increasing rate. Lucent has to improve researching, marketing strategy and supply chain management at the same rate to cope with the changing market. In addition, Lucent can use merging and acquisition strategy to integrate available resources to expand its business. Questions for group As Lucent shift its main supply chain from U. S to Asian market, how to compete with domestic rivalry Cisco? As more and more local telecommunication company grew up, how to cope with fierce industry competition with local firms, and some multinational telecommunication firms now target at Asian market, how to compete with them in global market? Should Lucent insist its in-source strategy or use outsourcing for the future supply chain management? Because its flagship products had reached its mature period, is it necessary for Lucent to build a main RD center in the emerging market like Cisco did?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MNS) Properties
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MNS) Properties INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Study Large amount of solid remnant from agriculture industries waste can create disposal problem to environment such as generation of odour and can attract pests that can endangered human health. Due to this problem the application of this waste is widely explored to control the disposal problem. According to Norsuraya, Fazlena and Norshasyimi (2016), primary fuel source and additive in construction industries utilise the application of solid residue. The example agricultural waste is corn cob, rice husk, sugarcane leaf and bagasse. Studies have been conducted to enhance the use of this solid residue into profitable product. One of the important element present in the waste is silica that has wide application. According to Norsuraya, Fazlena and Norshasyimi (2016), among the agriculture residue sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) consist the highest of the silica content with the value of 96.93%. This studies comply with the studies conducted by Rahman et al. (2015), that stated the amount of silica content in SCBA is more than 50%. Bagasse ash is the product of combustion of bagasse that are commonly used as a source energy to operate plant. Bagasse is one waste product in sugar industry that incurs additional disposal cost. Bagasse is cellular fiber remaining after extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane. It consist of lignin (20-30 %), cellulose (40-45 %) and hemicelluloses (30-35 %) (Peng et al., 2009). The silica content varies depending on the environment, soil nature and the process involves in harvesting it. In Malaysia the application of Sugarcane Bagasse (SCB) is still not widely explored but studies already conducted to produce silica gel as adsorbent, additive for concrete, cosmetic and others because of its characteristic. SCB is more related to by-product in sugarcane mills industry. After the juice containing sucrose called as table sugar extracted from the sugarcane by pressing the sugarcane. The residue is the SCB which contains high fibrous residue. The largest sugarcane plantation in Malaysia is at the northern region of Malaysia which can produce more than 70 000 tonne of sugarcane. The sugarcane bagasse waste from the extraction process contribute to huge disposal waste problem. SCBA can be the most valuable stock for production of mesoporous silica that are useful application such as adsorption and catalyst (Rahman et al., 2015). For that purposes, the size and surface area of the mesoporous silica are importance. Mesoporous silica is a silica that has pore with diameter range of 2 50 nm depending on the process of synthesis of the mesoporous silica. The large surface area of the mesoporous silica functions as the active site that useful for the application such adsorption. Dye is a natural or synthetic materials that can add a specific colour onto the material that are applied to. Every year more than 10 000 types of dye are produced around the world and are used in different types of industries (Malakootian et al., 2015). The application of dye used widely from food industry to textile industry with the biggest consumer of dye is textile industry. This industry is known to be the one of the main contributor of industrial wastewater pollution and it is the most polluting of all the industrial sector. 10-50% of the dye will end up in the effluent (Axelsson et al., 2006). Dye are significantly toxic and mutagenic that poses hazard to aquatic life and living organism. One of example of dye is methylene blue (MB) that are an important aromatic compound with chemical formula of C16H18ClN3S. Large amount of this dye are released in the water sources and according to Malakootian et al. (2015) it is more importance removing dye from textile wastewater than tre ating other colourless organic and inorganic because only a small amount of dye can affect the water quality and colour. Various treatment method introduce to removes dye from textile wastewater such as physical, chemical and biological but it is not effective due to complex chemical structure that lead to resistant to this type of treatment other than the treatment cost. Thus, it is important to find other alternative process of removal of dye. Currently, the most known method to treat textile wastewater is by using adsorption process method because of it has more advantages compared to traditional method especially in environmental aspects and its ease of operation, cost effectiveness, biodegradability as well as greater efficiency. In order to carry out the adsorption, the main important thing is the adsorbent. According to Malakootian et al. (2015) the most typical adsorbent used for adsorption treatment for the removal of dyes from coloured water or wastewater, but due to its high production, regeneration and reactivation procedures cost research has been concentrated on alternative adsorbents with high adsorptive capacity and low cost such as mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN). These adsorbents have high efficiency due to their high surface area, high mechanical properties and good resistivity to thermal degradation, and they exist in several structures and amphoteric properties. 