Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 26
I can't state to what extent I ran. The night was clear and cold, and my ardent as if it were beating in my neck, in my mind, in my feet. I at times squeezed my hand to the injury on my neck, which was all the while dying. The territory was warm to the touch, and I felt dazed at whatever point I put my hand on it. With every stride, another picture showed up in my mind: Katherine, bloodstained froth gathering at the edge of her mouth; Father, remaining over her with a stake. Recollections obscured, so I didn't know whether the red-looked at, screaming beast who was on the floor was a similar individual who'd lurched at me with her teeth, who'd stroked me in the lake, who frequented my fantasies and my waking hours. I shuddered wildly and lost my balance, stumbling over a felled branch. I arrived on the earth, on all fours, and heaved more than once, until the iron-like preference for my mouth vanished. Katherine was going to kick the bucket. Father detested me. I didn't have the foggiest idea what my identity was, or what I ought to do. The whole world was flipped around, and I felt discombobulated and feeble, sure that regardless of what I did, I would cause devastation. This was all my flaw. Every last bit of it. In the event that I hadn't misled Father and stayed discreet †¦ I constrained myself to slow down, at that point stood up and started running once more. As I ran, the aroma of the vervain in my pocket filled my noses. Its sweet, hearty scent drifted through my body, appearing to clear my head and pervade my appendages with an attentive vitality. I took a left on the earth way, shocked at the course I was picking, however without precedent for weeks, I felt sure about my activities. I burst into the sheriff's office, where Sheriff Forbes sat with his feet up on the work area, snoozing. In the one holding cell, the town alcoholic, Jeremiah Black, was wheezing noisily, clearly working off an awful night at the cantina. Noah, a youthful official, was additionally falling asleep on a wooden seat outside the cell. â€Å"Vampires! There are vampires at Veritas!†I hollered, causing Sheriff Forbes and Jeremiah to at the same time snap to consideration. â€Å"Let's go. Follow me,†Sheriff Forbes stated, snatching a club and a black powder rifle. â€Å"Noah!†he hollered. â€Å"Get the cart and follow behind with Stefan.†â€Å"Y sir,†Noah stated, hopping to his feet. He es, pulled a club from a snare on the divider and passed it to me. Simply at that point, I heard a piercing clamor, and I understood that Sheriff Forbes was ringing the caution outside the sheriff's office. The ringer banged again and again. â€Å"I can help. Please?†Jeremiah slurred, two hands on the bars. Noah shook his head and swiftly went through the structure, his boots resounding against the wooden floor pillars. I tailed him, halting to look as he hurriedly hitched two ponies to a long iron cart. â€Å"Come on!†Noah called fretfully, holding his whip. I bounced up onto the seat close to Noah and looked as he bore down, making the ponies run dangerously fast down the slope and into town. Individuals were remaining outside their homes in nightclothes and scouring their eyes, some hitching ponies to carts and mentors. â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†Noah called, again and again, until his voice nearly broke. I realized I should help. However, I proved unable. Rather, I felt dread grasp my heart as the breeze whipped my face. I heard the clasp clopping of ponies out yonder, and saw entryways being flung open and more townspeople in their nightclothes hurriedly snatching rifles, knifes, and some other weapon they could discover. As we jogged through town, I saw the pharmacist was shut firmly. Could Anna and Pearl be at home? Assuming this is the case, I expected to give them an admonition. No. The word came so emphatically, maybe my dad had murmured it in my ear himself. I expected to make things directly for me, for the Salvatore name. The main individuals I thought about were Father and Damon, and in the event that anything transpired †¦ â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†I shouted, my voice breaking. â€Å"Attack at the Salvatore estate!†Noah rehashed, his words seeming like a serenade. I gazed toward the sky. The moon was a small bit, and mists clouded any trace of starlight. Be that as it may, out of nowhere, as we rode up the slope, I saw Veritas lit up like morning, with a horde of what resembled a hundred people waving lights and remaining on the means of the yard, hollering. Minister Collins remained on the patio swing, getting out petitions, as a few people watched him, bowing on the ground and imploring. Close to him was Honoria Fells, hollering to any individual who might tune in about evil spirits and apology. Elderly person Robinson was displaying his light and taking steps to torch the whole home. â€Å"Stefan!†Honoria canceled as I bounced the cart before it halted. â€Å"For your protection,†she stated, proffering a part of vervain. â€Å"Excuse me,†I called dryly, as I pushed through the swarm, utilizing my elbows, and hurried to the carriage house and up the steps. I heard irate voices from the chambers. â€Å"I will take her! We'll leave, and you won't see both of us again!†Damon's voice, as low and dismal as approaching thunder. â€Å"Ungrateful!†Father thundered, and I heard a nauseating break. I limited up the steps and saw Damon, drooped against the entryway, a stream of blood overflowing from his sanctuary. The entryway had split from the effect of Damon's body. â€Å"Damon!†I called, falling onto my knees close to my sibling. Damon attempted to battle to his feet. I recoiled as I saw the blood flooding from his sanctuary. At the point when he moved in the direction of me, his eyes bursted with outrage. Father stood, stake close by. â€Å"Thank you for getting the sheriff, Stefan. Y made the best decision. ou Unlike your brother.†Father connected toward him, and I wheezed, sure he would hit him once more. Yet, rather he loosened up his hand. â€Å"Stand up, Damon.