Monday, September 30, 2019
Evaluate Learning Activities Essay
After any learning activity it is important to evaluate how the activity went. This is because it gives both the children and staff members a chance to reflect on the learning which has taken place and establish whether or not the learning objective was achieved. To evaluate effectively you should refer to the original learning objective to see what you set out to achieve and then reflect on the outcome and whether or not this outcome was satisfactory and that the targets you set have been met. In order to evaluate accurately you must be sure to make learning objectives very clear at the planning stage. This must be done in a way that ensures learners fully understand what the outcomes mean and the outcomes must be achievable for everyone in the group regardless of ability and within the time that you have available. The learning objective should be set out in a way which makes it easy for you to assess pupils against it. A good knowledge of the success criteria is also important when evaluating learning as children may not necessarily achieve the learning objective despite fully involving themselves in the lesson and showing real enthusiasm. Where this is the case you should record how hard the child worked and take a look at the reasons they did not meet the objective and see how you can help them the next time. The resources you have used also play an important part in how successful an activity is so you should evaluate the resources you used and whether or not they were used correctly and decide if there were other things you could have used that may have been more relevant and beneficial to that particular task. Continual assessment is important to monitor a Childs progress and while you should share the information with other teaching staff it is also important to share it with the child. This allows the child to share with you any concerns they have, things that they find difficult and things they enjoy which allows you to plan activities accordingly. It also gives you the chance to give them praise and encouragement by telling them which things they are doing really well at, how proud you are of what they have achieved and offer reassurance that they should not worry about things they find hard because you can do extra work on these areas and help them to understand. While it can sometimes be difficult to find time during the school day to give feedback to the teacher you must find a way to do this whether it is in a written report brief discussion or phone call. Not only do you need to report on the pupils progress and weaknesses you should also inform them of any difficulties you experience during an activity, such as disruptive pupils so that the problem can be addressed and resolved. It is important to be careful when giving feedback that while you are honest you are also tactful and do not lay blame for the activity on the teachers inadequate planning or the fact that the activity was not stimulating enough. The better the relationship you have with the teacher the easier it will be for you to put your point of view across and work well together to improve the learning environment and achieve better results. Always be positive when making your suggestions or giving feedback. Providing the teacher with feedback on the learner’s progress and participation can be done in various ways. If a child has not been participating you may just need to briefly mention it to the teacher and try and come up with strategies to help them get more involved in future activities. When a child is disruptive you can either discuss this with the teacher or make a written record of how the child was behaving, if you think there was anything that caused the behaviour, the effect it had on the rest of the group, how you tried to resolve the issue and manage the behaviour, whether you were successful in disciplining the child and what you think you could do to avoid the problem arising again. Hopefully the teacher will then respond and give you feedback on whether they have experienced similar problems with that child and how they dealt with it. Keeping records on how a child is progressing is also essential as it allows all staff involved to see which areas the child is ma king progress in and where they need to improve, it also lets everyone know the level that the child is at so that the appropriate level of work can be set. In order to support learning activities effectively it is important to reflect on what you have done and consider how you managed different activities. When an activity is finished you may feel disappointed with the outcome. Activities don’t always go to plan or achieve what you wanted them to and this can be for a variety of reasons When you feel that things didn’t work out the way you expected you have to reflect on the session and ask yourself how it went? Which aspects were you pleased with? What did not go as well as you planned? What would you change if you had to do the activity again? By doing this you can improve the way you plan activities which will benefit yourself and the children. To be able to effectively teach various areas of the curriculum you must ensure that your own knowledge of the subject is of a high standard and if you are out of practice and unsure of some subjects ask for help or update your qualifications. Many establishments provide refresher courses to bring Maths, English and ICT up to an acceptable level for working in a school setting. If you are unsure of a subject or a teaching method your uncertainty will be apparent to the children and your lack of knowledge will confuse them. You cannot possibly teach a child something you know nothing about so you should find out about the subject matter ahead of the lesson by doing some research. You should make sure you communicate with other members of staff to find out the strategies they use and information they pass on to the children so that they do not receive conflicting advice or information and become unsure of what they are supposed to be learning. While I feel that my basic English, Maths and ICT skills are at an acceptable level I realise that it has been quite some time since I studied them and intend to familiarise myself with the curriculum and strategies that schools at the present time use to educate the children so that I feel more confident in helping and advising the pupils that I work with. I intend to do this by accessing the resources the school uses and familiarising myself with them while also asking for advice from other teaching assistants.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Hydraulic Fracturing
Is hydrologic fracturing a suitable form of energy production? Over the past 85 years, the American Petroleum Institute, API, has been developing and refining engineering standards and practices for the industry. The past decade has brought about a new practice which involves hydraulic fracturing in order to produce oil and natural gas in places where conventional technologies are ineffective. This is a rather in depth process. Firstly, a production drill is drilled through the rock layers to intersect the coal seem that contains coal bed methane, CBM. Next, fractures are created or existing fractures are enlarged in the coal seem so that the CBM can be drawn from the well and pumped to the surface. These fractures are created or enlarged by using a thick water-based fluid which is gradually increased by rate and pressure. Then, over time the coal seam is unable to keep up with the fracturing fluid which results in high pressure causing the coal to fracture along the weaknesses within. Sand is pumped into these fractures to keep them ‘propped’ open after the pressures are released. The first diagram in the appendix shows what occurs in the subsurface during a typical hydraulic fracturing event. After a period of fluid recovery or groundwater extraction is when the extraction of CBM occurs. As pumping continues, the pressure eventually decreases so that the methane desorbs from the coal, flows and is extracted through the production well. The fracture created acts as a conduit in the rock or coal formation, allowing the CBM to flow more freely from the coal seems through the fracture system and to the production where gas is pumped to the surface. Unlike conventional gas production, the amount of water extracted declines proportionally with increasing CBM production (US EPA, 2004). The demand of natural gas is expected to increase drastically over the next 20 years, causing the need for innovative production to fill the growing demand. Many may believe that there are other ways to fulfill the need of natural gas, due to production concerns, but this is a suitable form of energy production. Hydraulic fracturing should be used because it will provide a significant increase in jobs, economic growth, and clean burning energy. The Keystone XL pipeline has had much controversy in the news recently. This pipeline is an extension onto the existing pipeline running from Canada to the United States. The pipeline would increase crude oil capacity between the two countries allowing for a more diverse supply among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources, shorten the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies, and increase the crude oil supplies from a major non-organization of petroleum exporting countries producer. â€Å"The use of hydraulic fracturing will help make our country more energy self-reliant and more secure†(Green, 2012). This statement was made by the API President and CEO, Jack Gerard during the second State of American Energy event January 4. He also proceeded to state that the United State’s resources on and offshore are among the largest in the world. This means that with the right policies in place, there could be 100 percent of our liquid fuel needs supplied domestically and from Canada by 2026. Also, with a pro-energy development approach 1 million new US jobs by 2018 could be produced along with billions of dollars in additional revenue to government (Green, 2012). The increase in jobs from this production is approximately 334,000 in the past two years after the 3 million manufacturing jobs lost from 2001-2007. Hydraulic fracturing has rapidly increased the domestic production of natural gas and has seen low domestic prices for households. Figure five below shows the increase in production rates over the last several years (Green, 2012). The oppositions to this vision are primarily political on an ecological level. In order for the process to run smoothly water use is needed. Many think that the water used for hydraulic fracturing could deplete fresh water supplies and impact aquatic habitat. Some also say that the groundwater could be contaminated. Some hydraulic fracturing fluids can also contain chemicals. Typically a mixture of water, proppants and chemicals are what is pumped into the rock or coal to fracture the wells. Eco-friendly leaders and environmentalists are taking a stand to state that these chemicals, use of water and damage to groundwater are not acceptable and this energy method should not be used. Firstly, chemicals typically make up just 0. and 2% of the total volume of the fracturing fluid with the majority being water. Secondly, natural gas emits fewer greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels, about half as much of carbon dioxide as coal which contributes to less global warming. Thirdly, with the halting of fracturing in some states due to pressures from environmental and public health groups asking the EPA for tests and proof that it is safe to continue with this type of energy production, supporters are concerned that it could hinder U. S. job growth and energy output in a time of need (McLendon, 2010). The tests from the EPA will take roughly two years, so until then it is a waiting process. As you can see, this is a roughly new energy production that does need to be researched more. From my point of view the pros seem to outweigh the cons. I think more tests and actual data about contamination and whether it is really safe will be the true test. The increase in jobs, economic growth, and clean burning energy is most definitely what this country needs right now. The true outlook on this issue will come towards the later part of this year when the test results conclude. References Green, M. (2012, January 05). Starting the energy debate. Retrieved from http://energytomorrow. org/blog/starting-the-energy-debate/ McLendon, R. (2010, December 10). Big frack attack: Is hydraulic fracturing safe?. Retrieved from http://www. mnn. com/earth-matters/translating-uncle-sam/stories/big-frack-attack-is-hydraulic-fracturing-safe US EPA. (2004, June). Evaluation of impacts to underground sources of drinking water by hydraulic fracturing of coalbed methane reservoirs. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/safewater/uic/pdfs/cbmstudy_attach_uic_exec_summ. pdf Appendix Hydraulic Fracturing Is hydrologic fracturing a suitable form of energy production? Over the past 85 years, the American Petroleum Institute, API, has been developing and refining engineering standards and practices for the industry. The past decade has brought about a new practice which involves hydraulic fracturing in order to produce oil and natural gas in places where conventional technologies are ineffective. This is a rather in depth process. Firstly, a production drill is drilled through the rock layers to intersect the coal seem that contains coal bed methane, CBM. Next, fractures are created or existing fractures are enlarged in the coal seem so that the CBM can be drawn from the well and pumped to the surface. These fractures are created or enlarged by using a thick water-based fluid which is gradually increased by rate and pressure. Then, over time the coal seam is unable to keep up with the fracturing fluid which results in high pressure causing the coal to fracture along the weaknesses within. Sand is pumped into these fractures to keep them ‘propped’ open after the pressures are released. The first diagram in the appendix shows what occurs in the subsurface during a typical hydraulic fracturing event. After a period of fluid recovery or groundwater extraction is when the extraction of CBM occurs. As pumping continues, the pressure eventually decreases so that the methane desorbs from the coal, flows and is extracted through the production well. The fracture created acts as a conduit in the rock or coal formation, allowing the CBM to flow more freely from the coal seems through the fracture system and to the production where gas is pumped to the surface. Unlike conventional gas production, the amount of water extracted declines proportionally with increasing CBM production (US EPA, 2004). The demand of natural gas is expected to increase drastically over the next 20 years, causing the need for innovative production to fill the growing demand. Many may believe that there are other ways to fulfill the need of natural gas, due to production concerns, but this is a suitable form of energy production. Hydraulic fracturing should be used because it will provide a significant increase in jobs, economic growth, and clean burning energy. The Keystone XL pipeline has had much controversy in the news recently. This pipeline is an extension onto the existing pipeline running from Canada to the United States. The pipeline would increase crude oil capacity between the two countries allowing for a more diverse supply among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources, shorten the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies, and increase the crude oil supplies from a major non-organization of petroleum exporting countries producer. â€Å"The use of hydraulic fracturing will help make our country more energy self-reliant and more secure†(Green, 2012). This statement was made by the API President and CEO, Jack Gerard during the second State of American Energy event January 4. He also proceeded to state that the United State’s resources on and offshore are among the largest in the world. This means that with the right policies in place, there could be 100 percent of our liquid fuel needs supplied domestically and from Canada by 2026. Also, with a pro-energy development approach 1 million new US jobs by 2018 could be produced along with billions of dollars in additional revenue to government (Green, 2012). The increase in jobs from this production is approximately 334,000 in the past two years after the 3 million manufacturing jobs lost from 2001-2007. Hydraulic fracturing has rapidly increased the domestic production of natural gas and has seen low domestic prices for households. Figure five below shows the increase in production rates over the last several years (Green, 2012). The oppositions to this vision are primarily political on an ecological level. In order for the process to run smoothly water use is needed. Many think that the water used for hydraulic fracturing could deplete fresh water supplies and impact aquatic habitat. Some also say that the groundwater could be contaminated. Some hydraulic fracturing fluids can also contain chemicals. Typically a mixture of water, proppants and chemicals are what is pumped into the rock or coal to fracture the wells. Eco-friendly leaders and environmentalists are taking a stand to state that these chemicals, use of water and damage to groundwater are not acceptable and this energy method should not be used. Firstly, chemicals typically make up just 0. and 2% of the total volume of the fracturing fluid with the majority being water. Secondly, natural gas emits fewer greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels, about half as much of carbon dioxide as coal which contributes to less global warming. Thirdly, with the halting of fracturing in some states due to pressures from environmental and public health groups asking the EPA for tests and proof that it is safe to continue with this type of energy production, supporters are concerned that it could hinder U. S. job growth and energy output in a time of need (McLendon, 2010). The tests from the EPA will take roughly two years, so until then it is a waiting process. As you can see, this is a roughly new energy production that does need to be researched more. From my point of view the pros seem to outweigh the cons. I think more tests and actual data about contamination and whether it is really safe will be the true test. The increase in jobs, economic growth, and clean burning energy is most definitely what this country needs right now. The true outlook on this issue will come towards the later part of this year when the test results conclude. References Green, M. (2012, January 05). Starting the energy debate. Retrieved from http://energytomorrow. org/blog/starting-the-energy-debate/ McLendon, R. (2010, December 10). Big frack attack: Is hydraulic fracturing safe?. Retrieved from http://www. mnn. com/earth-matters/translating-uncle-sam/stories/big-frack-attack-is-hydraulic-fracturing-safe US EPA. (2004, June). Evaluation of impacts to underground sources of drinking water by hydraulic fracturing of coalbed methane reservoirs. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/safewater/uic/pdfs/cbmstudy_attach_uic_exec_summ. pdf Appendix
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Google talks with groupon are ended without deal Essay
Google talks with groupon are ended without deal - Essay Example al Shareholder Services) reported that Google’s overall ranking on corporate governance was just 0.2% in comparison with Standard and Poor’s 500 firms – in other words it outranked just one of the other companies (rankforsales 2004). One of the major areas of concern was the way the founders and other insiders were given extra voting rights through the IPO. These share holders had the power of 10 votes per share as compared to the normal share holders who had 1 vote per share powers (rankforsales 2004). Another concern was that of low independent board membership ratio. This shows that founders of the company have not been too keen on losing control over the reins of the company. Groupon is still a closely held company. The company is expected to grow very fast and is today the number 1 player in its category. The company has been using innovative marketing concept called â€Å"reverse marketing†. Here the company does not force customers to buy through blatant advertising but through providing them with information regarding discounts and gives them the choice to decide which products to buy. The company uses the collective buying concept to offer huge discounts to customers and provide the businesses a huge database. The unique way of business which the company follows has provided the company a negative working capital situation. This means the business gets money upfront from their customers and pay their business partner later on as followed by Wal-Mart also. Mismanagement of the deal seems to be behind this break-off. The problem seems to be the break-up fee that Google has offered. As a part of compliance management, the company which has agreed to be sold is bound by the breakup fee agreement. However, many companies do not comply by the initial agreement and accept counter offers from other firms. In this case Google has publicized about the fee being the dampener. This can be a possible activity to put pressure on the management of Groupon to agree
Friday, September 27, 2019
Buddhist Ethics and Emotivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Buddhist Ethics and Emotivism - Essay Example I was introduced to the dos and don’ts of the family at a very tender age and; by the time I went to grade one, I was aware of the acceptable forms of behaviour in the family and I had embraced my family’s ethical viewpoint. In the school, our teachers also orientated us to the school’s code of conduct which prohibited any form of indiscipline. So, throughout my primary school study years, I had never doubted the rationality of the ethics that I had been introduced to by my parents and my teachers. The turning point in the journey of the development of my ethical viewpoint came when I went to High School. In High school, I met students who had completely different moral view points from the one I had. For instance, while as a child I had been taught that stealing is unethical under all circumstances. In High School, however, I met some students who believed that stealing is morally justifiable under some circumstance. These students made me to rethink my moral worldview and to ask myself some hard questions. For instance, I asked myself whether stealing really is unethical under all circumstances. As I was reflecting on these questions, all my pens were stolen most probably by my fellow classmates who did not see anything wrong with stealing; I had carelessly left my pens on the table when they were stolen. This event presented a real moral dilemma to me. This is because before going to High School, my parents had strictly warned me against losing any of the stationery that they had bought me; my parents had warned me that if I lose the stationery, through carelessness, they wouldnâ €™t buy me any other. So, I was faced with the moral dilemma of whether to steal another pen from my classmates, or to lie to my parents that it was not through carelessness that I had lost the pens so that they could buy me other pens. Eventually, I chose the lesser evil, i.e. to lie to my parents so that they could buy
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Functions - Essay Example Furthermore, having an exceptional educational background can give the officer the confidence to tackle situations that present themselves in the daily activities, for example; the apprehension of criminals. Understanding search and seizure laws may sometimes be the difference between capturing a criminal and giving them a get-out-of jail free card. Sergeants in police forces around the world need to have experience so as to command a police unit. On top of all that, it is imperative to have the education in the field so as to allow the officer in question to remain loyal to those they might serve, and ask for a promotion when the time is right. As the newly appointed Police Chief, it is my duty to evaluate the educational background of the individual in question, starting with the basic aspect of communication. The concept of having an exceptional educational background does not matter much if the individual is incapable of properly communicating with others (Ross 267). Individuals in this position are faced with the uphill task of communicating on a regular basis with their units, as this issue of communication may be a matter of life and death. The high school diploma and two years of higher education are also part of the promotional requirements. The promotion of sergeants to lieutenants based on education as the deciding factor is vital. Individuals seeking this must at least boast of a bachelor’s degree or any certification higher than the bachelor’s degree. Recent studies indicate that officers who seek promotions and have a high educational background have a higher chance of getting promotions, and at the same time, may be better equipped to handle the tasks and responsibilities that come with policing (Ross 273). Debates have been on the rise as to whether education is important in policing, and in my opinion, it is a crucial
