Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Film Synopses essays
Film Synopses essays This film showed the excavation of parts of Africa where it is believed that remains of Hominid (ancient man) lay. The physical anthropologists gathered their fossil finding which mainly consisted of teeth, after one excavation. The teeth were then compared to other teeth of hominids they had to give a time frame of existence for the remains they found. Another source for anthropologists is a museum in Kenya where Hominid fossils are safely kept in a vault. Entrance is very low and only select few are allowed to see remains. By comparing not only validity of the fossil but also the time in which the hominid lived. For many physical anthropologist the understanding of the transition of hominid evolution from archaic Homo sapiens to modern Homo sapiens, is still a plaguing question. Men and women communicate in different ways. Women give more acknowledgements than men do. Men feel uncomfortable with touching another man as where women would feel content with putting sunscreen on another female. Women are more actively understanding with each other, where as men abstain from this with other men. Communication between men and women is first understood in their body language. Men take up more space, with their legs and arms spread out, while women are more tentative and limit their body space as much as possible. In conversation women are more assertive and certain in questioning and answering. Where as men lack this and interrupt more. Traditional people of Ghana attend to their own physical needs before they refer to medicine. The traditional treatment is done through verbalization and spiritualization. The idea of illness is when spirits take control of the body. Spirits are also responsible for making people do things out of the social norms. When patients are in need of treatment for disease they seek help from a priest or priestess. The patients are usually brought to a shrine located some distance from...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Make a Mixture and a Compound from Iron and Sulfur
Make a Mixture and a Compound from Iron and Sulfur A mixture occurs when you combine matter in a way where the components can be separated again. A compound results from a chemical reaction between components, forming a new substance. For example, you can combine iron filings with sulfur to form a mixture. All it takes is a magnet to separate the iron from the sulfur. On the other hand, if you heat the iron and sulfur, you form iron sulfide, which is a compound. What You Need Iron filingsSulfur (powder or flowers of sulfur)MagnetTest tube or beakerBurner or hot plate or stove Creating a Mixture and Then a Compound First form a mixture. Stir some iron filings and sulfur together to form a powder. You have just taken two elements and combined them to form a mixture. You can separate the components of the mixture by stirring the powder with a magnet (iron will stick to it) or by swirling the powder with the magnet under the container (the iron will fall toward the magnet at the bottom - this is less messy).If you heat the mixture over a bunsen burner, hot plate, or stove, the mixture will start to glow. The elements will react and will form iron sulfide, which is a compound. Careful! Unlike the mixture, the formation of a compound cant be undone so easily. Use glassware that you dont mind ruining. When you form a mixture, you can add components in any ratio that you want. It doesnt matter if there is more iron than sulfur, for example. When you form a compound, the components react according to a set formula. If there is an excess of one or the other, it will remain after the reaction that forms the compound. For example, you may have some leftover iron or sulfur in the tube with your mixture. 2 grams of sulfur with 3.5 grams of iron filings will completely react.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Research Paper on Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization
Marketing on Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization - Research Paper Example It was during her trips after a corporate life that she took the risk of developing the first Kudler Fine Foods following discovery of an opportunity that she could exploit. This opportunity was sired following a discover that she could not get all her cooking ingredients in one store and this decided to open a gourmet store that would meet the niche needs of the consumers. This therefore illustrates that discovery of opportunities and exploiting them to garner a competitive advantage is one of the marketing strategy and tactics that Kudler Fine Foods employs (Kudler Fine Foods, 2011). Information technology serves as an effective tool utilized by Kudler Fine Foods Organization both for marketing research and as a marketing strategy. The organization has a web home page where it engages in online interaction with the stakeholders since it gets to acquire information on the customer responses as pertains to their products and also the needs of the consumers. Consequently, the web page enables Kudler Fine Foods to internetwork with its various branches hence reducing the travelling cost incurred in absence of online communication