†Damon slapped away Father's hand. He remained all alone, cleaning the blood from his head with the rear of his hand. â€Å"Damon. Tune in to me,†Father kept, disregarding the vibe of unadulterated contempt all over. â€Å"Y were beguiled by the evil presence †¦ by that ou Katherine. However, presently she will vanish and you should agree with what's correct. I gave you leniency, however these individuals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ He signaled toward the window and the furious horde past it. â€Å"Then let me be killed,†Damon murmured, as he raged out the entryway. He brushed past me, hitting me hard with his shoulder as he ran down the steps. From inside the room, a horrifying yell rose. â€Å"Sheriff?†Father called, swinging make the way for Katherine's chambers. I wheezed. There was Katherine, a cowhide gag over her face, her white arms and legs bound together. â€Å"She's ready,†Sheriff said dismally. â€Å"We'll take her to the cart and add her to the rundown. Gilbert has the compass and is gathering together the vampires around. By sunrise, we will have freed the town of this scourge.†Katherine gazed at me, a urgent, arguing articulation in her eyes. Be that as it may, what might I be able to do? She was lost to me now. I turned down the steps and ran.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Study Of The Market Reforms In Post
A Study Of The Market Reforms In Post-Communist Eastern Europe With An Essay SpecificCase Study of PolandA Study Of The Market Reforms In Post-Communist Eastern Europe With A SpecificCase Study of PolandIntroductionPoland, just as its individual post-socialist nations, face an arduoustask in re-concocting their economies to coordinate the prevailing Western stylecurrently commanding the world. The troubles lie in the zones of ideology,structural needs (huge changes required), world recession(current) and debtload. Socialist EconomicsWhy did the financial aspects of the socialist coalition flop so hopelessly? Why hasevery single communist, extremist, socialist and other non-law based nation hadto actualize financial change so as to endure? This is because of some inherentproblems in the order economy thought. Imposing business models (in an order economy) will in general produce wastefulness, lowquality merchandise, absence of advancement and mechanical improvement. Order economies will in general spotlight on development as opposed to quality leadingto bigger creation and an evan. more regrettable utilization of accessible assets. The 1980s denoted an adjustment in world markets implied that the communisteconomies were confronted with four difficulties that would, whenever met, have implied thecontinuation of the USSR. Asset sparing scaling down requiring high innovation and aptitude weredemanded (order economies have not one or the other), Flexible creation to meet a varietyof needs (order economies have enormous manufacturing plants to keep creation high they,thus, didn't have the assets or capacity to influence the important changes to theirmeans of creation), the data age implied that the socialist coalition had todeny the new pervasive kinds of innovation, which would spread Western ideas,and accordingly they fell behind), and programming got basic to the development ofindustry (the equipment focal point of the East couldn't retain this new methodology. Also, the progressions are being endeavored in a profound time of economiccrisis that make an effectively troublesome procedure much increasingly troublesome. Changing the EconomySystematic change requires institutional developments, theinternal progression of the economy, the outer advancement and theadjustment of the genuine economy just as the money related framework. Not exclusively does there should be an alternate institutional system for amarket economy however one needs to expel the vast majority of the acquired structures and tochange the run of the mill standards of conduct in industry, state and private family units. PrivatizationPrivatization is a troublesome errand as a result of four principle factors. Firmsizes in present socialist nations tend on be huge. This implies theirdivision or shrinkage presents troubles for remote speculators, they are however,not beneficial at current sizes and should be reshaped. Desires are runninghigh yet mentalities instilled in the workforce will require time to change. None ofthe structure exists to manage private firms and should be made along withthe work expected to run it. There is next to no information and sureness aboutthe property rights issue and until settled financial specialists will be careful about thesituation. Be that as it may, not all nations have tended to the required changes in the samefashion. Poland has been a pioneer in outside speculation and association whencompared to its post-comminist partners. Poland:Brief HistoryThe name Poland is gotten from that of the Polanie, a Slavic peoplethat settled in the territory, presumably in the fifth century AD. Poland is a country ineast-focal Europe. In the eighteenth century it was split by its neighbors andceased to exist until revived in 1918. Again apportioned by Germany and theUSSR toward the start of World War II, it was restored as a Sovietsatellite state in 1945, and stayed a Communist-commanded people groups republicuntil 1989. Mikhail Gorbachevs arrangement as Kremlin pioneer in March 1985 was thesignal that the Polish resistance had been hanging tight for. Misusing the newliberalization in the district, Lech Walesa and Solidarity, Pope John Paul II andthe church progressive system, and standard residents stung by the developing economicrecession consolidated to compel the Communists to take a seat at roundtable talks in1989. They made sure about broad political concessions and misused theresulting open doors for political rivalry to drive the Communists frompowerThe new non-Communist government looked to achieve monetary reformthrough stun treatment in a plan concocted by Finance Minister LeszekBalcerowicz. Prologue to Polish financial situationPolands principal monetary issue is that creation and livingstandards for its 38 million individuals is viewed as deficient. With a GDPabout 33% of the United States (on a for each capita premise), Poland is consideredto be a center pay nation. Wrongdoing And Punishment EssayDuring the 1970s, the Gierek government attempts to handle the issue (ofeconomic trouble) through an approach of quickly extending utilization coupledwith venture financed by outside obtaining. For quite a long while this economicpolicy produced development of around 10% every year (The
Friday, August 7, 2020
I Love Lucy!