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Media Impact on People's Thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Media Impact on People's Thoughts - Essay Example This was due to the largely favorable presentation of the war in the media, such as the images of Saddam’s statue being pulled down, and President Bush stepping off a plane to a banner proclaiming victory in Iraq. Selective reporting, biased reporting, or the manner in which certain issues are highlighted while others are glossed over can elevate or diminish the significance of an issue in the mind of the public. During the initial weeks of the war, there was widespread media coverage of President Bush giving pep talks at military locations and negative reaction to the war was sparingly reported. The opposition of France and other European countries to Iraq was sparingly reported while those in the Senate who opposed the war received no media coverage. The public also had the image of the prior Iraq war in mind, which was concluded quickly and painlessly and expected the second war to follow the same path. However, media images in America began to change as the war continued. For example, one local television news program aired a fifteen-minute segment each evening when it focused on the body of one dead soldier in a brief eulogy. The persistent images of dead American soldiers presented every night have subtly influenced public opinion so that the once favorable opinion of the public has been altered. By the end of 2003, polls were showing public support down to 50% from 70%. The impact of the images of the dead is evident from the words of former tanker Ed Collins, now 82, who says, â€Å"When is it going to stop? We’re losing a lot of youngsters.†The perception that lives are being lost is brought forcefully into the public consciousness through the personalized eulogy for each soldier presented in TV programs such as those mentioned above. According to polling experts, Americans are more sensitive to casualties in this Iraq war because they see no vital interests at stake to justify the deaths which are taking place.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Dismantling of White Supremacy in the United States Essay - 1
The Dismantling of White Supremacy in the United States - Essay Example The awakening of the African-American community enhanced in the 1930s due to the economic crisis of 1929, which gave the opportunity for blacks to join whites inviting social reforms. During the 1930s, the NAACP organized a fierce legal battle against discrimination including segregation in public education. The Second World War was the occasion of major changes in the national and racial politics as whites were made ​​more aware of the danger of racist ideas. At the beginning of the war, the threat of a march in Washington by blacks, forced President Roosevelt to issue an executive order prohibiting racial discrimination in defense industries and government. The first step was taken against segregation in the northern states after the Second World War (considering the war effort of African Americans in the military).Racial segregation was fought by peace and non- peace activists for the civil rights of African Americans from the end of the Second World War until the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. The initiation was done by a lady named â€Å"Rosa Parks†. She became famous when on 1 December 1955, in the city of Montgomery, Alabama, she refused to obey bus driver who asked her to leave her seat to a white and go sit in the back of the bus. She was arrested by the police, convicted but appealed the judgment (this is the famous case of the bus). She just gave a decisive impetus to the civil rights movement that will reveal a new leader. Martin Luther, while unknown, was launching a campaign of protest and boycott against the bus company would last more than one year. Federal courts finally declared segregation in transport as illegal: this victory was gained through non-violence activism and support of white liberals. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest orators and politicians and became the spokesman of the African-American community in the U.S. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, United
Monday, September 23, 2019
COMPARE THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A UK ADULT CITIZEN AND A REFUGEE OR ASYLUM SEEKER BOTH LIVING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IN TERMS OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY - Essay Example This essay compares the rights and responsibilities of Asylum seekers and adult U.K citizens in terms of health and social security. The United Kingdom adult citizens exercise their rights and responsibility of contributing to the issues of health and social securities by voting and raising public opinions to the government. In contrast, the contribution of asylum seekers in these issues is minimal due to language barriers. The government tries to involve them by providing them with channels to communicate and give their decisions regarding the issues affecting them (NRIF, 2006: CRC, 2004). For instance, the ‘English for Speaker of other Languages’ program aimed at teaching English to this group of people (ISE, 2005: Ragu, 2008). This effort aims at improving their communication abilities so that they can be able to take up their rights and responsibilities. All adult citizens of U.K. have an absolute right to the National Hospital Services (NHS), which includes free medical treatment and care. On the other hand, not all Refugees and Asylum seekers receive this facility (Aspinall & Watters, 2010, p.23). Those asylum seekers who have not received permanent residence confirmation from the government cannot access this facility. They have access to the medical services but at their own cost (Palmer & Ward, 2007). Those who have received confirmation enjoy national health services (NHS) without any payment (Crawley & Crimes, 2009). All adult citizens in U.K. have the right to register with a general practitioner of their choice free of charge. If a general practitioner cannot register them, he or she should give a substantial reason in writing to explain the cause (CIC, 2007). Contrary, refugees and asylum seekers may apply with general practitioners (Lee, 2006: Refugee Council, 2005). However, the general practitioners have the right to consider such applications and decide whether to accept them or
Sunday, September 22, 2019
JPMorgan Chase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6
JPMorgan Chase - Essay Example In the last section the essay will shed light on software automation in online banking transaction. According to Securities and Exchange Commission (2013), its purpose of existence is to protect the interest of investors, facilitate capital formation and maintain a transparent and fare market. Research scholars such as Kamin and DeMarco (2010) and Hill (2010) have pointed out that SEC plays much larger role in comparison to CFTC when it comes to saving the interest of investors. Hence in this essay, the researcher will only focus on control mechanism of SEC in order to discourage banks and financial institutions from involving in high risk gambles in primary market and securities. SEC has created two divisions such as Division of Trading and Markets and Division of Investment Management in order to create a fair a transparent market and protect interest of investors (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2013). ... mechanisms of Trading and Market Division and Investment Management Division of SEC to protect interest of investors can be summarized as, 1- incorporating financial integrity program to mitigate conflict of interest between broker-dealers, 2- reviewing policies to identify and punish fraudulent activities of banks and other companies, 3- assisting the Commission to establish a fair security market and 4- monitoring the actions in commodity market, 5- reviewing the investment adviser filings and 6- assisting Commission to go for law enforcement against companies and banks falsifying the financial results (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2013). SEC has also investigative arm which conduct investigation on following charges; Omission or misrepresentation financial results or crucial security information Manipulation of market prices of securities Defrauding customer’s fund  Insider trading of market information On the basis of above mentioned guidelines, control measures and legal enforcement actions, SEC take actions in order to prevent high-risk gambles in securities in the field of banking operation and security exchange. Elements of contracts include various items such as, 1- An Offer- willingness of parities to enter into bargain, 2- An Acceptance- acceptance of condition mentioned in by both parties, Purpose- purpose of the contract must be legal, 4- Mutuality of Obligation- mutual understanding of the condition and obligation between parties, 5- Consideration- there must consideration of benefits among both promisor and promise and 6- Certainty of Subject Matter- all the conditions must be clearly defined in the contract so that everyone involved in the contract can understand it. However, the nature of contract between banks and customers is purely based
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Philadelphia family Essay Example for Free
Philadelphia family Essay Born in 1856 into a wealthy Philadelphia family, Taylor disappointed his parents by working in a metal products factory, first as a machinist and next as a foreman. Shocked at the factorys inefficiency, and the practice of its skilled workers of purposely working slowly. As an engineer he was more interested in the practical outcome and not the psychology Taylor proposed solutions that he believed would solve both problems. By studying the time it took each worker to complete a step, and by rearranging equipment, Taylor believed he could discover what an average worker could produce in optimum conditions. The promise of higher wages, he figured, would create added incentive for workers to exceed this average level. Taylors time-and-motion studies offered a path away from the industrial wars of a century ago. Now what was needed was a way to apportion the wealth created by manufacturing enterprises. Taylors answer sidestepped the class struggle and interest group politics. He believed his principles would create a partnership between manager and worker, based on an understanding of how jobs should be done and how workers are motivated. These workers are motivated by money. He believed a fairs day work deserved a fair day bonus. He thought keeping his workforce happy would keep them producing at a high quality. He died in 1915, whilst on a speaking tour in the mid west he contracted influenza, he was admitted to hospital and celebrated his 59th birthday there and died the next day. Taylors second and third theory is used in the McDonalds. The McDonalds ethos is that the food preparation must be done to specific instructions. For instance the fries must be cooked for a 3 minutes at a temperature of 175o, then the buzzer tells the employee to take them out and salt them. Throughout all McDonalds are a series of dedicated, purpose-built machine for producing milkshakes, toasting buns and squirting chocolate sauce and much else. After 150 years this is the most active period working in industry, F W Taylor would feel very much at home ordering a Big Mac. The biggest person that Taylors theorys influenced was Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the first person to try mass production and it was a massive success. Taylors practices were first used in 1911 in the factory; by 1913 Ford had introduced a conveyor belt system and had achieved the ultimate Taylorite idea. This method was also used in Nazi death camps. They did not plan whom they would kill until the day they did it. Both Mussolini and Stalin both used his techniques during their communist uprisings. Taylor also wrote many books of these the most famous is The Principles of Scientific Management he wrote this in 1911. He split the book into two chapters the first the fundamentals of scientific management and the second The principles of scientific management. In the first chapter he stated that the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee. In the second chapter he stated that people should be told what to do and how they do it. They should be motivated by a money incentive. Before Taylor, skilled workers chose their own methods of work, but after Taylor workers were far more likely to have limited, repetitive tasks and were forced to work at a pace set by their manager. To maximise efforts of workers Taylor introduced an incentive system known as a differential piece-rate. This offered a meagre payment per unit produced. 