1.2 Problem Statement The wastewater from textile contain high concentration of dye. So it required for the effluent from the industry to undergo treatment. Wastewater resulting from these industries is generally characterize by high COD, pH, dissolved solid temperature and dye and surfactant content. Dye also can be toxic to environment because of its chemical properties. In order to treat effluent from textile industry that contain high percentage of dye, various method introduced and used. Examples of the methods are physical, chemical, biological, membrane separation, radiation, electrochemical, advanced oxidation, photolysis, electrochemical, sonolysis processes, etc. However, these methods are relatively ineffective because most dyes as azo reactive dyes are highly water soluble, have complex structures, and are stable to light, chemical and biological degradation, etc. Furthermore, these methods have certain disadvantages such as high capital and operational costs, secondary sludge disposal problems and the release of large volumes of toxic by-products (Malakootian et al., 2015). Among all these methods, adsorption is the best method because of its advantages and the best adsorbents is by using nanotechnology method such as Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle. It is because it has high adsorptive capacity and low cost. 1.3 Objectives of Study The objectives of the study can be outlined as follows: To prepare Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN) from bagasse ash To characterize the physicochemical properties of MSN. To study the potential of MSN as an environmental adsorbent in wastewater treatment 1.4 Research Scope The research is to investigate the effluent of low cost adsorbent materials which is Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN) from bagasse ash as the adsorbent to remove the Methylene Blue. The MSN are prepared from Sol-Gel Method and then Hydrothermal Synthesis by using formaldehyde, water and without formaldehyde and water. The MSN will be characterize and will be subjected to: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to identify the major functional chemical groups present in the silica Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to determine the average particle size and the morphology of the materials. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) to evaluate the specific surface area. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to evaluate the image of the MSN The performance of MSN adsorbent in removing methylene blue from aqueous solution will be carried out in various parameter which are: Effect of pH the aqueous methylene blue in pH 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Effect of MSN dosage (0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g, 0.4 g and 0.5 g) Effect of initial concentration of aqueous methylene blue (10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40 ppm and 50 ppm) Effect of temperature of the aqueous methylene blue (30 Â °C, 50 Â °C and 70 Â °C) The treated aqueous methylene blue dye will be characterized and subjected to UV-Visible Spectrometer (UV-Vis) to evaluate the percentage of methylene blue dye remove from the aqueous solution from adsorbent by MSN. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction One of the major problem in environment is water contamination. The bad effect of water contamination will affect everything in this world such as human, animals and plants. It is because water is the main elements to support all living things and earth. Nearly all of water contamination is caused by human activities. Apart from human activities, water contamination is also caused by natural waste. From long time ago, the water contamination is studied by researcher. There are many technique and method to treat and remove contaminants in the waste water. It is for preserving both human and the environment in this world. Among all contaminant in water, dye is one of the contaminant that exist in the water. The waster that contain dye is mainly from industry that related to textile industry, plastic and paper. It contain up to 10% of used dye. It is proven that dye is dangerous to all living things due to its harmful behaviour of dye molecules and their metabolites is significant for the development of strategies to diminish their desperate damaging impacts (Hebbar, Isloor, Zulhairun, Sohaimi Abdullah, Ismail, 2017). In addition to having harmful adverse effect, the presence of colour in water is visually unpleasant and can destroy the entire ecosystem. One of the most effective method to overcome the problem of effluent water containing dye is by using adsorption technique. It has been proven to be very effective by many researchers. This is because adsorption method offers more advantages compared to other method especially in environmental aspects and its ease of operation, cost effectiveness, biodegradability as well as greater efficiency. 