I Love Lucy! This post is sans elephants. Elephant Sans, however, would make for a wonderful font, if one of you readers or eager beavers already done with the EA application has such creative aspirations. So, heres another reason why you shouldnt think about bringing a car to MIT! Once upon a time, in a land far far away (from all you non-local blog readers), a young man fresh in college would drive 17 miles each way from his childhood home as an intern. Occasionally, this young man had a hard time staying awake while on the road, so he would stop at the Wellesley MA rest town around exit 16 to buy soft ice cream and mountain dew from the fridge at his dads house (yum, delicious). While this mountain dew drinking ice cream eating young man liked his internship, he secretly longed for the day when he would not have to spent 2.5 hours [every day] of his life driving to and from the internship that he liked. As luck should have it, the day came on August 13th of 2010, and now that same (not as young) admissions blogger has a significantly reduced commute! Some days you can find him walking from his residence in East Campus to class which only takes him about 10 flights of stairs. Most days, you can catch him cruising through the dreams of his nights while sleeping in which only takes him about 2 hours (if there are no nightmares). In case you are wondering, the admissions blogger of whom I speak is me. In the words of the incomprehensible pajamaman of Long Beach, Snoop Dogg, He is I, and I am him.. This August, I was looking out over the streets of Cambridge Nobody was out. .and Im out of time! Im headed off for an hour or two, when I come back Ill update this blogpost about keeping a car in the city and commuting to work this summer :) I couldnt resist. BRB, -Cam Update number one: I am going to do my homework and resume this post in another few hours. BRB, -Cam
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Invisible Injury - 824 Words
Jessica Coleman Rollins ENG 1301 12 August 2015 The Invisible Injury P.T.S.D. is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of absolute strength. P.T.S.D. is earned by doing what others fear to do. -Unknown- Post traumatic stress disorder is defined as â€Å"A psychological reaction occurring after experiencing a highly stressing event (i.e. wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) that is usually characterized by depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares and avoidance of reminders of the event.†PTSD has become synonymous with many historical war-time diagnoses such as railway spine, stress syndrome, nostalgia, soldier s heart, shell shock, battle fatigue, combat stress reaction, or traumatic war neurosis. â€Å"The number of Veterans with PTSD varies by service era: †¢ Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF): About 11-20 out of every 100 Veterans (or between 11-20%) who served in OIF or OEF have PTSD in a given year. †¢ Gulf War (Desert Storm): About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year. †¢ Vietnam War: About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam Veterans (or 15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD at the time of the most recent study in the late 1980s, the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS). It is estimated that about 30 out of every 100 (or 30%) of Vietnam Veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.†(Taken from VA.gov) The name may be different, but we all still suffer the same way.Show MoreRelatedThe Invisible Injury : The Recognition, Treatment, And Facts Of Concussions2361 Words  | 10 Pages The Invisible Injury: The Recognition, Treatment, and Facts of Concussions Megan Chrisman Tennessee Wesleyan College â€Æ' ABSTRACT This paper examines the topic of concussions including the definition, classifications, treatment, and cases involving concussions in the media. Articles published online using the internet as well as online articles originally published in print will be examined in order to inform the reader of this paper how concussions are identified, how they areRead MoreWhat Are Invisible Wounds Of War?1411 Words  | 6 Pages What are invisible wounds of war? Compare and contrast the differences between PTSD and TBI. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Summary Columbus, The Indians, And Human Progress
A People’s History of the United States Name: Rendale Rose K. Dahuya Date: August 8, 2016 Period: 1 Chapter 1: Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress 1. Important People In this section, you will list the important people that are presented in the chapter with a short description of that individual. (Approximately one sentence each) Arawak people- Natives of the Bahamas Islands that Christopher Columbus came upon; they are known for their hospitality and their belief in sharing. Christopher Columbus- A merchant s clerk from the Italian city of Genoa, a part-time fabric weaver inherited from parents, and expert sailor who discovered the Americas. Marco Polo- A sailor who told his tales of success in Asia, finding gold, silks, and spices which encouraged people to sail overseas in search for wealth. Bartolome de las Casas- A young priest who spoke against the encomienda system in Book Two of his History of the Indies. Samuel Eliot Morison- A Harvard historian, most distinguished writer on Columbus, the author of a multivolume biography Christopher Columbus, Mariner, and was himself a sailor, retraced Columbus s route across the Atlantic and tells about the enslavement and the mass genocide of the natives Henry Kissinger- Told the history of 19th-century Europe in his book A World Restored, through the eyes of Austria and England monarchs who neglected the millions who fell victim to statesmen’s policies. Hernando Cortà ©s- A SpanishShow MoreRelatedQuestions for Ap Us History3870 Words  | 16 PagesADVANCED PLACEMENT UNITED STATES HISTORY SUMMER 2013 READING ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER 1: Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress (pp. 1-11) 1. According to Zinn, what is his main purpose for writing A Peoples History of the United States? To tell history from the viewpoint of the victims and not overlooking what the country has done to become what they are today. It includes the cruelty and hardships the people had to go through. 