2p per unit for the first 500 per day 5p per unit all those above 500 per day The threshold was set a t a level which those producing barely 500 received barely a living wage. To make 700 was a great incentive, as you would earn double what you would at the 500 mark. But the workers in many places resented this theory that the theory was abandoned soon after introduction. Problems with Taylors methods With Taylors notion of a quickest and best way for all workers does not take into account individual differences. There is no guarantee that the best way will suit everyone. Also some people naturally will be able to work faster than others creating a disadvantage for those he is not so fast. Taylor also viewed people as machines, with financial needs, than as humans in a social setting. People felt pressured and did not like being treated this way. He also overlooked the fact that some people work for other reasons than money. In a financial survey in 1982, a large sample of British people were asked whether they would carry on working if they financially did no need to. Nearly 70% of men and 655 of women said they would. Taylors Core values The rule of reason, improved quality, lower costs, higher wages, higher output, labour management, co-operation, experimentation, clear tasks and goals, feedback, training, stress reduction and the careful selection and development of people. He was the first to present a systemic study of interaction an d job requirements, tools, methods and human skills, to fit people into jobs both psychologically and physically, and to let data and facts do the talking rather than prejudice, opinions or egomania.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Cryptography and Steganography For Secure Communication
Cryptography and Steganography For Secure Communication Combination of Cryptography and Steganography for secure communication is a tool that combines both Cryptography methods and Steganography techniques for secure communication. The application is a cross-platform tool that can be effectively hide a message inside a digital video file. In the field of data communication, security has the top priority. Cryptography is one of the technique for secure plain text messages. Cryptography makes the necessary elements for secure communication namely privacy, confidentiality, key exchange and authentication but reveals the fact that communication is happening. Steganography takes cryptography a step farther by hiding the existence of the information. Steganography plays a vital role in the data communication field in the future primarily in computer security and privacy on open systems such as internet. The figure below[1], gives different applications of Steganography. Protection against detection (Data hiding) and protection against removal (Document Marking) are two major areas Steganographic methods are used. Steganographic Data hiding algorithms allows user to hide large amounts of information within digital files like Image, audio and video files. These forms of Steganography often used in conjunction with cryptography adding layers of security. The Other major area of Steganography is document marking where the message to be inserted is used to assert copyright over a document. This can be further divided into watermarking and fingerprinting. Copyright abuse is the motivating factor in developing new document marking technologies like digital watermarking and digital fingerprinting. Digital Watermarking is a way to hide a secret or personal message to protect a products copyright or to demonstrate data integrity. Digital Fingerprinting is an emerging technology to protect multimedia from unauthorized redistribution. It embeds a unique ID into each users copy, which can be extracted to help identify culprits when an unauthorized leak is found [2]. Neither Cryptography nor Steganography is a turnkey solution to privacy of open systems. To add multiple layers of security it is always a good practice to use both Cryptography and Steganography together. While performing Cryptography we should know two formulas ( Cipher formula, Decipher formula). Rationale: To make the communication more secure in this application we are implementing three layers of security like Steganography, Cryptography and Compression. The application first compresses the word document with secret message, and then encrypts the compressed file and uses the resulted file as the secret message to hide in the digital video file generating a Stego-object. The intended receiver de-embeds decrypts and decompresses the Stego-object respectively to get the hidden message. This paper also attempts to identify the requirements of a good Steganographic algorithm and briefly reflects on different types of steganalysis techniques.The application uses Tiny encryption algorithm and Discrete Cosine Transformation-Least significant bit algorithm for implementing Cryptography and Steganography respectively. The outcome of this project is to create a cross-platform tool that can effectively hide a message (i.e. Word document) inside a digital video file. It is concerned with embeddin g information in a secure and robust manner. REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE Background to subject of study: The idea of building this tool is to make the communication is such a way that no one can detect the message inside the stego-object. Earlier we have tools for different tools for Steganography and Cryptography. In this tool we are implementing three layers of security (Steganography, Cryptography and Compression) so that the communication can be more secure and all can be done in a single tool instead of using three different tools. Steganography has came into usage in 1990s and it is still using in many ways by Governments, Private citizens, Business and Terrorist organizations for communication to share information and passwords. Cryptography came into consideration in 18th century. The goal of cryptography is to make it possible for two communication entities to exchange a message in such a way that no third party can understand the message. Cryptography has been implementing from many days, in the World war Germany and USA. They have used it in sharing messages and implemented machines to implement cryptography. Examples and critique of current research in the field: There are many tools that are implementing Steganography now a days. The SARC (Steganography Analysis and Research Center has implemented three tools in steganography like Steganography Analyzer Artifact Scanner, Steganography Analyzer Signature Scanner and Steganography Analyzer Real-Time Scanner. The Steganography Analyzer Artifact Scanner detect files and registry entries associated with steganography applications where as Steganography Analyzer Signature Scanner detect files containing steganography and extract the hidden information and the Steganography Analyzer Real-Time Scanner detect steganography artifacts and signatures in real-time over a network. S-Tool is also one of the steganography tool that is using now a days. Its free to download and hides the data in an image or sound file. It compresses the data before encrypting and hides it in a image file or audio file. PILOT RESEARCH STUDY Hypothesis: As sending the message will be easy for unauthorized persons to detect the information in the situations like passwords sharing and confidential information sharing. So for that we have methods that can make the information secure. By using Steganography and Cryptography techniques we can share the information more securely by hiding the information in other files. Even though we have some risks that are involved in these techniques we can be rectified to certain extend by using this tool. Research method: This application is implemented for secure transmission of data. In this application we have three layers of security like compression, Cryptography and Steganography. We are using different type of algorithms in Cryptography and Steganography so that the hackers cannot identify which algorithm is supposed to be used. In secret key Cryptography several algorithms are in operation like Data Encryption Standard (DES), Rivest Chipers (aka Rons Code), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish and CAST-128/256. In public key Cryptography we have Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC), ElGamal, Digital signature Algorithm (DSA), Diffie-Hellman and RSA algorithms mostly isong now a days. In hash function in Cryptography Hash of variable length(HAVAL), Tiger, RIPEMD, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and Message Digest Algorith(MD) are in use. Tiny Encryption Algorithm is also one of the Feistel Cipher encryption algorithm that was designed in 1994 is used in Cryptography that uses mixed orthogonal algebraic groups like ADD, SHIFT and XOR. In steganography we are using different Steganographic methods for hiding information into a video file like LSB (Discrete Cosine Transformation-List Significant Bit Encoding). Each frame in a video file holds a piece of secret message. Cryptography use cipher algorithm for encryption and decryption of data. In the previous decades they were used ciphers like Scytale Transportation Cipher, Caesar Substitution Chiper, Zodiac Chiper and Vigenere Polyalphabetic Substitution. Both Steganography and Cryptography are data security techniques, but the cryptography is implemented to data unread and Steganography in for data unseen. Steganography can use Cryptography where as Cryptography cannot use Steganography. Steganography implemented to Cryptographic data will increase in security level. Initial Results: In this application i am implementing three layers of security to make the information more secure. There are no any tools that implementing all the three layers like compression, Cryptography and Steganograpy. We have tools for steganography like S-Tool and for Cryptography. By using one tool instead of using three tools will save time and money with more security. This is the basic advantage of this application. The help document will guide in Interface. OUT LINE OF PROPOSAL Aims of the Investigation: The aim of this paper is to describe a method for integrating together cryptography and Steganography for secure communication using a Video file. The proposed system first compresses the secret message (i.e. word document) and then implements cryptographic algorithms to the compressed message. The resulted file is used as the secret message to be hidden in the digital video file. Once the video file is embedded with the secret message, it is sent to the intended receiver. The video file should be de-embedded, decrypted and decompressed to get the original secret message hence, adding three layers of security to the communication. I am going to design a good Graphical User Interface (GUI) with help notes so that anyone can understand ahout the application easily. Research Objectives: The objective of this project is to hide secret messages (e.g. Text Phrase, word document) inside other harmless messages such as Image and Video file, in a way that does not allow any third party to even detect that there is a second secret message present in it. The application implements this by combining the Steganographic methods with Cryptographic techniques (i.e. Encryption, decryption) to make the transfer more secure. It is concerned with embedding information in a secure and robust manner. The Text file will be compressed and after that the compressed file will go on with a Cryptography and Steganography. Methodologies: Modules of the Application: The application has two modes of operation i.e. Sender and Receiver. The three major modules for Sender mode of application are Compression: The application first compresses the document to be transferred Encryption: An Encryption algorithm encrypts the compressed file and the resulted