2.2 Dyes Dyes are produced all over the world with approximately 10 000 different type of dyes produced per year and it has been used extensively in so many industries. Most common industry that utilizing dye is textile industry and estimated to utilize around 7 ÃÆ'- 105 1 ÃÆ'- 106 tons (Malakootian et al., 2015). Dyes are used to dye a textile products, fur products, and others. Dye can be originated mainly from vegetables and also animal sources. There also the existence of synthetic dye that replacing the natural sources. The main function of dye are to add colour to a certain materials such as textile. Dye are also generally utilized as part of industry such as rubber, paper, cosmetic etc. Among these different industry, textile industry positions first in utilization of dyes for colouring of fiber. The dye are constantly left as major waste in these industries. Because of their compound structure, dyes are impervious to fading on presentation of light, water and numerous chemicals and this manner are hard to be decolorized once discharged into the nature or aquatic environment. Basically, dyes are ionising and aromatic compound. Inside the dyes, there are chromophores present in them. Based on their structures of the dyes, it has aryl rings that has delocalised electron systems. These structures are said to be responsible for the adsorption of electromagnetic radiation that has varying wavelengths, based upon the energy of the electron clouds. Dye can influence aquatics life, human wellbeing and environmental framework when dye wastewaters are greatly released wastewater into water sources due to complex compound in the dye. It has big complicated molecular structure and harmful properties. It in the end rolls out improvements of ecological system and other serious pollution issues. Dye wastewaters can contain harmful organic residue with the significant mixes of phenol derivatives, aniline derivatives, organic acid and benzene derivatives (Likhar Shivramwar, 2013) 2.2.1 Classification of Dye Dyes can be characterized into a few classes as per their utilization, for example, reactive, disperse, direct, vat, sulphur, cationic, acid and solvent dyes. The classification of dyes according their application is as shown in table 2.1. Table 2.1: General dyes classification and its application (Hunger, 2003) Class Principal Substrate Application Chemical Types Acid Dyes Nylon, Wool, Silk, Paper, Inks and Leather Usually from neutral to acidic dyebaths Azo (including premetallised), antraquinone, triphenylmethane, azine, xanthene, nitro and nitroso Cationic (Basic Dyes) Paper, Polyacrylonitrile, Modified Nylon, Polyester and Inks Applied Applied from acidic dyebaths cyanine, hemicyanine, diazahemicyanine, diphenylmethane, triarylmethane, azo, azine, xanthene, acridine, oxanine and anthraquinone cotton, Direct Dyes Cotton, Rayon, Paper, Leather and Nylon Applied from neutral or slightly alkaline baths containing additional electrolyte Azo, phthalocyanine, stilbene and oxanine Dispersed Dyes Polyester, Polyamide, Acetate, Acrylic and Plastics Fine aqueous dispersions often applied by high temperature/ pressure or lower temperature carrier methods; dye may be padded on cloth and baked on or thermofixed Azo, anthraquinone, styryl, nitro and benzodifuranone Reactive Dyes Cotton, Wool, Silk and Nylon Reactive site on dye reacts with functional group on fiber to bind dye covalently under influence of heat and pH (alkaline) Solvent Azo, anthraquinone, phthalocyanine, formazan, oxanine Solvent Dyes Plastics, Gasoline, Varnishes Lacquers, Stains, Inks, Fats, Oils and Waxes Dissolution in the substrate Azo, triphenylmethane, anthraquinone and phthalocyanine cotton Sulphur Dyes Cotton and Rayon Aromatic substrate vatted with sodium sulphide and reoxidised to insoluble sulphur- containing products on fiber Indeterminate structure Vat Dyes Cotton, Rayon and Wool Water-insoluble dyes Solubilised by reducing with Sodium hydrogensulphide, then exhausted on fiber and Reoxidised Anthraquinone (including polycyclic quinines) and indigoids Synthetic dye are being used extensively used in different dyeing industry with textile is leading industry that utilize it with 56% of world dye production annually. Its effluent contain critical level of organic contaminants, which are toxic as it will create odour, bad taste, unsightly colour, foaming, etc. These substances are often resistant to degradation by biological methods and are not removed effectively by conventional physico-chemical treatment methods. Removal of these dyes from effluents in an economic fashion remains a major problem for textile industries. 