2. What is Zinns thesis for pages 1-11? He will be as blunt as heRead More4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus3767 Words  | 16 PagesMondejar 1 Arnold Mondejar Professor Afzali Spanish History 127 04 December, 2014 4 Voyages of Christopher Columbus Summary Nothing in human progress is ever achieved with unanimous consent. Individuals that are enlighten before the others, are condemned to pursue that light despite the perception of others. There was a time when the new world did not exist, and the sun set in the west where no man dare to have dreamt to venture to. Beyond that, was considered to be infinity, and of possibilitiesRead MoreEssay on Zinn Howard Questions Ch 1-63683 Words  | 15 PagesChapter 1: pp.1-11 Columbus, The Indian, and Human Progress 1. Zinn’s main purpose for writing A People’s History of the United States is to show history from the viewpoint of others. 2. This is Zinn’s thesis for pages 1-11: These traits did not stand out in the Europe of the Renaissance, dominated as it was by religion of popes, the government of kings, and the frenzy for money that marked Western Civilization and its first messenger to the Americas, Christopher Columbus. 3. AccordingRead MoreColumbus, The Indians, And Human Progress5743 Words  | 23 PagesChapter 1 – COLUMBUS, THE INDIANS, AND HUMAN PROGRESS Thesis Statement: Zinn argues that the perspective of indigenous people should not be omitted and argues that their perspectives are as significant as any other. He provides insight and perspectives of the Indians to describe how the heinous acts of the Europeans were unjustified. He also discusses that the Europeans had a continual motive of exploring during that time which was to increase the power/authority of the Spanish Crown by whateverRead MoreEssay on Reparations for Native Americans1881 Words  | 8 Pagesissue. â€Å"It has been said that America will never be right until they right themselves with the American Indian. America must now seize this historic opportunity to deal honorably with the Native Peoples on the issue of Restitution, Reparations and Restoration of Lands that guarantees Indian people a future in America. â€Å" Dennis J. Banks, Ojibwa Nation Chairman of the Board American Indian Movement The Case â€Å"For†Reparations In his book A Little Matter of Genocide, (City Lights Books, 1997)Read MoreSAT Top 30 Essay Evidence18536 Words  | 75 Pages............................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus (â€Å"Discoverer†of the New World?)........................................................................ 7 Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide) ....................................................................................... 9 ArtistsRead MoreMarketing Mix of Add Gel Pens Ltd9388 Words  | 38 Pagesof money prices. It is that phase of business activity through which human wants are satisfied by exchange of goods and services. Meaning and definition of Marketing: Marketing means the process of distribution of goods and services. It is the economic process by means of which goods and services are exchanged and their values are determined in terms of money prices. It is that base of business activity through which human wants are satisfied by exchanged of goods and services. Definitions:Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesthe market-leading international management text. Specifically, v vi Preface this edition has the following chapter distribution: environment (three chapters), culture (four chapters), strategy (four chapters), and organizational behavior/human resource management (three chapters). Because international management is such a dramatically changing field, all the chapters have been updated and improved. New real-world examples and research results are integrated throughout the book, accentuatingRead More1234567897581 Words  | 31 Pageshigh-tech industries. In addition, I have studied communication and information sharing behaviors of marketing managers (i.e., the use of information in resource allocations; issues with proprietary information, etc.). TEACHING INTERESTS--(see summary on pp. 18-20) Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations (both graduate and undergraduate) Principles of Marketing (both graduate and undergraduate) Marketing Management (MBA) AWARDS April 2011 John Ruffatto Memorial Award givenRead MoreA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen7379 Words  | 30 PagesThe critic Erik Bogh admired Ibsen’s originality and technical mastery: â€Å"not a single declamatory phrase, no high dramatics, no drop of blood, not even a tear†( qtd. in Bradford). Georg Brandes, a contemporary critic, said of Ibsen that: â€Å" His progress from one work to the other is not due to a rich variety of themes and ideas, but on the contrary to perpetual scrutiny of the same general questions, regarded from different points of view†(qtd. in Bradford). Furthermore, the play stunned audiences
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why I Want to be an Army Officer Free Essays