file is used as secret message. Embedding: The encrypted file is hidden in the Harmless Message (video file) using corresponding Steganographic algorithm, which generates a Stego Object, which is sent to the intended recipient. The three major modules for the Receiver mode of application are De-Embedding: The Stego Object is de-embedded generating an encrypted file. Decryption: The encrypted file is decrypted using an the Encryption algorithm, and the resulted file is given to the compression module De-Compression: The application then de-compresses the document and we have the Secret message. Steganography and cryptography are closely related. Cryptography scrambles messages so they cannot be understood Whereas, Steganography will hide the message so there is no knowledge of the existence of the message [7]. Sending an encrypted message will arouse suspicion while an invisible message will not do so. The application developed in this project combines both sciences to produce better protection of the message. Even if the Steganography fails since the message is in encrypted form it is of no use for the third party, hence the information is secure. In Cryptography we have used three types of methodologies and are implemented depending on the encryption Algorithm.They are Secret key Cryptography, Public key Cryptography and hash function. These 3 methods are briefly explained below. Secret Key Cryptography: Secret key Cryptography, also known as symmetric encryption uses same key for encryption and decryption. The sender uses key to encrypt the text and sends ciphertext to the receiver. The receiver applies the same key to decrypt the message and recover the Text. K K Text Ciphertext Text E( ) D( ) K-key, E-Encryption, D-Decryption Secret key Cryptography The above figure shows the process of secret key cryptography. The biggest difficulty with this approach is the distribution of the key. Block ciphers can operate in one of the several modes. Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB) are the most important modes. Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), CAST-128/256, Rivest Ciphers (aka Rons Code), Blowfish are some of the Secret key cryptography algorithms [3]. Public-Key Cryptography: K1 K2 Text Ciphertext Text E( ) D( ) K-key, E-Encryption, D-Decryption Public key Cryptography Public key cryptography is a two-key cryptography system in which two keys are used in encryption and decryption for secure communication without having to share a secret key. One key is used to encrypt the text, designated the public key which can be advertised. The other key is used to decrypt the ciphertext to plaintext and is designated the private key which is never revealed to another party. This approach also called as asymmetric cryptography, because we use a pair of keys. The figure shows the process of the public cryptographic algorithms. Public key cryptography depends upon the one-way functions, which are easy to compute whereas their inverse function is relatively difficult to compute. RSA, Diffie-Hellman, Digital signature Algorithm (DSA), ElGamal, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC, are the examples of Public-key cryptography algorithms [3]. Hash Functions: Hash functions, are also called as message digests and one-way encryption. Hash function algorithms do not use a key to carry out the encryption and decryption process. Instead, the algorithm computes a fixed length hash value based upon the text that keeps both the contents and the length of the message secure. Tiny Encryption Algorithm is a Feistel cipher encryption algorithm that uses operations from mixed orthogonal algebraic groups like XOR, ADD and SHIFT. David Wheeler and Roger Needham of the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory designed TEA in the year 1994. A Feistel cipher is a block cipher with a structure known as a Feistel network. In a Feistel cipher, the data been encrypted is split into two halves. The function F( ) is applied to one half using a sub key and the output of F() is XORed with the other half and the two halves are swapped. Each round function follows the same pattern except for last round. A nice feature of a Feistel cipher is that encryption and decryption are identical i.e. the sub keys used during encryption at each round are taken in reverse order while decryption [4]. The main goal of TEA is to minimize memory footprint and maximize speed. TEA is simple to implement, has less execution time, and takes minimal storage space. TEA uses a large number of iterations rather than a complicated program. Notation: Any number subscripted with h represents a Hexadecimal number e.g: 10h represents 16 in decimal values. Notations for Bitwise Shifts and Rotations: x x >> y: denotes logical right shift of x by y bits. x x >>> y: denotes right rotation of x by y bits. XOR: In computer science, an XOR is a mathematical operation that combines two bits. It returns value is TRUE if either of the two bits is TRUE, but false if both are equal. For our cryptography algorithm, we do an XOR combining two strings of bits. Say x and y are two string patterns then XOR for x and y is denoted by xà ¢Ã… †¢y [4]. Integer Addition and Subtraction: The operation of integer addition modulo 2n is denoted by and subtraction modulo 2n is denoted by. Where x, y à ¢Ã‹â€ ˆZ2n (The value of n should be clear from the context) The key is set at 128 bits and the key schedule algorithm splits the 128-bit key K into four 32-bit blocks K = ( K[0], K[1], K[2], K[3]). The 128-bit key is enough to prevent simple search techniques being effective [4]. Encryption Routine: The Encrypt Routine given in figure [4], is written in the C language and assumes a 32-bit word size. The 128 bit key is split into four parts and is stored in K[0] k[3] and the Data is stored in v[0] and v[1]. void code(long* v, long* k) { unsigned long y=v[0],z=v[1], sum=0, /* set up */ delta=0x9e3779b9, /* a key schedule constant */ n=32 ; while (n>0) { /* basic cycle start */ sum += delta ; y += ((z>5)+k[1]) ; z += ((y>5)+k[3]) ; } /* end cycle */ v[0]=y ; v[1]=z ; } Encryption Routine for TEA The constant delta is given as delta = (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡5 -1) * 231 i.e. 9E3779B9h and is derived from the golden number ratio to ensure that the sub keys are distinct and its precise value has no cryptographic significance. TEA uses addition and subtraction as the reversible operators instead of XOR. The TEA encryption routine relies on the alternate use of XOR and ADD to provide nonlinearity. The algorithm has 32 cycles (64 rounds). TEA is short enough to write into almost any program on any computer. TEA on one implementation is three times as fast as a good software implementation of DES, which has 16 rounds. The figure shown below [4], gives an overview of two rounds i.e. one cycle of TEA. Key size: 128 bit key is split into four subkeys K = { K[0],K[1],K[2],K[3] } Block size: 64 bits Structure: Feistel Network Rounds: Variable (64 Feistel rounds (32 cycles) is recommended). . Represents Integer addition modulo Represents XOR Represents logical left shift by 4 bits Represents logical right shift by 5 bits Two Feistel Rounds (one cycle) of TEA Inputs for the Encryption routine: Plaintext P, Key K The plaintext is split into two halves as P= (Left[0],Right[0]) Output for the Encryption routine: The cipher text is C Where C=(Left[64], Right[64]). The plaintext block is split into two halves, Left[0] and Right[0] and each half is used to encrypt the other half over 64 rounds of processing then combined to produce the cipher text block. Each round i has inputs Left[i-1] and Right[i-1], derived from the previous round, as well as a sub key K[i] derived from the 128 bit overall K. The Output and the delta constant of the ith cycle of TEA are given as Left [i+1] = Left[i] F ( Right[i], K [0, 1], delta[i] ), Right [i +1] = Right[i] F ( Right[i +1], K [2, 3], delta[i] ), delta[i] = (i +1)/2 * delta, The sub keys K[i] are different from K and from each other. The Round function F contains the key addition, bitwise XOR and both left and right shift operations, and given as F(M, K[j,k], delta[i] ) = ((M > 5) K[k]) F Round function and K[i] key for the ith round Encryption Process for TEA The keys K[0] and K[1] are used in the odd rounds and the keys K[2] and K[3] are used in even rounds. The round function of TEA encryption algorithm differs slightly from a classical Feistel cipher structure where integer addition modulo-2 ³Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ² is used instead of XOR as the combining operator. The above figure[4] gives an overview of the encryption process for TEA. Decryption Routine: void decode(long* v, long* k) { unsigned long n = 32, sum, y = v[0], z = v[1], delta = 0x9e3779b9 ; sum = delta /* start cycle */ while (n>0) { z = (y>5)+k[3] ; y -= (z>5)+k[1] ; sum -= delta ; } /* end cycle */ v[0] = y ; v[1] = z ; } Decryption Routine for TEA The decryption routine shown in the figure[4], is same as the encryption routine with the cipher text as input and the sub keys K[i] are used in the reverse order. Inputs for the Decryption routine: Cipher text C, Key K The cipher text is split into two halves as C= (DLeft[0],DRight[0]) Where Dleft[0]=ERight[64] and DRight[0]=Eleft[64] Output for the Decryption routine: The plain text is P, Where C=(DLeft[64], DRight[64]). F Round function and K[i] key for the ith round. Decryption Process for TEA The figure [4] gives the structure of the decryption algorithm for TEA. The intermediate value for the decryption process equals the corresponding value of the encryption process with the two halves of the value swapped. For example say the output of the nth round of the encryption process is ELeft[i] concatenated with ERight[i] then the input to the (64-i)th decryption round is DRight[i] concatenated with DLeft[i]. DCT-LSB (Discrete Cosine Transformation-List Significant Bit Encoding): DCT-LSB is a Steganographic method is a substitution algorithm used for hiding information behind Video files. Each frame in the video holds a part of the secret message. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) transforms successive 8 ÃÆ'- 8 pixel blocks of the frame into 64 DCT coefficients each. The DCT coefficients D(i, j) of an 8 ÃÆ'- 8 block of image pixels p(x, y) are given by the formula below Least Significant Bit (LSB) is a simple Steganographic method that takes the individual pixels of the frame and replaces the least significant bits with the secret message bits. It is by far the most popular of the coding techniques used. The process of LSB algorithm is shown in the figure below. Embed Extract LSB Process We can commandeer the least significant bit of 8-bit true color image to hold each bit of our secret message by simply overwriting the data that was already there. The impact of changing the least significant bit is almost imperceptible. Input: message, cover image Output: steganographic object containing message while data left to embed do get next DCT coefficient from cover file if DCT à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0 and DCT à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 1 then get next bit from the Secret message replace DCT LSB with message bit end if insert DCT into steganographic object end while Embedding Process of DCT-LSB Input: steganographic object containing message Output: message, cover image while data left to extract do get next DCT coefficient from Stego object if DCT à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0 and DCT à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 1 then Extract the DCT LSB bit from the object Copy to message file end if end while Extracting Process of DCT-LSB The above figures[5] gives algorithms for embedding and extracting secret information in video files using DCT-LSB algorithm respectively. DEFLATE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM DEFLATE is a no loss compressed data format that compresses data using a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding. Independent of CPU type, operating system, file system, and character set Compatible with widely used gzip utility Worst case 5bytes per 32Kbyte block[6]. Ethical Considerations: There are two possible ways of attacks on Steganography (Detection and Destruction) of embedded message. The properties of the file in which we are hiding information will differ when hiding message into it. The Steganalysis will find it and analyse the stego object. Steganalysis is the technique used to detect hidden