services. Also, following use of online home page, information gathered aids in the strategic decision making of the organization. This therefore enables Kudler Fine Foods to garner a strategic position in the industry as a result of incorporation of IT in the provision of its products and services (Kudler Fine Foods, 2011). Diversification is another marketing strategy employed by Kudler Fine Foods Virtual organization and marketing research will greatly influence the effectiveness of this strategy. Diversification is illustrated in the provision of products and services that the organization engages in hence making their stalls a one stop shop for their consumers. The organization by carrying out marketing research will be in a position to know the current wines that are preferred by the customers and thus prepare the wine. Consequentl y, in the baking department, marketing research will aid in developing of different cakes and in learning the market trends of cake consumption. Moreover, in the meat and cheese department, marketing research will provide valuable information as to how the organization can improve the provision of its goods and services. Following the recent development of Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization as pertains to expansion capabilities, there is clear indication that market research plays a dire role in not only diversification but also in market entry approaches. Investment in market research will enable Kudler Fine Foods achieve the vision of being the premier grocery and gourmet store (Kudler Fine Foods, 2011). Areas where Kudler Fine Foods’ needs additional market research Kudler Fine Foods needs to do additional market research as pertains to its procurement strategies. Currently, in an attempt to cut cost, Kathy the director is the one responsible for ordering for all the t hree stores on a weekly basis. Though it is cheaper, it reduces the time she interacts with her customers as the procurement and distribution takes the bulk of her time. The organization needs to carryout additional market research as to how it can procure products for the three stalls, to ensure that Kathy accesses the people on the ground and gets to know the preferences of the consumers form the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
TWITTER IN UK AND USA Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 13750 words
TWITTER IN UK AND USA - Dissertation Example It has been found that there is difference in the usage patterns of Twitter in UK and USA. The dissertation basically aims to investigate the difference in the usage patterns of Twitter by the users in UK and USA in terms of reporting of the unexpected incidents. In this regard, the dissertation adopts a mixed methodology approach towards the attainment of the research goal and conducts the content analysis of some major unexpected incidents reports through Twitter in USA and UK. Furthermore, a survey among the UK and US twitter users has also been conducted to find out their views about twitter as medium for citizen journalism and incidents reporting. The reporting of the incident has been analysed and compared with the survey results to get an idea of difference in the style of UK and USA twitter users. It has been unveiled that the people of UK have started using Twitter more often for reporting unexpected incidents as compared with the American users (it would be expanded after g etting the actual research outcomes) Acknowledgement Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Information/ Problem Statement 1.2. Core Objectives of the Study 1.3. Research Rationale 1.4. Research Question 1.5. Research Methodology Overview 1.6. Significance and Scope of the Study 2. Literature Review 2.1. Evolution of Social Networking Services 2.2. Reporting of Unexpected Events in Media 2.3. Use of social networking services for reporting events 2.4. Twitter – History and Initial Response 2.5. Change of focus – From entertainment to Information 2.6. Use of Twitter and other social networking tools in UK and USA 2.7. Summary 3. Research Design 3.1. Research Questions 3.2. Research Approach...Earlier the advanced technological means were used for the entertainment purpose and people use to remain in touch with each other using these devices just to share routine information about their selves .However, along with time, there is a difference observed in the use of thes e advances means of communication and people started using it more for information sharing. Today, people have different ways in which they want to utilize technology and the access they have to the world. People would use any way to enhance their knowledge and interaction skills. The world has become a global village and twitter has played an important role.There are several social networking services and sites that allow interaction of people in different ways. Using these sites, people feel connected with each other and feel that they have an audience who can listen to them. Face book, the rapidly spread social networking site allows to share information, videos and pictures to broad circle of people whereas other sites like Orkut, Twitter and Google+ have also provided new dimensions to the social networking and interactions and along with time the essence of news sharing has increased within the use of most of these social networking tools