Every child has a dream, and I was no exception to this rule. Ever since I was a kid, I used to dream of joining the Army, to be in combats and fatigues. To me , at that time ,joining in the army meant a great deal and in retrospect, I realize I was never free of this desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want to be an Army Officer or any similar topic only for you Order Now My parents and my immediate family did not bother to rid me of this ambition as they felt that with passage of time, I would come around! But that was not to be. As I grew up, through my teenage years, the urge to join was retained intact. Although I must admit that there were times in life when this aspect went to the backburner. In particular, I was impressed with the personality and the sense of aura that I felt in the presence of GIs/Officers who while on leave, regaled neighborhood kids like me with stories of their travels, exploits and experiences. While in college, the exposure to different types of people from diverse cultures and my experiences in life only served to impress upon me that I had the requisite qualities like aptitude, leadership, team spirit and such like.In the course of this Essay I will be listing out the principle reasons for wanting to become an Army Officer. Why I Want to be an Army Officer Transition of Childhood Dream to Passion As I have already stated, I had this dream of joining the Army ever since my childhood. At that time, the aspects that drew me to this profession were the uniform, glamour and the aura, as perceived by a child. As I grew up, and went to school, I got to know of the various opportunities available to me from an employment point of view. I was extremely good at academics and at sport i.e. an ideal combination of brain and brawn. However, I realized that the desire to join the Army never diminished. If at all there was any change, is in the fact, that I was now more specific with regard to joining Army: as an Officer. With experience and with passage of time I did not realize that the childhood dream had now metamorphosised in to a passion: the single objective in my life. I do not remember when I made this resolve, but somewhere along the line, I had subconsciously chosen this career and I set about the task of turning this passion into reality. What could have attracted me so much to join as an Army Officer? It definitely was not the pay package alone, as I have qualifications that can fetch me larger pay packages in other professions. I know it was the aspects like aptitude, leadership qualities, patriotism, glamour, esperit-de-corps, physical fitness, chance to travel and man management skills that convinced me that I was ideally suitable for this career. Leadership I had extensively read the military Campaigns of all the important conflicts and wars that have taken place in history. I assessed that the outcome of all these wars crucially depended upon the quality of leadership available to the winning sides. Examples of sides with much lesser resources in terms of man-power, weapons and logistics defeating much bigger forces are in abundance in history; the common denominator to all these victories being the astute and capable leadership they were fortunate to have. I felt that I possess most of the qualities that these leaders possessed, qualities like quick decision making, factual analysis, good management of scarce resources and a sharp mind; in combat situations. I feel strongly that I have all the leadership qualities required to be a good officer and this is one of the principle reasons that I want to become an Army Officer. Besides, the other motivating factor related to leadership is the loyalty, trust and confidence that one enjoys from the subordinates and colleagues. This is the measure of a person’s leadership and personally I value this form of recognition as it is very satisfying and exhilarating feeling. Aptitude While examining the recruitment related brochures, I realized that I had the requisite attribute in ample measure for becoming an Army Officer. I had both; the academic qualifications and the physical excellence required for this demanding profession. This implied that I had the mental robustness and physical sturdiness required to be a good officer after I completed my training and joined the assigned unit. Besides, I have extensive capabilities of self introspection, assessment, analysis and a very good capability of discriminating between right and wrong. I am also aware that I have always been ‘an out of the box thinker’ and in life I have the distinction of consistently coming up with simple solutions to complex problems. Since, I already posses most of the officer like qualities and the few that I do not posses (social skill) will form part of acquired character traits after I complete my training. Patriotism The 9/11 attack and the consequent loss of innocent lives filled me with a deep sense of outrage, anguish, and impotent fury. I realized that we had taken our freedom and democracy for granted all this while, and were never really concerned with matters of national security or protecting our freedom. I wanted to contribute in the retribution, in the nation’s resolve to set matters right. How could a band of terrorists ever dream to do this to us? Are we perceived as a nation of easy going people, whom any one can attack and get away with it? I am not a proponent of vigilantism, but I definitely would like to contribute to the national effort. This would give me a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that I have paid back to the nation for all it has bestowed me with as an unconditional right. Pay Package and Glamour The pay package is not very high but I guess it more or less evens out in the long run. I have gone through the various literatures and realize that there are quite a few perks and privileges that if quantified, can make the pay and remuneration look even bigger. In any case, this is not a major consideration factor as from my view point, the pay is reasonably decent. Besides, it is the glamour factor that I consider equally important. The chances to travel to distant places, (which I have only heard of or studied in school) interact with different cultures and people are yet another motivating factor. Job Satisfaction I strongly believe that to have sustained peace of mind and inner happiness, it is essential to be doing a job which one likes and from which one derives satisfaction. I do not see any sense in pursuing any other career wherein the pay package may be higher, but the job satisfaction is far from achieved. At the end of the day, it is not worth it if one is not satisfied with the work one has have been doing. If I join as an Army Officer, I do know, that the parameters are strictly laid down and that they have to be strictly adhered to. But since these are uniformly applicable without bias and discrimination, I feel convinced, that I will derive immense job satisfaction References http://www.army.com/enlist/officer-candidate-school.html extracted on 15 May 07 for the official website How to cite Why I Want to be an Army Officer, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Marketing Management for Swot Analysis Of The Coca Cola Company