messages in digital data like video or audio file steganographically[7]. Steganalysis is used to disrupt the steganographic elements to transfer by extracting, disabling or disrupting. Detection: Most Steganographic techniques involve in changing the properties of original harmless messages like Image and Video files and the detection algorithms concentrate on detecting these changes [8]. Detecting the existence of a hidden message will save time in the message elimination phase by processing only those digital files that contains hidden information. Detecting an embedded message defeats the primary goal of Steganography techniques that is concealing the very existence of a message [8]. The algorithms vary in their approaches for hiding information. Without knowing which algorithm is used and which Stego-key is used, detecting the hidden information is quite complex. Destruction or Defeating algorithms concentrate on removing the hidden messages from the Stego object [8]. Steganalysis techniques are similar to the cryptanalysis for the cryptography methods. As we have discussed previously. Harmless Message + secret message + stego-key = stega-object Some of the known attacks for the Steganography are stego-only, known cover, known message, chosen stego, and chosen message. In Cryptography there are many types of Cryptographic attacks. The attacks are done on the Cipher text. There are some of the ways to attack cipher text like Brute force attacks, Meet in the middle attack, Birthday attack and side channel attack[9]. Plan Time Table: Activity Nov 09 Dec09 Dec09 Dec09 Jan 09 Jan 09 Jan 09 Jan 09 Feb 09 Selection of topic XX analyzing XX Research XX Literature review XX introduction XX Rationale XX methodologies XX Initial results XX conclusion XX After the approval of the research proposal the project will be started. The dissertation will be preceded according to the steps that are given by the supervisor. Limitations and Scope: Steganography is an effective way to obscure data and hide sensitive information. The effectiveness of Steganography is amplified by combining it with cryptography. By using the properties of the DCT-LSB Steganography algorithm for video file and combining it with the TEA cryptography standards, we developed a method, which adds layers of security to the communication. Steganographic methods do not intended to replace cryptography but supplement it. The strength of our system resides in adding multiple layers of security. First the secret message i.e. word document to be transferred is compressed, encrypted and then embedded in a video file using Steganographic algorithm hence, adding three layers of security. The weakness of the system developed is the size of the secret file i.e. word document after compression should be less than the size of the Cover object i.e. Video file. Since we are using compression algorithm this happens only for huge documents. As future work, we intend to study more steganalytic techniques i.e. detecting whether a particular file contains any form of embedding or not. We also plan to extend our system so that it can hide digital files in other digital files, for example hiding Audio files in Videos files etc. Personal Development and Requirement: Regarding this research a brief knowledge on steganography and cryptography and the methods that are used in embedding and de-embedding file. We should also have a brief idea on encryption and decryption algorithms in cryptography. In this application we can also encrypt strings and document files. Resource reruirements: This Application will work on any Microsoft Operating systems and the hard disk should have atleast of 4 MB memory. The RAM should be 256 Mega Bytes or higher.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Computer Crime: A Increasing Problem :: essays research papers fc
Computer Crime: A Increasing Problem ABSTRACT Computer crimes seem to be an increasing problem in today's society. The main aspect concerning these offenses is information gained or lost. As our government tries to take control of the information that travels through the digital world, and across networks such as the InterNet, they also seem to be taking away certain rights and privileges that come with these technological advancements. These services open a whole new doorway to communications as we know it. They offer freedom of expression, and at the same time, freedom of privacy in the highest possible form. Can the government reduce computer crimes, and still allow people the right to freedom of expression and privacy? INFORMATION CONTROL IN THE DIGITIZED WORLD In the past decade, computer technology has expanded at an incredibly fast rate, and the information stored on these computers has been increasing even faster. The amount of money, military intelligence, and personal information stored on computers has increased far beyond expectations. Governments, the military, and the economy could not operate without the use of computers. Banks transfer trillions of dollars every day over inter-linking networks, and more than one billion pieces of electronic mail are passed through the world's networks daily. It is the age of the computer network, the largest of which is known as the InterNet. A complex web of communications inter-linking millions of computers together -- and this number is at least doubling every year. The computer was originally designed as a scientific and mathematical tool, to aid in performing intense and precise calculations. However, from the large, sixty square foot ENIAC (Electronical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) of 1946, to the three square foot IBM PC of today, their uses have mutated and expanded far beyond this boundary. Their almost infinite capacity and lightning speed, which is increasing annually, and their low cost, which is decreasing annually, has allowed computers to stabilize at a more personal level, yet retain their position in mathematical and scientific research1 . They are now being used in almost every aspect of life, as we know it, today. The greatest effect of computers on life at this present time seems to be the InterNet. What we know now as the InterNet began in 1969 as a network then named ArpaNet. ArpaNet, under control by the pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, was first introduced as an answer to a problem concerning the government question of how they would communicate during war. They needed a network with no central authority, unlike those subsequent to this project. A main computer controlling the network would definitely be an immediate target for enemies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Path to True Happiness: Choosing Love over Desire Essay -- Homers
Motivation is the reason why people behave the way they do. It is the driving force behind human behavior and is what compels actions toward a desired goal. There are copious amounts of varying motivating forces. In Homer’s Iliad, it is honor and glory, whereas, love drives Augustine’s actions in The Confessions. In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius holds that the transient nature of life be the incentive behind human action. Despite the differences in reasoning and motivation, all four texts demonstrate the natural tendency of humans to give into desire in pursuit of happiness. However, true happiness only exists in divine love. As follows, focusing on the ego and one’s desires results in separation from and rejection of divine love and leads, inevitably, to unhappiness and harm to oneself and others. The desire and ultimate goal of the heroes in The Iliad is the fame that endures even after death. Honor and glory guide every action and response they make because honor and glory define the hero in their society. The war served as an opportunity for many to find honor and glory, as they could be gained through great, gallant deeds in battle. Achilles and Hector are both portrayed as great fighters seeing that their presence greatly affect a battle. Paris, on the other hand, must be dragged out of the city to fight in the war he instigated. Only when Hector â€Å"raked [him] with insults, stinging taunts†and shameful things about his character did he return to battle (6.384). Good social standing is essential to the fame and power that the heroes desire. If Paris is to be deemed honorable and glorious, he must leave the safety and comfort of his home and pull his weight in battle. Ultimately, Paris’s pride and desire to be liked and respe... ...n to die. Therefore, it is important to live like it is your last day and to strive to be a better person. For this reason, humans should realize that yielding to desires in the physical world will not constitute eternal happiness. It is only with the help of the gods can humans truly be happy and when it is time to depart from life, Marcus Aurelius encourages humans to welcome death â€Å"for [the gods] would not involve you in anything bad†(2.11). Death should be seen as a precious release because with God’s love and grace, the soul is freed from the battered flesh casing. By actively choosing the corruptible elements of the physical world rather than the eternal, perfect forms, humans bring evil unto themselves. Throughout The Confessions, Augustine is divided between sexual desire and spiritual desire. Motivated by love he seeks to find a solution to his division.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Propolis to be selected for winter promotion Essay
1. Introduction In view of the growing sense of health, it decided to promote Propolis in the coming winter. The purpose of this report is to introduce the Comvita Propolis Capsules for the winter promotion. The report is including the research of this supplement, the basic functions of it and evaluation of this product. 2. Methodology Before conducting the market study, there were different information was compiled from some researches and reviews. A literature was reviewed about the function of the propolis, it’s explained the basic functions clearly. Also, some opinions of the propolis were commented on internet forum. 3. Finding 3.1 Popularity of propolis as a health supplement product The popularity of propolis as a health supplement product has been existed long time ago. Some of the website has mentioned that propolis has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to the time of Aristotle. However, propolis becomes common as a health supplement product in the last twenty years and more propolis product exist in the market. 3.2 Basic functions of poprolis According to the attachment, there are two main functions of propolis, which are strengthening and accelerating regeneration of cells and it is an immune system boosters. Strengthening and accelerating regeneration of cells can slower the speed of aging and let people look even younger. Then, the other function is boosting the immune system. It can immune anti viruses, bacteria, fungi, inflammation. Also it is including the anti-allergy, such as asthma, nasal, allergy, etc. Therefore, consumer can have a healthy body. 3.3 Evaluation of Comvita Propolis Capsules, the best seller on market A research of Comvita Propolis Capsules was researched. It is about the nature’s powerful defense system. Comvita Propolis Capsules guarantee flavonoid levels, which is good for human body, such as reduce the bad feeling of anti-oxidant. Therefore, the product has powerful antioxidant and supports immune system. Secondly, it is about the reputation. There are different good reviews by users on various local website. For example there is a review on â€Å"CIAO!†, it told that propolis help him to sleep faster and his body got much more healthier. Then, this product listed as a finalist for the Women’s Weekly Health & Wellbeing ‘Product of the year’ in Australia. Although it is quite expensive for Hong Kong, it can be trusted. Therefore, consumer will be willing to pay for having a good body. 4. Conclusion This report accounts for the details of Comvita Propolis Capsules which is the selection for the winter promotion. The findings show that this product is functional and well reputation, so it is a suitable product for the promotion.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Theory of aging