2.2.2 Methylene Blue Methylene Blue (MB) or also known as Methylthioninium Chloride was first synthesized at 1876 by a German Chemist, Heinrich Caro. Paul Guttman and Paul Ehrlich used MB in the treatment of Malaria dieses in 1891. During that time also, the function of MB as a dye were discovered and were used in First World War as a biological weapon and partially staining the soldiers. MB has many uses in different field, For instance, chemists use it to detect oxidizing agents and biologists use it to stain tissue samples and detect nucleic acids. In medicine, it is used as a treatment for various illnesses and disorders, including methemoglobinemia, schizophrenia, kidney stones, and herpes infections. In aquaculture, it is used to prevent freshwater fish eggs from being infected by bacteria and fungi (Methylene blue New World Encyclopedia, 2014) In term of dye application only, MB a basic blue dye used for dyeing silk, leather, plastics, paper, and cotton mordant with tannin as well as for the production of ink and copying paper in the office supplies industry. The release of this dye to earth is troubling for both toxicological and aesthetical reasons as dye hinder light infiltration, harm the nature of the accepting streams and are toxic to food chain organisms. The dye has a synthetic origin and complex aromatic molecular structures, it is an inactive and hard to biodegrade when released into waste streams. This perspective has dependably been neglected in their discharge. The removal of synthetic dye is of incredible worry since a few dyes and their degradation products might be cancer-causing agents and poisonous and, thus, their treatment cannot rely on upon biodegradation alone. Table 2.2: Properties of Methylene Blue (MB) METHYLENE BLUE IUPAC name 7-(dimethylamino)phenothiazin-3-ylidene]-dimethylazanium;chloride Properties Molecular formula C16H18ClN3S Molar mass 319.86 g/mol Density 43 600 mg/L at 25 Â °C Melting point 100 ÂÂ °C Boiling Point Decomposes Odour Odourless Solubility in water Soluble in ethanol, chloroform; slightly soluble in pyridine; insoluble in ethyl ether Adapted from 2.2.3 Technologies for Dye Removal Dye are used widely in all sector to colour their product. In order to colour the product large amount of dye is used. Apart to colour their product the dye also been used as paper, and plastic. This will result in large amount of effluent containing dye as contaminant into the nature. According to study conducted by Axelsson et al. (2006), 10 50 % of the dye used in industry will go to effluent because of the dye molecule might react with hydroxyl ions in the solution giving rise to even more water-soluble hydrolysed molecules. Because of the good solubility of dye in water it will endangered the nature. It is also reported by Sapawe et al. (2012) that 15 % of the total world production of dyes is released in textile industry. This proves that from out of 7ÃÆ'-105 tons of effluent produce large number of dye is discharges as wastewater. Without further treatment to the effluent containing dye contaminant, it can cause extreme problems if not treated legitimately because of dyes are harmful, toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic to human life as well to another living organism (Sapawe et al., 2012). To treat the dye so many method had been introduced and the best method reported by Malakootian et al. (2015), is by using adsorption method and supported by Marrakchi, Ahmed, Khanday, Asif, Hameed (2017) due to some advantages. From all types of treatment, it can be classified into three categories which are divided for the technologies which are physical, chemical and biological. However, it is hard to treat the dye because of their synthetic origin and mainly complex aromatic structure. All of these technologies possess pros and cons. Physical and Chemical Treatment There are numerous method falls under physical and chemical treatment such as anion exchange resins, cogulations, flotation, electroflotation, electrochemical destruction, irradiation, Ozonation,adsorption, and the use of activated carbon. Physical and chemical treatment is far more effective than biological treatment in decolourizing dye but it will use more energy, chemicals, and biological process hence increasing the capital cost for the treatment (Miao, 1992). Apart from that, it will lead to secondary sludge disposal problems and the release of large volumes of toxic by-products (Malakootian et al., 2015). Biological Treatment Biological have three stages or phases. It is because before the effluent arriving to the biological phase, it will go through some physical and chemical treatment. For comparison to the physical and chemical method, physical and chemical treatment will treated physically or chemically without going through another phases. It is reported by Malakootian et al. (2015) that biological treatment is in effective in decolorizing water because most dyes as azo reactive dyes are highly water soluble, have complex structures, and are stable to light, chemical and biological degradation. The example of biological treatment are fungal biodegradation, bacteria biodegradation, yeast biodegradation, and microbial biosorption, Biological treatment has lower capital cost compared to physical treatment and chemical treatment (Miao, 1992). 