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Management for Swot Analysis Of The Coca Cola Company. Answer: Introduction: Coca Cola Overview The Coca Cola Company is an American Public Limited company founded in 1886 with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. The company has employed over 123,200 people worldwide and acquired revenue totaling to US $ 44.294 billion in 2015(Collier, 2014). Coca Cola deals in the sale of its branded products such as packaged drinking water and beverages including Maaza, Kinley, Coke, and Coke-zero, Fanta, and Sprite among other drinks. The company has several subsidiary companies in more than 200 countries (Wang, 2015). Its distribution channels are spread out across the world except only in Cuba and North Korea. When compared with other companies competing with Coca Cola such as Pepsi, the Coca Cola has long-established presence in majority of global territories (Elmore, 2013). Its products attract a huge loyal and fanatical following owing to its first mover strategies within foreign nations in the beverage industry. The company has strengths, weaknesses, opportuniti es to pursue and threats to prevent or settle them within and beyond the industry. This essay will present the SWOT analysis of the Coca Cola beverage company in line with international performance. Coca Cola SWOT Quadrant Strengths Wide global presence Large distribution network Loyalty customers Good marketing strategies The largest market share Weaknesses Competitors such as Pepsi Lack of diversified products Beverages not considered healthy Water management problems Fluctuation of foreign currency Opportunities Improvement of Supply chain Developing country-markets Packaged water ventures Improving road network supply chain Potential revenue from marketing of lesser-selling goods Threats Competitors Scarcity of water as raw material Changing Customer preferences Deteriorating value of dollar in developing countries Potential entry of new firms Strengths Strengths include mainly internal factors that make a business entity to not only to have advantages over its competitors but to maintain a good position in the market. The first strength of the Coca Cola Company is that it has a wide global presence, spreading to more than 200 countries worldwide (Foster, 2014). This has led to the development of a huge brand name in the beverage industry. Secondly, the company holds the largest market share in the beverage industry. It has only Pepsi as the major competitor but Coca Cola wins this competition by a large margin. Its brands including Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Limca among others consist of the major drivers, earning the company huge profits. Thirdly, the Coca Cola Company has better marketing strategies than those of its competitors (Wang, 2015). While it focuses on customers of all ages, Pepsi on the other hand mainly focuses on youngsters. The Coca Cola Company uses celebrity-marketing tool in order to maximize sales. The Coca Cola Compa ny also enjoys a huge customer loyalty to its products. Its products such as Fanta and Coke have a very huge fanatical following and thus, customers prefer these drinks to others (Sara, 2015). Their good taste renders competing drinks un-preferred. Further, this company boasts of the worlds largest beverage distribution network due to a high demand for its products worldwide. As a result, the company maintains a very high company presence in the market all over. Weaknesses In business management, weaknesses include factors that make a business not to perform well as expected. One of the weaknesses facing the company includes competition from Pepsi and smaller beverage companies in different countries (Moodie, 2006). Coca cola could have been a monopoly in most markets if Pepsi and the other smaller companies were absent. Secondly, product diversification for Coca Cola is slow when compared to Pepsi, which has varied its products to snacks ((Foster, 2014). Coca cola does not trade in any snacks like Pepsi, a venture which most probably would earn the company huge revenues. Thirdly, the carbonated beverages are not considered healthy. The company does not produce other healthy alternatives that have no carbonated levels. The sale of Coca Cola products might o down if people continue being sensitized on the risk of having excessive fat intake due to taking carbonated drinks, as they will opt for healthy drinks (Sara, 2015). Another weakness the Coca Cola faces is that it has featured in lawsuits due to some water quality management issues. The company consumes huge amounts of water even in areas where it is scarce. The company has been blamed severally for adding pesticides in water with an intention to clear the contaminants. The company therefore needs better water management strategies (Moodie, 2006). Further, fluctuation in foreign currencies pegged to the dollar affects the companys determination of net revenues and losses globally. The variation of foreign currency values brings about the fluctuation that hinders proper planning. Opportunities Opportunities include external factors that an institution may rely on to develop its business ideas into profitable ventures. The first opportunity the Coca cola Company has is diversification. If the company diversifies its products to include health products and food, it will make more profits than the present. Snacks for instance can be distributed using the same distribution channels for drinks (Sara, 2015). Secondly, the company can utilize the huge market in developing countries, which are currently fascinated by its beverages. Despite developed countries opting for healthy beverages, Coca Cola is still popular in developing countries, a market it should fully utilize. Thirdly, the company can thrive on boosting its brand of packaged water known as Kinley. The strong brand image of the company makes the packaged water to sale in areas that identify with the mother company Coca Cola. Kinley thus needs a further