Ageing or aging is the process of getting older. Age is commonly taken into account in social interaction and age differentiation is commonly a basis for allocating social roles and resources. A theory of aging or a formal intervention strategy, by its very nature as a human activity, always contains a story with implicit and explicit meanings or ontological images of human nature, its development and its teleology. This article focuses the social, cultural, and economic effects of ageing. Aging is an important part of all human societies reflecting the biological changes that occur, but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. Age is usually, but wholly arbitrarily, measured in years and a person’s birthday is often an important event. As a feature of social change and as an aspect of social stratification, ageing and age groups have been seriously neglected by sociological theory. To conceptualize age groups in a multi-dimensional model of stratification this considers ageing in relation to economic class, political entitlement, or citizenship, and cultural life-styles. Theories given by many sociologists on aging are as follows:- Modernization Theory This is the view that the status of the elderly has declined since industrialization and the spread of technology. Disengagement Theory This is the idea that separation of older people from active roles in society is normal and appropriate, and benefits both society and older individuals. Activity Theory A view holding that the more active people are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with life. Continuity Theory The view that in aging people are inclined to maintain, as much as they can, the same habits, personalities, and styles of life that they have developed in earlier years. Cognitive Theory A view of aging that emphasizes individual subjective perception, rather than actual objective change itself, as the factor that determines behavior associated with advanced age. Demographic Transition Theory The idea that population aging can be explained by a decline in both birthrates and death rates following industrialization. Exchange Theory The idea that interaction in social groups is based on the reciprocal balancing of rewards depending on actions performed. The impact of social and sociocultural conditions and social consequences of the process of aging is termed as social gerontology. Normal declines in all organ systems, usually occurring after age 30. (The period between Birth – 30 years is usually called â€Å"Development†or â€Å"Maturation†) The future of public welfare with regard to older people is being questioned in all industrial societies, thus it is more important than ever to understand the relationship between old age and public policy. Older people have been expected to adjust to the reification of age into convenient social categories for the purposes of resource distribution and rationing. It is important in health and social welfare, the social and health deficits become translated into need, how need can be forestalled or optimum conditions created for its alleviation, and what can be done to promote the quality of life in old age by practical means. We turn to mental health theorists to elaborate our definition of life satisfaction and well-being and then to psychological research to suggest how to prepare ourselves now for a good old age in the future. Many older people face many problems, without programs for the aging and the human services workers who help older people use them, many more would be in difficult circumstances. As more and more elderly live longer life spans it is likely that many of those older individuals in their sixties and seventies may have surviving partners, which is a new phenomenon in our society. Many elderly people are healthy, vital, and in good financial circumstances. The term â€Å"young old†categorizes the health and social characteristics of the elderly rather than the very old. On the other hand, improvements in health care and the quality of life have made it possible for people to live longer. On the other hand, for many older people survival into old age is not a blessing. Many suffer from poverty; isolation, and no productivity. The large population has become a problem for society, as we have not created channels for productive use of leisure time and means for old people to meet their own needs successfully. On the whole, our society is ill prepared to cope with the increasing number of older people. To work successfully with older people, it is important to understand their social status today in relation to changes that have occurred in this century. In addition, it is important to understand the aging process and the strengths and weaknesses of people in the later phases of life in coping with their status and problems. In the eastern culture’s respect for old age, the elderly were given status and power of life and death over the young, perhaps old age was a better time of life than young adulthood. Many of these ancient values have transcended time and exist today in Eastern cultures, where the elderly are generally revered and, therefore, are well cared for by the society as a whole. Aging is a disease that reaches all of us, but its symptoms can be postponed with the proper combination of diet, supplementation and exercise. Reference: 1.        Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare:- By University of Connecticut School of Social Work, Western Michigan University College of Health and Human Services, Western Michigan University School of Social Work 2.        Enduring Questions in Gerontology By Debra J. Sheets, Dana Burr Bradley, Jon Hendricks 3.        Policies for an Aging Society By David L. Shactman 4.        Housing an Aging Society: Issues, Alternatives, and Policy By Robert J. Newcomer, Mortimer Powell Lawton, Thomas O. Byerts 5.        Aging Families and Use of Proverbs for Values Enrichment By Vera R. Jackson 6.        Ageing, Status Politics and Sociological Theory Bryan S. Turner   Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Balance Sheets for the four quarters Essay
To evaluate how I utilized both budgets and pro-formas to ensure the adequacy of funds for providing production capacity that was needed to achieve the businesses goals. I want to first start with the definition of both pro-forma and budget; A budget is a basic idea that covers more than a few areas, all in all it’s a financial plan that is made to control costs for operations and results. It can be expressed in a multitude of numerical terms, it also can cover a certain period of time, short, intermediate and long term goals. A pro-forma is also a financial statement but it is prepared based upon assumptions of specific events and transactions that will hopefully occur in the Future, so basically a projected estimate using historical data to form a hypothesis of A financial outcome. The importance of both the pro-forma and budget were huge. Knowing going into the simulation how much seed money was going to be issued and how much additional money was coming in future investments, gave me an idea of how aggressive or conservative I could be. I was able to to set with an initial idea of how much I could spend for each factor needed moving forward. I was able to understand how much to market, how much to hire and how much I could afford for each of these tasks, as well as how much was coming into pay for future marketing and hires. Without advertising there are no customers, without a good sales and service staff there are no sales, or an ability to take care of the customer. In the opening quarter of the company I had a 2 million dollar start-up fund. My upfront expenses were approximately $530,000. I also chose to invest in a 3 month CD about $880,000, I made sure in my first endeavor to keep money available and not to over indulge. I took similar approaches going into each additional quarter; thereafter I wouldreview what was spent and estimate what was coming in and at that point I would hire more employees, adjust and raise benefits and increase marketing. My sales force and marketing expenses doubled from quarter two to quarter three and rose another 49 percent from quarter three to quarter four. These two factors in my opinion are the biggest of a profitable company, as sales and marketing grow and increase your company will thrive. At the end of each quarter I would review the results in these areas and make assessments on how much additional advertising I needed based upon sales numbers of the individual computers Mercedes and the Traveler. Based upon production and the competition I would review to see if I was going to increase the sales force and the compensation plan. The overall outcome of both areas had my company in NWL as the top employers at 83 out of a maximum 84 Score; also in regards to marketing effectiveness in NWL my company had a 92 out of a 97 maximum Score that’s how I used the budget and pro-forma to help NWL achieve its goals. B.2. To evaluate how I employed Just In Time or JIT and Lean Operations to improve operating efficiency in my manufacturing facility, again as part of moving forward I want to define these two strategies before I explain how I use them. A) Just In Time or JIT is a production strategies to improve a business return on investment ROI by reducing in-process inventory as well as the associated carrying cost. This is done by only receiving goods as they are needed in the overall process, this helps cut overall inventory costs. B) Lean Operations simply supplies a customer with exactly what the customer needs when and only when the customer wants it without waste with this constant improvement, the emphasis and focus is on understanding the customer. Both JIT and Lean Operations can help with the overall increase of return on investment or ROI. In regards to how my simulation for NWL worked with these strategies, I would say in NWL ran overly Lean to a fault. I ran my operation capacity at 65 and my fixed capacity at 75 which was the second lowest of my competitors on both accounts. This was a huge negative for my company since it cost me over 2100 in lost sales. This would have increased my sales by approximately 33 percent which would have lowered the overall production costs and increase profits. I finished number 2 in sales with thehighest average price of computer. With a 33 percent increase in sales had I run a better production operation I would have had a lager profitability for a already profitable simulation. I did not key into the right places when I reviewed the early production numbers which cost me when it came to changing Operating and Fixed Capacities. I was overly cautious and my end result was indicative of this and caused big loses for NWL. B.3. Work Cells vs Traditional Straight Line Production. A Work Cell is defined to be a arrangement of machines and personnel that focuses on making a single product or family related products. Traditional Straight Line Production Is the standard assembly line style of manufacturing. Work may start in one department until that phase is complete. Then the product moves onto the next department for the next phase and the next and so on. The major difference between the two is efficiency and cost differentials. In a work cell method there are a multitude of benefits, from a reduction in work area needed, speed of production completion and number of associates needed just to name a few. All of which are in line with the thought process of JIT and Lean Operations which in turn increases ROI (return on investment). Five distinct advantages in the work cell vs the assembly line (1)Tasks are grouped, therefore inspections can be immediate. (2)Fewer workers are needed because of cross training. (3)The workers can access more of the work area. (4)Work areas are more efficiently balanced. (5)Enhanced communication based upon the shape of the work cell. These advantages can help lead to fewer employees reaching higher production numbers. Which in the simulation could have led to smaller start-up companies making more cost efficient production goals happen along with how well a micro computer company could make a work cell arrangement payoff positively. B.4. Evaluation of decisions involving inventory management in the Marketplace Simulation Inventory is defined as raw materials, work-in-progress goods and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of the businesses assets that are ready or will be ready for sale. Inventory represents one of the most important assets that most companies possess, because the turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of revenue generation and subsequent earnings for the company. In the marketplace simulation NWL was not very successful at inventory management in the attempt to run Just-in-Time (JIT) and Lean Operations, I