2.3 Decolorizing of Dyes by Adsorption Process Absorption has been proved as the best method for treatment wastewater containing dye. It offers noteworthy advantages over customary treatment techniques particularly from the environmental perspective and its simplicity of operation and also more prominent efficiency. Some adsorbents, which are utilized for the expulsion of dye from aqueous solutions with differing achievement include activated carbon, magnesium oxide grafted chitosan, modified bentonite, TiO2 powder, TiO2 nanotube and others. Among all these materials, activated carbon is a standout amongst the most much of the time adsorbents utilized for the removal of dye from coloured waters and wastewaters, yet because of its high generation, recovery and reactivation procedure cost, research has been concentrated on alternative adsorbents with high adsorptive capacity and low cost. Therefore, recently there has been a lot of attention toward using nanotechnology methods. Nowadays using nanomethods, especially by using Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle, The large surface area allows for binding at a great number of active sites distributed within the framework of the porous materials. The large pores can overcome the pore-diffusion limitation and provide high-speed pathways for gas molecules (Rahman et al., 2015). Apart from that, it is reported that, Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle which is synthesized from natural sources claimed to safe in handling, cheap and can be generated from cheap resources (Norsuraya et al., 2016) which is bagasse ash in this case. Due to this advantages, the usage and studies regarding Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle increase exponentially as adsorbent. METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The aim of this study is to synthesis Mesoporous silica from bagasse ash by using green route and to study the performance of the Mesoporous silica in wastewater treatment by utilizing aqueous methylene blue as the wastewater. The mesoporous silica is prepared by carrying out combustion of bagasse to produce bagasse ash and then using Sol-Gel method to make gel from the bagasse ash. The product of Sol-Gel method will undergo hydrothermal synthesis by using formaldehyde, water and without formaldehyde and water to synthesis Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN). The MSN produced will be characterize by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The performance study for wastewater treatment to treat aqueous methylene blue by using MSN will be test under four parameter which is the effect of pH, effect of MSN dosage, effect of initial concentration of the dye, and effect of temperature. The research methodology is summarized in the research flow chart in Figure 3.1 below. 3.2 Material and Methods In this study there are six stages of preparations and experiment. Which are the preparation of bagasse ash, preparation of silica gel from bagasse ash, production of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN), characterization of the MSN, Performance study of MSN and characterization of treated wastewater. 3.2.1 Preparation of Bagasse ash The material, apparatus and glassware needed for this stage as shown in table 3.1 Table 3.1: List of Materials, Glassware and Apparatus Materials Apparatus Sugarcane Bagasse Oven Furnace Sugarcane Bagasse can be collected from sugarcane juice hawker at Tampin, Negeri Sembilan. First step need to be taken is to cut the bagasse in small pieces and boil the bagasse to remove the remaining sugar in the bagasse, after that the bagasse need to be wash and rinse by using distilled water to remove impurities. After that, the bagasse will be subjected to oven drying process at 70Â °C 80 Â °C for 24 hours. To obtain ash from the bagasse, combustion are to be carried out in furnace at 800 Â °C for 3 hours at heating rate of 10 Â °C/min. The ash need to be collected and labelled as Sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SBA). 3.2.2 Preparation of Silica Gel from Bagasse Ash (Sol-Gel Method) The material, apparatus and glassware needed for this stage as shown in table 3.2 Table 3.2: List of Materials, Glassware and Apparatus for Sol-Gel Method Materials Apparatus SBA Erlenmeyer Flask 1M Lye Solution (NaOH) (1 litre) Stirrer Distilled Water Beaker 1M Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) Pipette (25 ml capacity) pH meter Boil 30g of Bagasse Ash and 1 L of 1M Lye Solution (NaOH) in Erlenmeyer flask for 1 hour with a constant stirring to dissolves the silica and produce a sodium silicate solution. Filter the solution through whatman No. 41 ashless filter paper and wash the residue with boiled distilled water. Let the filtrate to cool to room temperature. Reduce the pH of the solution to pH 7 by using 1M Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) by using titration method and constant stirring. When gel form from the solution from the solution, age it for approximately 18 hours. After the ageing, gently broke the gel and centrifuge at 2500 rpm for 10 minutes. Discard the supernatant and transfer the gel into a beaker and dry for 11-13 hours at 80Â °C to produce xerogels. Wash with deionized water to remove minerals and impurities from the silica 3.2.3 Production of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (Hydrothermal Synthesis) The material, apparatus and glassware needed for this stage as shown in table 3.3 Table 3.3: List of Materials, Glassware and Apparatus for Hydrothermal Synthesis Materials Apparatus Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) Conical Flask Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH) Stirrer Distilled Water Beaker Microwave Mix 0.64 g of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and 30 ml formaldehyde solution (37 wt %) in 100 ml closed conical flask and stir at 27Â °C for 5 minutes. Quickly add 2.8 ml NH4OH and stir for 30 minutes. Add 2.8 ml of silica prepared in Sol-Gel method and stir vigorously for 24 hours. Transfer the mixture to 100 ml beaker and place it in microwave at 800 Watt for 30 minutes. Filter the product and wash with deionize water and dried it overnight at 60Â °C. Calcinate the dried product in air at 540Â °C for 3 hours to remove surfactants in order to obtain MSNs. Repeat all step by replacing formaldehyde with water and without formaldehyde. The product form is Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN). 3.2.4 Characteriza