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pros and Cons of exercising Essay Example for Free
Pros and Cons of exercising Essay Question 3: Do you agree that exercising is the only way to keep fit and healthy? When it comes to the the phrase ‘a healthy lifestyle’, many people often think of the gym as the only way to keep your body in shape. It seems difficult for them to achieve, and is often seen very negatively. However, exercising is not the only way. In fact, there are many ways to keep fit and healthy, such as having a regular diet, having enough rest, and keeping a positive mindset. Having a regular diet is one of the simplest yet hardest way to keep fit. It requires one to adjust the way they eat, and be cautious of their food intake. However, it may not seem as difficult as it may seem to be. For example, fish and chips seems very unhealthy, but there are ways to make it healthier. Baking it instead of deep-frying it, and just adding a few vegetables to go along with your meal would be an easy way to â€Å"neutralize†your unhealthy food. Make a few simple changes to your diet, and you would soon feel much healthier. To make sure your body has abundant energy to do your daily activities, having enough rest is very important. While you rest, your brain stays busy, and prepares you for the next day. Minimal deprivation of sleep takes a toll on your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress. Adults should sleep betweeen 6-7 hours each day. However, if one is not getting average sleep time, it is best to catch up on weekends where there is no work. Sleep should not be deprived of as it can affect your mental state, energy level and ability to focus. Lastly, having a postitive mindset can help boost one’s morale or motivation spirit. When one is postive about his or her life, he or she would be able to solve obstacles they face with ease as they are able to find ways to solve their problems rather than just dwelling over it. This helps keep both the mind and brain healthy. Rather than thinking that life is unfair, one should appreciate the many things that one has.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Eriksons Psychosocial Theory Of Development: Young Adults :: Psychology Young Adult Development
The young adult has numerous stresses placed upon them through the route of development. Erikson has theorized developmental stages of growth into tasks. Of Eriksons' theoretical tasks, one task describes the theory of intimacy versus isolation. This task theory can be examined using the normative crisis model. The knowledge of developmental tasks of the young adult can be beneficial to the nurse especially associated with their ability to relate to the young adult. One of the stages in life is the young adult, which suggests significant changes and an increase of responsibility. This stage of development is described as between twenty and forty years, where "...the potential for furtherance of intellectual, emotional and even physical development occurs". (Gething, 1995, p.377). As people age the progress of the developmental stages can differ, so they have formulated to assess the progression by using two principal crisis models. The first, are the normative crisis model and the second includes the timing of events crisis model. The normative crisis model has been powerful in shaping the psychology of the developmental stages as it has allowed theorists to imply that stages of development can follow an age related time sequence. (Gething, 1995). The normative crisis model suggests that human development has a built in ground plan in which crisis as describe by Erikson are seen as a requirement that must be resolved by the person before successful progression from one developmental stage to another. Such achievement of this task crisis should provide the young adult with the ability to challenge previous ideas held by the adolescent about intimacy and isolation. This model is adapted for progression of the tasks to follow the chronological age of the adult, while the related social and emotional changes progress through a sequence that Erikson characterises in to eight specific crisis tasks over the life span. (Kozier, erb, blais & wilkinson, 1995.). The second crisis model depends upon the timing of events and is not dependant upon resolution of crisis or a ground plan, but stresses the importance of each event that occur in the young adults life. Life events that proceed as expected will encourage development, where as life events that are unexpected can result in anxiety and a slow progression of development. (Gething, 1995.). The young adult according to Erikson's theory of personality should be progressing through the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation. The tasks for this stage of life consist of courting and selecting a "mate", marriage and associated choices, e.g. children and monogamous relationship, career choices and lifestyle changes and furthering intellectual abilities to accommodate choices. (Turner & Helms, 1987.).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Life of the Prophet Jeremiah