distribution for popularity (Foster, 2014). On the other hand, the company can improve its supply chain with the current increase in development of road networks in different countries. It is likely that its sales will go higher due to easier and cheaper means of supply. Further, the company is likely to earn revenue if it launches consistent marketing for its lesser-selling goods like the Kinley packaged water. Threats Threats include factors that are likely to negatively, influence a business in case they emerge in the course of running the business. Coca Cola is threatened first by the rising scarcity of water as a crucial raw material in its production regions (Waldemer, 2008). The increase in climatic changes including elongated droughts may likely make governments stop operations of the beverage companies within their territories. Secondly, the company faces tough indirect competitors, which offer drinks such as coffee. These include companies like Starbucks, the Caf coffee day and Costa Coffee (Sundar, D. (2012). They offer customers healthy alternatives to carbonated drinks. Other health drinks including Tropicana, Red Bull, Gatorade, and Real are reducing the market share of Coca Cola beverages. Thirdly, the changing customer preferences from the Coca Cola Companys brands to healthier drinks, is a threat to the company (Foster, 2014). An increase in this change might render the companys fut ure market for particular beverage brands reduced. The deteriorating and fluctuating foreign currency value as pegged to the dollar is likely to interfere with real time calculations and determination of company global financial standing and may thus continue interfering with both short term and long-term marketing strategies. Lastly, local companies are opting to venture into beverage and alternative drinks (Wang, 2015). These may be considered as a threat as they are not currently competitors are likely to bring up the competition in the near future. The company thus needs marketing strategies that will sustain its brand image and presence in the global market. References Collier, K. (2014). A Case Study on Corporate Peace: The Coca-Cola Company: Coke Studio Pakistan. Business, Peace and Sustainable Development, 2014(2), pp.75-94. Elmore, B. (2013). Citizen Coke: An Environmental and Political History of the Coca-Cola Company. Enterprise and Society, 14(4), pp.717-731. Foster, R. (2014). Corporations as Partners: Connected Capitalism and The Coca-Cola Company. PoLAR, 37(2), pp.246-258. Moodie, E. (2006). Microbus crashes and Coca-Cola cash. American Ethnologist, 33(1), pp.63-80. Sara Uslusoy, B. (2015). Cultural Hybridity Analysis: Coca Cola Tv Commercial Case. International Peer-Reviewed Journal Of Communication And Humanities Researches, (9), Pp.157-157. Sundar, D. (2012). Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Potential of Women:initiative of Coca Cola Company. GJRA, 3(8), pp.1-3. Waldemer, T. (2008). Imperfect Harmony: Coca-cola and the Cannibal Metaphor in beba coca cola, Sangue de Coca-Cola, and A Hora da estrela. Hispanfila, 153(1), pp.97-108. Wang, M. (2015). Brief Analysis of Sports Marketing Strategy Adopted by Coca Cola Company. Asian Social Science, 11(23).
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Weve Researched Fiverr WordPress Customizations; See if Theyre Worth It
Who would need Fiverr WordPress customizations anyway? you ask. Well, consider this scenario; youve got yourself a new premium WordPress theme, youve been expecting some help from the support department, but apparently, Support Happiness or whatever the name they chose for their support department does NOT include the real hands-on help you need.I mean, however beautiful and customizable the theme is, there is that one thing youd like to have, which the theme doesnt support. When you reach out to the theme developers to get it, they politely explain that Support doesnt cover for custom work. Its like they dont want to get their hands dirty, right?Okay, its not exactly like that. Not offering custom tweaks is actually a basic procedure. It doesnt pay to have customer support doing tweaks. We have to be reasonable. The theme doesnt come with custom aid, just as your next car doesnt come with all the colors available, it just comes with one.And themes are just one aspect. If you alread y have your site online, there are other things that might not work properly: load speed, SEO performance, various plugins. These might be tricky sometimes. Even if youre perfectly qualified, you might not always want to go into debugging mode. tons of tutorials online and also videos that teach you how to change myriads of things. But youll need lots of time to carry this through.If youre not that relentless in doing the thing yourself, the one alternative you could and should try is to find someone else to do it for you. Here comes in Fiverr to do the trick. Lets see how and why Fiverr WordPress customizations can be a good idea:Popular Fiverr WordPress customizations and gigsAn important fact about Fiverr gigs is that they cover lots of WordPress-related matters. This means that almost any changes you might want to do to your WordPress site can be solved by freelancers at Fiverr.Lets review some of the most popular Fiverr WordPress customizations and fixes; categorized:Bug fixi ng, debuggingFixing issues with responsive designSlider issuesGallery issuesFixing broken/blank white WordPress sitesFixing WordPress login problemsBackground image doesnt scaleSlow loading/cache issuesFixing cross-browser/mobile compatibility issuesRemoving dead linksCustomization, CSS HTML tweaksColor customizationModifying the logo sizeCustomizing various on-site buttonsChanging the copyright noticeModifying page widthModifying slider timingAdding videos instead of images to slidersChanging the size of the featured imagesAdding newsletter signup formsAdding contact formsAdding widgets to sidebarMiscellaneousInstalling WordPressMoving your site to another hostInstalling themesAdding Google AnalyticsDomain integrationBacking up your site (you need to purchase the backup service)404 to 301 redirectsHow to search for suitable gigsThese were just