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood :: Free Essays Online
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood Child abuse is a serious issue in today's society. Many people have been victims of child abuse. There are three forms of child abuse: physical, emotional, and sexual. Many researchers believe that sexual abuse is the most detremental of the three. A middle-aged adult who is feeling depressed will probably not relate it back to his childhood, but maybe he should. The short-term effects of childhood sexual abuse have been proven valid, but now the question is, do the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse affect middle-aged adults? Many contradicting views arise from the subject of childhood sexual abuse. Researchers and psychologists argue on this issue. Childhood sexual abuse has the potential to damage a child physically, emotionally, and behaviorally for the rest of his or her childhood, and the effects have been connected to lasting into middle-aged adulthood. Research has been conducted on what type of children are the most at risk of being sexually abused. Childhood abuse has a greater chance of happening to children of certain backgrounds. One researcher states that "Child sexual abuse occurs more frequently in children from socially deprived and disorganized family backgrounds. Marital dysfunction, as evidenced by parental separation and domestic violence, is associated with higher risks of child sexual abuse" (Mullen 4). Mullen goes on to state that "The possibility has been raised that characteristics such as physical attractiveness, temperament, or physical maturity might increase the risks of children being sexually abused" (4). Many researchers link behavioral problems in adulthood to childhood abuse. One researcher says that "An adult who was sexually abused as a child has a greater chance of becoming violent, suicidal, and abusive to their children than an adult who was not abused sexually as a child" (Kliest 155). These characteristics could hinder a victim from living a normal lifestyle and having a family. Kliest also states, "Adults who were abused sexually as children will have a greater chance than those who were not of experiencing sexual dysfunction, such as flashbacks, difficulty in arousal, and phobic reactions to sexual intimacy" (156). Many researchers agree that childhood sexual abuse has a negative effect on an adult's personal relationships. Another researcher states, "A history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) appears to have an adverse impact on the quality of adult intimate relationships, and they report avoiding the development of close adult relationships because of their fear of reject ion" (Whiffen 1103). Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood :: Free Essays Online Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood Child abuse is a serious issue in today's society. Many people have been victims of child abuse. There are three forms of child abuse: physical, emotional, and sexual. Many researchers believe that sexual abuse is the most detremental of the three. A middle-aged adult who is feeling depressed will probably not relate it back to his childhood, but maybe he should. The short-term effects of childhood sexual abuse have been proven valid, but now the question is, do the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse affect middle-aged adults? Many contradicting views arise from the subject of childhood sexual abuse. Researchers and psychologists argue on this issue. Childhood sexual abuse has the potential to damage a child physically, emotionally, and behaviorally for the rest of his or her childhood, and the effects have been connected to lasting into middle-aged adulthood. Research has been conducted on what type of children are the most at risk of being sexually abused. Childhood abuse has a greater chance of happening to children of certain backgrounds. One researcher states that "Child sexual abuse occurs more frequently in children from socially deprived and disorganized family backgrounds. Marital dysfunction, as evidenced by parental separation and domestic violence, is associated with higher risks of child sexual abuse" (Mullen 4). Mullen goes on to state that "The possibility has been raised that characteristics such as physical attractiveness, temperament, or physical maturity might increase the risks of children being sexually abused" (4). Many researchers link behavioral problems in adulthood to childhood abuse. One researcher says that "An adult who was sexually abused as a child has a greater chance of becoming violent, suicidal, and abusive to their children than an adult who was not abused sexually as a child" (Kliest 155). These characteristics could hinder a victim from living a normal lifestyle and having a family. Kliest also states, "Adults who were abused sexually as children will have a greater chance than those who were not of experiencing sexual dysfunction, such as flashbacks, difficulty in arousal, and phobic reactions to sexual intimacy" (156). Many researchers agree that childhood sexual abuse has a negative effect on an adult's personal relationships. Another researcher states, "A history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) appears to have an adverse impact on the quality of adult intimate relationships, and they report avoiding the development of close adult relationships because of their fear of reject ion" (Whiffen 1103).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Having Cable Television on College Campuses Essay -- Argumentative Per