More is known of the life of Jeremiah than of any other literary prophet. He began prophesying in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Josiah (1:2; 25:3), i. e. , 627 B. C. , when Jeremiah was but a youth (1:6). Jeremiah was a reluctant prophet, but felt compelled to speak God's word (20:9). He prophesied until after Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B. C. (39:1-10; 43:7-8; 44:1), and his ministry lasted a total of about fifty years. Josiah's great religious reformation came in the early part of Jeremiah's work (cf. Kings chapters 22-23), but the reforms did not reach the hearts of the people, for they were still rebellious (25:1-7). The Jews opposed Jeremiah and his work from the very outset. First, the citizens of his native Anathoth tried to stop his work and even attempted to kill him (11:18-23). Even his kinsmen opposed him (12:6). Jeremiah later moved to Jerusalem, but he endured inveterate opposition there also. When King Josiah died, Jeremiah lamented his death (2 Chron. 35:25). Jeremiah prophesied against Josiah's wicked successors: Jehoahaz (also called â€Å"Shallum†) (22:11-17), Jehoiakim (22:18-19), and Jeconiah (i. . , Coniah or Jehoiachin) (22:24- In the very year Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem, Jeremiah announced both his coming and the seventy year captivity of the Jews (25:1-14). Under the rule of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah preached a great sermon in the temple in Jerusalem (chapters 7-9). After this the princes, prophets, and priests of Judah called for his death (26:8-11). However, Jeremiah was delivered at that time (26:24). At the Lord's direction, Jeremiah dictated his prophecies to Baruch, who wrote them on a scroll (36:1-8). However, when King Jehoiakim read the scroll, he was so angry he cut it with a scribe's knife and threw it into the fire (36:20-25). The king commanded that Jeremiah and Baruch be seized, but the Lord hid them (36:26). Jeremiah dictated the prophecies to Baruch again and added others (36:27-32). Jeremiah urged King Zedekiah to be faithful to Nebuchadnezzar, but Zedekiah refused (27:12-22). The Babylonians besieged Jerusalem, and great suffering resulted. Later, Jeremiah was accused of trying to defect to the enemy and was placed in prison (37:11-15). Subsequently the king transferred him from the dungeon to the court of the prison and gave him a daily ration of bread (37:17-21). When Jeremiah again prophesied against Jerusalem, the king turned him over to the princes, who threw him into a dungeon, the bottom of which was filled with mud, into which Jeremiah sank (38:1-6). Jeremiah would have died there, had he not been rescued by Ebed-Melech, an Ethiopian eunuch of the king's house (38:7-13). When Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem, he let Jeremiah go free to his own home (39:11-14). A mutinous band of Jews murdered Gedaliah, who had been appointed governor by Nebuchadnezzar (41:1-3). They decided to flee to Egypt for safety, taking Jeremiah with them as a hostage (43:1-7). They took Jeremiah to Tahpanes in Egypt, where he continued to prophesy against them (43:8 – 44:1). The life of Jeremiah was one of sorrow upon sorrow. His people whom he loved and with whom he pleaded unceasingly for fifty years continually refused to hear him, rewarded his labor with rejection and persecution, and eventually perished as the result.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Islam Traditions
Islam is a tradition of love and submission to God that ultimately strives for peace. The ancient religion emerged in the seventh century and was able to appeal to the public through its deeply entrenched attitudes to peace. Islam’s constant endeavour for peace can be presented through its ancient traditions and sacred texts, history and historical events and current practices and contemporary events of the religion. The sacred texts of Islam are the Quran, which contains the revelations from Allah and the Hadith, which outlines the way of the prophet Muhammad. These sacred texts are fundamental to Islam and it is through these texts that Muslims formulate an understanding of peace. This is reflected through the Quranic statement: â€Å"O ye who believe! Come, all of you, into complete peace and follow not the footsteps of evil. Surely he is your open enemy. †(2:208) Despite the world of violence and belligerence that Muhammad was born into, his approach to the ethics of war and peace differed from the prevailing tribal culture of the time. Muhammad’s attitude with regards to the concept of peace was one of active non-violent resistance and open defiance of persecution by non-believers. The essence of this is represented in the Quranic verse: â€Å"The recompense of evil is punishment like it, but whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah; surely he does not love the unjust. †(Sural al-Shura 42:40-43 ‘The counsel’) The history of the religion emerged in Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad, and later in Medina. Medina was situated on one of the Middle East’s principal trade routes and is home to a large religious shrine and sacred site known as the Kaaba. It was here that that the news of the new prophet was carried from distant lands. One of the most historical events within the