ended up with sold out product and a enormous loss in sales. The lost sales totaled 50 percent of the total sales, which meant there could have been an additional 33 percent positive sales increase if the inventory was managed properly. These were losses of 1000 Travelers units and 1103 Mercedes units, those totals losses of $3,312,730 in gross profit. That was based upon the final sales and not taking into account any production savings by the increased sales volume. That could have increased gross profit by a minimum of 47 percent, if I had it to do over again paying more attention to the inventories would have been a possible windfall. B.5. A continuous improvement program that could have been used to improve and achieve quality assurance goals could have been either Employee Empowerment or Bench-marking. Employee Empowerment involves employees in every step of the production process. Employee’s are on the front lines and know what is going on in every aspect and on all fronts. If employees find problems they can fix them or help fix them. Whom better in handling an issue then the ones most familiar with the process, if a shortcoming is found an experienced a periodic quality circle can address it. It’s been proven that most quality issues are either material or the process, it’s not usually the employee’s performance. If a Bench-marking program were to be implemented, the first step would be to established what the benchmark would be. Examples of which are; Percentage of Defects, Cost per unit processing time, Lost sales due to Out-of-Stocks and Customer Satisfaction Rates. If these type of factors were used in my situation, I would have used either Lost sales due to Out-of-Stocks or Customer Satisfaction Rates. mainly because I would have found out possibly a better way of keeping product in stock which could have reduced lost sales as well as a negative customer satisfaction due to no product. The benchmark team can find out what and how benchmark partners were doing to achieve their sales goals by tracking and keeping product stock, whereas to assure customer satisfaction. Then we could analyze the data from the partners and take the appropriate steps to move beyond and keep the process continually improving. C. Sources Investopedia (2013) A Division of ValueClick â€Å"www.investopedia.comâ€
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Summer at the Lake
My main point of this essay is to describe how much I enjoy going to the lake and the good memories from the past that I have from going there. I hope this essay makes you think of wonderful memories that you have had and the fun that summer time brings! I chose this topic, because we have had such a long winter and I miss summer and being able to go to the lake! Writing this essay has made me look forward to the summer. I would like to know if the title of my essay made you want to read it? Did the first paragraph draw you in and did my essay â€Å"flow†well?I hope you enjoy reading my essay as much as I enjoyed writing it. Summer at the Lake Everyone has a place where they go to escape from all the pressure and worries of life. There is always that one spot that can soothe all of your problems in times of stress. For me, the lake is my ultimate cure to all of my problems. There is no better place to go than the lake on a hot summer day. While I am there all of my obligation s are erased. As I stroll along I can feel the soft, smooth sand beneath my feet.I am taken in by the beautiful atmosphere that surrounds me. I am comforted by the sounds of the waves. I look into the cloudless blue sky and see the beauty of life. I close my eyes and feel the heat from the rays of sun beaming down on me and suddenly I go back in time to all of the good times I had before at the lake. There are some distinct smells that I remember from going camping at the lake, ones that make me miss summer even more. The hickory smell of a campfire would let us know that there are marshmallows and hotdogs being roasted.You can also enjoy the sweet coconut smell of tanning lotion that my sister and I would put on when basking in the sun. Sometimes the lake would be quiet and relaxing, which can help you clear your head and forget about everything. Other times the lake would be filled with loud motors of boats and kids laughing as they played in the water. There are always fun activi ties to do at the lake, for instance if you liked touching the slimy scales of fish and the touch of cool water, you could go fishing. I like going for a fast boat ride or tubing, I love the rush I get rom it! If you like the calmer side of things, however you might enjoy kayaking or paddle boating better. When I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake I like to go kayaking, it really helps to clear my head. My favorite part about camping at the lake is watching the beautiful calming sunset and laying in the sand after the sun has gone down to stare up at the amazing, twinkling stars. Overall the lake is a great place to go to during the summer if you want to get away from the business of your life or just have fun.
Long distance migrations Essay
During the time period of 1700 to 1900, there were many changes in long distance migration. Near the end of this period the slave trade across the atlantic was outlawed, so indentured servants from east and south asia began migrating to the U.S. There was activity throughout America and Ireland, while some changes in long distance migration from that time period occurred as European, African, and Chinese laborers were sent to the Americas. There was continuity in long distance migrations during this time in that, there remained a steady flow of foreign migrators into the U.S who seek economic gain and religious freedom. There were changes in european and U.S migrations around the world. Before, the irish population remained in Ireland developing culture, but that eventually changed to their migrations to the U.S. This migration was cause by a severe potato famine, seeking a better life with a more constant food supply. Many people migrated to the U.S. Secondly, at first the British had many colonies without many of their own people in them, but that changed to the british sending captives to Australia and New Zealand to begin a penal colony. The irish respond to their famine and poverty by revolutionizing instead of migrating. Unlike the rest of the world, the U.S received many migrators rather than provided many. Firstly, in the beginning of this time period, the U.S accepted many slave migrations to work on the plantations of sugar, cotton, and tobacco, but that changed to the use of indentured servants who came not just from west africa, but from east and south east asia. The outlaw of the slave trade was caused by the british who decided that it should be ended for economic reasons and who spent just as much money as they earned from the profits of the slave trade to stop it in the atlantic ocean. Also in the U.S, at first they accepted and welcomed many foreign migrants, but that changed to not allowing certain people to migrate there by passing acts, such as the Chinese exclusion act. This type of act is similar to how china, in its days of isolation, kept out and restricted any foreign interference and interaction. There were many continuities over this time period in both europe and the U.S. FIrst, the main reason people migrate is for economic reasons and that remained throughout the time period. Even the australian penal colonies had this incentive as Britain did not want to have to use tax money to hold and secure prisoners. Secondly, the migrants bring culture with them which causes syncretism such as the creation of the vodun religion in african slaves. Thirdly, world migrations in both the U.S and europe at this time caused widespread disease, such as the smallpox epidemic. The Africans especially had to acclimate to a new world in the U.S. Also, the U.S and the europeans had to worry about diseases like HIV and malaria when in africa. Finally, there was and remained throughout the period, a constant flow of migrants into the U.S no matter where they came from in the world. Another continuity is the flow of people from europe to africa. At this time, europe is still heavily imperialistic, especially in africa because it has gone unconquered by a colonial force. European economic interest in african goods caused this continuous through relatively small, migration of europeans to america to govern colonies, connect and sell goods as merchants, and even step up colonies who enjoy extraterritoriality. Colonies such as british, south africa, and france are examples of this. Throughout the time period of the 1700 through 1900, many chang es and continuities occurred. The irish population remained in ireland developing culture, eventually changing to the U.S, Europeans migrating to the americas, and the migration of the slave trade. All migrations contributed both positive and negative factors to what our world is today.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Business Environment - Essay Example Therefore, it is sound to assert that the variations in demand and supply for any economic resources, and the country’s practices contribute to its growth and competence at a global platform. The following discussion seeks to highlight economic perspectives in different versions with reference to their effects to the economic environment. P4: Explanation of how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively Despite the two country’s economic practices, UK practices the mixed enterprise approach whereby some resources belong to the national government thus limiting any probable exploitation of the citizens (Dransfield, 2004, p. 98). For instance, the country owns majority of the shares in those firms operating in products, which seem critical for human welfare. Such a resolution enables the UK to expressly influence companies’ decision-making processes in for the benefit of the citizens’ benefit. Further, the UK is able to use the mandate expres sed by its constitution’s to influence the privatization of companies in order to create wealth to the citizens. Individuals own the remaining resources, but there are regulations enforced by the government to ensure that that the practices are ethical and beneficial to the citizens. On the contrary, the military command economy restrains the local population from the exclusive indulgence into businesses that may lead to the exploitation of resources for economic prosperity. Arguably, the country owns 95% of the industries leaving a 5% margin for its citizens. The socialist approach thus tends to practice a monopoly approach in the allocation of resources, a factor that deters increment in the GDP and leads to increased poverty levels. Economists explain that U.S.A sets an analytical approach to the economic issues and establishes fiscal policies to stimulate growth, control amount of money in supply, dictate inflation rates of the dollar, and subsequently reduce the unemploy ment levels. The United States is observant on whether the factors will affect the country positively or negatively in the end (Arnold, 2007, p. 55). Analysts describe that the US free market enterprise economy allows for the room of innovation thus; the country’s entrepreneurs have the ability to improve products that in turn lead to economic growth since they are able to earn returns on their investments, create employment, and remit taxes to the federal government (Rodrik, 2007, p. 67). P5: The impact of high taxes and high interest rates The influence of high taxes on employees is a factor born from the Keynesian theory. Theoretical arguments are that enforcement of high taxes to a country’s employee population is a significant approach to reducing the rate of inflation since the approach diminishes the rate of individual expenditures. The factual further increases productivity in the economy since the government’s accrued revenues are spent on utilities suc h as infrastructure, and the provision of other resources to the entire population (Arnold, 2007, p, 58). The approach is significant in shaping up an economy in accordance to changes in demand and supply with a perception that whenever the supply shifts to an increase or decrease, the prices will remain constant since the population will bear the existing ability to purchase a given quantity of a product. On the other hand, the impact of executing high interest to business organizations remains an ill
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