Having Cable Television on College Campuses Eleven o’clock on a Tuesday night, walking through the brightly lit halls, many doors wide open in a dormitory complex on the campus of Bowling Green State University, one can see that the only light that emerges from the open doors is the constantly changing illumination coming from television consoles. Passing from door to door, sounds such as sports cheers, gun shots, screams of people being slain, and moans of woman in ecstasy can be heard. Although many students have the time to watch the television, many of them don’t. The televisions utter no words of mathematics or Biology. Because of this horrid â€Å"accommodation†provided by the college, the quality of students intellectually, morally, and physically has made a sudden turn for the worst. Some ignorant persons argue that cable television provides quality educational programs to students and helps them to cut lose after a hard day of studying, but the true harsh reality is that cable television, due to the vast amount of extremely worthless channels such as HBO, Cinnemax, and, of course, MTV, do nothing but discourage interpersonal relationships and association, provide a distraction, inspire sloth, and install thoughts of sex and violence into the easily malleable minds of students, especially younger freshmen and sophomores living on campus. Some people have views that cable television is beneficial to students. In this fictional scenario, one can see the arrival of the idea of cable television onto the campus of Bowling Green State University. The administrators while sitting around their monstrous finely polished eastern oak table in their soft reclinable chairs, smoking their illegally imported cigars, thought of what seemed to be en ingenious idea. They thought of a way to supposedly improve the learning environment of students. One idea can be speculated that stood out in their minds. An idea that could give their students an incredible edge over other students from some other schools, the idea could be none other than the introduction of cable television into every room on the campus of their fine university. To them, this would give students access to explore a vast amount of educational and informational channels such as Discovery, Life, CNN, Animal Planet, and Health. Disney would also be provided for the mental ly challenged, playful at hear... ...s are spending their nights watching people get decapitated in action films. They are watching women naked in sexual positions, sometimes with other women in soft-core porn movies. Although most of these movies have excellent plots, they are not beneficial to the studying of a college student. The channels provided by cable networks encourage foul language, violence, promiscuity, and masturbation in many college students living on campus. There may be some people who do not watch this type of programming or may not let it go to their head, but the majority of college students do. This is a problem. The average majority of college students in almost no way benefit from the installation of cable television in the dormitories. Cable television is used in almost all cases for entertainment. It is not a necessity for the intellectual development of a college student. The fact that it is provided in every dorm room on campus shows little regard by Bowling Green for the growth of most students living on campus. Almost nothing good can come from cable. In most cases it is a vice rather that a strength. Cable television in college dorm rooms is a major problem and needs to be solved.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Blacks In Film Essay -- essays research papers
Film is one of the most influential means of communication and a powerful medium of propaganda. Race and representation is central to the study of the black film actor, since the major studios continue to reflect and reinforce the stereotyps of our times. The depiction of blacks in Hollywood movies reinforce many of the misconceptions of the white majority rather than objective reality, limiting black actors to stereotypical roles. The movie "Soul Food" proved to be the inspiration for African-Americans hungry for balanced, realistic depictions of blacks in America The film is about a Chicago family who airs out its tribulations over Sunday dinner. It depicts well educated African Americans in lavish suburban homes and high ranking job titles. Yet, comedic films, such as "Booty Call," or violent dramas, such as "Dead Presidents" or "Next Friday," still seem to be the norms for black films in Hollywood. There are no gun-toting ruffians in "Soul Food," no over-the-top streetwise caricatures. Instead, the film serves up real-life characters grappling with real-life familial problems. That's why it seems to resonate with black audiences -- and why it was considered risky to make. "Soul Food" resonates with blacks because, as with whites, the most evocative films present idealized visions of their real lives. Unfortunately, films such as â€Å"Soul Food†, â€Å"Love Jones†, and â€Å"The Best Man†, rarely receive the credit in which they deserve due to the lack of promotions and viewership by mainstream society. In witness