history of Islam was the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 CE. After Muhammad’s death, Abu Baker; Muhammad’s successor and father in law, along with three other ‘rightly guided’ caliphs led the early Muslim community to further success and rapid growth. There is some dispute, however, between the Shi’i and the Sunni branches of Islam as to who is the rightful successor of Muhammad. Shi’is believe that Ali, Muhammad’s closest relative and fourth caliph is indeed the true leader or imam of the Muslim community. The Muslim objective of worshipful submission to God is practiced through the five pillars of Islam. These five duties are a unifying force for Muslims all over the world. The ‘pillars of faith’ are described as the declaration of faith, daily prayer, obligatory almsgiving, fasting in Ramadan and the pilgrimage to Mecca. These everyday practices demonstrate how the individual, through their current, personal devotion, strives for peace. Within Islam, the concept of peace is twofold. Firstly one must achieve peace with God and therefore with oneself; in order to secondly, be at peace with the rest of the world. Islam teaches the importance of strengthening one’s individual relationship with god. Sufism, an ancient mystical movement that marks the spiritual dimension of Islam stresses the importance of the Muslim transcending their base desires and worldly attachments in order to fully allow God’s light to enter their heart. This further reinforces that there can be no universal peace until inner peace and submission to the will of God is achieved. Islam notes that those who strive for peace will experience positive consequences from god. These positive actions can only be experienced by people if there is peace in the world, as written in the Quran. â€Å"Enter it [al-janna] in peace and justice. †(15:46) the place referred to in this verse is the Islamic concept of the ultimate paradise, or essentially heaven. This shows that the qualities for al-janna or the ultimate paradise for which all Muslims aspire are peace and justice. Muslims acknowledge that humans can have a tendency towards aggression, violence and greed. Jihad is the internal struggle against evil temptations in order to fulfil Allah’s desire for peace throughout humankind. It is the Muslim’s duty in the world to do good and prevent harm and evil in every way, therefore jihad essentially runs through all aspects of a muslim’s life. Contemporary Islam unfortunately faces a great amount of criticism and suspicion from the western world. This is due to misunderstandings of the religion, as well as extremist groups that believe that they must fight and act in violence in order to achieve peace for Islam. This contradicts the majority of Muslims, who constantly try to portray peace and kindness to the world, as the Quran informs them to do. And those who believe and do good are made to enter gardens, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them by their lord’s permission; their greeting therein is, peace! †This reflects the positive consequences that are promised to Muslims who act peacefully throughout their life. It also further reinforces that acting in a way of peace, justice and goodwill will eventually have positive advantage s for all Muslims. Because of such contradictions, Australian Muslims in particular join in initiatives established to increase non-Muslim Australian’s knowledge of the religion. Through these initiatives and through increasing the dialogue between Muslims, Christians and Jews; contemporary Islam attempts to inform the world of their peaceful intentions. It is in the interest of many Muslims to conduct peaceful campaigns such as marches and protests that publically condemn war as well as showing that they do not condone the behaviour of confused, violent and extreme Islamic behaviour. There are a myriad of Muslim organisations for peace activism that contribute to educating people-as well as getting people together to speak up for peace and non-violence. Some of these organisations are: The Coalition of Women for Peace, Muslim Peace Fellowship, Muslim World Initiative, and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. These organisations clearly show that the majority of the contemporary Muslim community are striving for both peace in Australia, and peace in the world. It can therefore be said that Islam, rich in its ancient history and contemporary practices, is a religion that constantly strives for peace in the world and peace in the minds of all followers.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Secret Behind The Hero