of this truth, the American public is faced with the guilt of perpetuating the historical images of Sambo and Mammy with the new depictions of aggressive, streetwise, and comedic caricatures. In recent years, much of the debate around racial inequality in the United States has focused on Representation. That is: how peopleare imagined, portrayed, and often stereotyped by the mass media. Integrally linked is the question of how these depictions in the world of media contribute to social discrimination and personal self-esteem in the real world. No medium is a more powerful disseminator of images and stereotypes than television, and no citizens have suffered more from misrepresentation in this country than minorities. However, too often the debate about race and represen... ...he 80s. It seemed TV and film pioneer Bill Cosby had finally broken through the stereotype ceiling, depicting the life a strong black middle class family and projecting it into the living rooms of blacks and whites throughout the United States and the world. But just a few short years after Cosby, television's way of dealing with portraying black life was simply not to. For years none of the major networks were creating programming for black audiences. UPN, Warner Brothers Network and Fox Network shrewdly tried to fill that void. However the succession of black shows created by these networks seemed not to be a result of a sincere social consciousness, but rather an attempt to appeal to an untapped revenue market. And so blacks have come full circle as it is this market and its hopes for something better than images of domestics and mammies that first spawned the blaxploitation craze. There is no argument that blacks in film have made significant advancements since the days of popular blaxploitation film such as Shaft. However there is also no argument that blacks have far to go in receiving a fair and honest portrayal in movies and television. Blacks In Film Essay -- essays research papers Film is one of the most influential means of communication and a powerful medium of propaganda. Race and representation is central to the study of the black film actor, since the major studios continue to reflect and reinforce the stereotyps of our times. The depiction of blacks in Hollywood movies reinforce many of the misconceptions of the white majority rather than objective reality, limiting black actors to stereotypical roles. The movie "Soul Food" proved to be the inspiration for African-Americans hungry for balanced, realistic depictions of blacks in America The film is about a Chicago family who airs out its tribulations over Sunday dinner. It depicts well educated African Americans in lavish suburban homes and high ranking job titles. Yet, comedic films, such as "Booty Call," or violent dramas, such as "Dead Presidents" or "Next Friday," still seem to be the norms for black films in Hollywood. There are no gun-toting ruffians in "Soul Food," no over-the-top streetwise caricatures. Instead, the film serves up real-life characters grappling with real-life familial problems. That's why it seems to resonate with black audiences -- and why it was considered risky to make. "Soul Food" resonates with blacks because, as with whites, the most evocative films present idealized visions of their real lives. Unfortunately, films such as â€Å"Soul Food†, â€Å"Love Jones†, and â€Å"The Best Man†, rarely receive the credit in which they deserve due to the lack of promotions and viewership by mainstream society. In witness of this truth, the American public is faced with the guilt of perpetuating the historical images of Sambo and Mammy with the new depictions of aggressive, streetwise, and comedic caricatures. In recent years, much of the debate around racial inequality in the United States has focused on Representation. That is: how peopleare imagined, portrayed, and often stereotyped by the mass media. Integrally linked is the question of how these depictions in the world of media contribute to social discrimination and personal self-esteem in the real world. No medium is a more powerful disseminator of images and stereotypes than television, and no citizens have suffered more from misrepresentation in this country than minorities. However, too often the debate about race and represen... ...he 80s. It seemed TV and film pioneer Bill Cosby had finally broken through the stereotype ceiling, depicting the life a strong black middle class family and projecting it into the living rooms of blacks and whites throughout the United States and the world. But just a few short years after Cosby, television's way of dealing with portraying black life was simply not to. For years none of the major networks were creating programming for black audiences. UPN, Warner Brothers Network and Fox Network shrewdly tried to fill that void. However the succession of black shows created by these networks seemed not to be a result of a sincere social consciousness, but rather an attempt to appeal to an untapped revenue market. And so blacks have come full circle as it is this market and its hopes for something better than images of domestics and mammies that first spawned the blaxploitation craze. There is no argument that blacks in film have made significant advancements since the days of popular blaxploitation film such as Shaft. However there is also no argument that blacks have far to go in receiving a fair and honest portrayal in movies and television.
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