â€Å"The Secret Behind the hero†Reading the Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus appears to be a brave, skilled warrior. He ventured through many obstacles and faced dangers that almost took his life away. He is perceived by the gods as hero. However, Odysseus was able to survive all the dangers by the help of gods, they protected him every time he was at risk, especially Athena who offered him help and support whenever he was in need. Would Odysseus be considered as hero and gain Throne without gods help? Odysseus is unique among epic heroes; his strength comes mainly from his mind opposing other heroes whose strength comes from physical ability. Odysseus overcomes obstacles using cunning, guile and superiority of intellect. Odysseus demonstrated his patience and good use of his reason, when he managed to outsmart Polyphemus and poke out his only eye. Homer describes Odysseus’ outstanding skills in the following lines: â€Å" The pike of olive, green though it had been, reddened and glowed as if about to catch. I drew it from the coals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and rammed it Deep in his crater eye†. (Book IX, line 400, p 315). He also came back home alive despite of all the obstacles including storms, kidnapping and hardship. The gods were very significant to King Odysseus’ life. Every time he obeyed them and followed their advice he succeeded and escaped death. His trip to reach home, in Ithaca and his wife was organized by the gods; he only had to follow instructions. Zeus sent Hermes to Calypso to release him. Athena went to Odysseus’s house and set up a plan with his son Telemachus that would help to bring his father home. During his journey he was helped by godly powers along the way. Athena was his guide to find his way home, she was constantly by his side and comforted him by telling him: â€Å" No fear but I shall be there; you’ll go forward under my arm when the crux comes at last.†Even when the god of sea Poseidon wanted to t... Free Essays on The Secret Behind The Hero Free Essays on The Secret Behind The Hero â€Å"The Secret Behind the hero†Reading the Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus appears to be a brave, skilled warrior. He ventured through many obstacles and faced dangers that almost took his life away. He is perceived by the gods as hero. However, Odysseus was able to survive all the dangers by the help of gods, they protected him every time he was at risk, especially Athena who offered him help and support whenever he was in need. Would Odysseus be considered as hero and gain Throne without gods help? Odysseus is unique among epic heroes; his strength comes mainly from his mind opposing other heroes whose strength comes from physical ability. Odysseus overcomes obstacles using cunning, guile and superiority of intellect. Odysseus demonstrated his patience and good use of his reason, when he managed to outsmart Polyphemus and poke out his only eye. Homer describes Odysseus’ outstanding skills in the following lines: â€Å" The pike of olive, green though it had been, reddened and glowed as if about to catch. I drew it from the coals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and rammed it Deep in his crater eye†. (Book IX, line 400, p 315). He also came back home alive despite of all the obstacles including storms, kidnapping and hardship. The gods were very significant to King Odysseus’ life. Every time he obeyed them and followed their advice he succeeded and escaped death. His trip to reach home, in Ithaca and his wife was organized by the gods; he only had to follow instructions. Zeus sent Hermes to Calypso to release him. Athena went to Odysseus’s house and set up a plan with his son Telemachus that would help to bring his father home. During his journey he was helped by godly powers along the way. Athena was his guide to find his way home, she was constantly by his side and comforted him by telling him: â€Å" No fear but I shall be there; you’ll go forward under my arm when the crux comes at last.†Even when the god of sea Poseidon wanted to t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Generating Bankable Story Ideas for Film and Television
Generating Bankable Story Ideas for Film and Television So, you’ve finally decided to try your hand at screenwriting. You’ve read Syd Field’s Screenplay cover to cover. You’ve bought the latest version of Final Draft. You’ve set aside time each night to write three pages knowing that in a month you’ll have a first draft of your 90-page opus. You’re pumped! There’s just one small problem. You have no idea what to write. I mean, you know what topics you’re passionate about, but that doesn’t necessarily make for a sellable screenplay†¦ does it? Where and how does one generate those great story ideas that make it from script to screen? The good news is there’s no magic formula, no hidden secret, no play- Look at What’s Hot Critics often pan Tinseltown for its plethora of derivative works. But there’s a very simple reason why the same kinds of movies and TV shows get made over and over: they work. If audiences keep tuning in, why stop? Look at the type of content that’s doing well with audiences right now and how long it’s been that way. If it’s been a few years with no signs of abating, there’s a good chance producers want more of it. Figure out what hot content you enjoy and then come up with your unique spin on it. Consult an Expert Experts are everywhere. Producers, script consultants, distribution execs, sales agents. And while they may not have a crystal ball, their position in the industry means they likely see what’s selling and what’s making money. Moreover, they’re often desperate for writers willing to eschew personal passions in favor of writing what’s marketable. So, where do you find these experts? Attend networking events, film markets and festivals, join a professional writers’ group, or ask friends who have connections. Open a Newspaper Some of the best ideas hide in plain sight. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are rife with human interest stories and current events that might make for strong movies or TV shows. How do you know which ones? First, look at how popular the story is. Have you seen it in numerous publications? Is it a front-pager? Has it been getting tons of hits? And second, is real drama there? Real adversity? Something that’s almost too amazing to believe? If readers are responding, audiences probably will, too. It Really Is Who You Know Movie-goers love true stories. And while newspapers are filled with them, it may be challenging for a frosh screenwriter to secure a subject’s life rights without significant money involved. (A true story is essentially worthless to a screenwriter without a life rights option in place.) Instead, look at people you know who have highly peculiar, unique, or exceptional life stories. They may just be the hidden gem you’ve been searching for, and they’re more likely to option their life rights to you for cheap. Adapt Preexisting Material The Academy doesn’t offer a Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for nothing. Preexisting material is fertile ground for new story ideas. And it doesn’t have to be some book on the New York Times bestseller list either. In fact, it doesn’t have to be a book at all. Novellas, short stories, poems, comic books, graphic novels, blogs, even advice columns have all found second lives as movies or TV shows. Consider whether the material is topical and relevant to today’s audience, and you may just have a winner on your hands. Partner Up Producers who are having trouble finding specific types of material may be willing to partner with you if you write on spec. Both sides put in sweat equity – you write the material, and they guide the process, develop the material, and eventually shop it. If it gets sold, everyone gets paid. If the producers can at least offer basic story direction or lay out their investor’s parameters, you can start
Saturday, November 2, 2019
NEXT Plc Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
NEXT Plc Analysis - Case Study Example s result of these figures it is obvious tht the British fshion industry is highly dependent on other countries' textile. lrge number of British consumers hve becme more price sensitive under the slogn 'look good-py less' however some consumers re willing to buy higher priced nd exclusive clothing. The number of millionires in the UK incresed by more thn 80% between 2001(230000) nd 2004(425000) (Finch, 2007). This leds to luxury nd strong brnd wreness. lthough the forml wer is more nd more substituted by csul wer, the UK is still the country with highest mrket shre of forml wer. The UK retiling mrket is currently highly competitive. Due to high competition the prices of outerwer went down in the mid 90's. The mjor groups in UK clothing retiling re the mixed nd deprtmentl stores, designers clothing, discount stores nd mrket stlls (Lnds' End, Inc., nnul Pper Jnury 2006). The UK economy hs been mong the strongest in Europe. Consumer confidence hs been high s result of low interest rtes, low level of unemployment nd strong increses in house prices. Growth in household expenditure ws driving force behind the UK's GDP growth. These positive economic dt for the British explin to lrge extent the fct tht UK consumers' most fvourite leisure time ctivity is shopping (Lnds' End, Inc., nnul Pper Jnury 2006). The min fctor in buying decision of British consumers is disposble income which is continuously incresed in recent yers. Clthes retilers fll int tw brd ctegries: firstly, thse selling wn-brnd clthing nd, secndly, thse selling third-prty wer. Mjr retilers such s Mrks & Spencer nd the rcdi Grup re gd exmples f the first grup, s re chin pertins such s NEXT nd Gp. The secnd grup includes the mjr deprtment stres nd the mjrity f independent retilers in the UK. Clthing retiling is highly diverse industry. The retil sectr rnges frm lw-cst nd discunts retilers thrugh t independents, sprtswer, frml wer nd highly exclusive designer butiques. Hwever, s in mst cnsumer gds mrkets, it is t the middle level where the mjr plyers re t be fund nd mney cn be erned. Porter's Five forces nlysis ny compny must seek to understnd the nture of its competitive environment if it is to be successful in chieving its objectives nd in estblishing pproprite strtegies. Porter's five forces nlysis dels with fctors outside n industry tht influence the nture of competition within it1. The originl competitive forces model proposed by Porter identified five forces which would impct on n orgniztion's behviour in competitive mrket. The bjective f such n nlysis is t investigte hw the rgnistin needs t frm its strtegy in rder t develp pprtunities in its envirnment nd prtect itself ginst cmpetitin nd ther threts (Lynch, R 1997). The pper will use the Prter Mdel t give n ide wht kind f influences exists nd hw cmpny cn del with it, s described in the grph below: Fig. 1 Prter's Five Frces Mdel Brgining pwer f custmers S fr s the custmer is cncerned he hs prbbly the mst pwer becuse it is he wh buys the prduct nd spends his mney. The impct f
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