some of the most popular WordPress-related gigs that can be done on Fiverr. But of course, there are other things that WordPress developers could help out with.Once youve clarified what you need, its time to head over to Fiverr and find the best seller who can deliver the thing. But heres the trick: the usual search by keyword mechanism will not always show you what you want. Let me explain:Say youre looking to customize your sites header. Searching for customize WordPress header will not return any gigs with this exact offer. And this happens for the rest of the above list as well. These Fiverr WordPress customizations are not all listed as such on Fiverr. Sounds weird but please bear with me.The way to go is to actually search for broader terms, gigs that will include your specific request, but not necessarily mention it in the title.Here are some suggestions for useful keywords to use in search::WordPress customizationWordPress theme editWordPress theme customizationWordPress theme installFix WordPressWordPress designWordPress pluginFor these searches, you will get around 3000 results, that you can filter down by ca tegories, delivery time, price, seller level and language.Another way to look for gigs is to go to a sellers profile page, and see what other things they offer. This way, you might find a more adequate gig for your task. Or even a cheaper one.It will also help you get a better picture of the sellers abilities. As you might notice, the sellers dont have any resume listed, but you will grasp their skills from the type of services they offer.Heres an example of a really tuned up profile that tops on all levels. Lets go through it from top to bottom:the seller is marked Online at the moment, so you can expect a quick response from themtop rated seller badge over 30 gigs, doing custom offers, working extra fast, VIP support5-star reviews, from a total of over 400 receivedactive on Fiverr for 2.5 yearsreplies in about 1 hourhas had a successful delivery in the last hourPopular WordPress gig examplesIve selected a few examples of Fiverr WordPress customizations and gigs. They showcase som e general proposals that will cover various customization needs.Disclaimer: The way the service is described is usually straightforward and doesnt necessarily respect the English grammar. This happens because of the restricted character space and because English is not a native language for many of the sellers. If you can disregard this and play along, most sellers are able to communicate well. Expect to see things like:I will do customization wordpress themeI will do wordpress and woocommerce customizationI will fix wordpress buddypress issue and customizationI will customize or modify your wordpress siteI will fix wordpress issues errors or problemsHeres what some of the gigs look like: As you can see, theres something for everyone on Fiverr, so if you have a more particular request, dont turn around just yet. There are people here that are focused on page builders, SEO, page speed, specific plugins and themes, images and whatnot.These are some examples of slightly more focused WordPress gigs I was surprised to stumble upon:Some things to consider before Fiverr-ingWhen working with WordPress freelancers on Fiverr, you must take into account that they will require to log in to your site in order to make the needed adjustments. This is the first thing they will ask from you.Although Fiverr has its security and trust policies, I recommend creating a new user account with limited access for sharing with your sellers. This way, you can easily delete it after the work is done. This is especially important if you are working on multiple projects and with multiple sellers. Heres our guide on how to do that.Reviews are the most important when assessing the quality of a certain gig. But the number of reviews alone does not guarantee a quality service. I have seen many sellers rating each other on jobs for the reviews sake. Better go through some of those reviews and read the written recommendations. If its Outstanding experience from top to bottom, something is pro bably fishy.Depending on the type of project that you have, there are several metrics that can help you evaluate a gig. The average response time is going to help if you are looking to further discuss your request before placing it. A low response time means the seller is mostly online and you can clarify the exact details of the project via chat.Be careful to the fact that the response time is not a relevant indicator of the delivery time, though. Youll need to check this in the order details, where the seller specifies the deadline for submitting the order. It might be between 24 hours and 30 days, so youll need to take this into consideration. A faster delivery usually costs more.Thats pretty much it for our Fiverr WordPress customizations!This has been the first article in our new series dedicated to using Fiverr to get your website worked on. If you have any suggestions for future topics to explore or youve some interesting experiences you like to share, do so in the comment s!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Dont Worrry you can be happy essays
Dont Worrry you can be happy essays David Myers says in the article Dont Worry You Can Be Happy by John B. Thomas. Happiness relies largely on things unrelated to money, such as meaningful activities and enriching relationships. With that the article states that with the following ten steps you can improve your happiness. One: learn to like your self. Two: take control of your destiny. Three: practice expecting the best. Four: become more extroverted. Five: try acting happy. Six: consider new work. Seven: Sleep, sleep, sleep. Eight: Foster close relationships. Nine: Tie the knot. Ten: have faith. So with all of the ten steps you can see that with a little faith and following these steps you could Be Happy. Throughout the article Thomas makes very valuable points, two that I have to agree with 100%. The first point that I agree with is having faith. Having faith in a religious way or just in life in general. Both types of faith will bring you an inner happiness. You look at those people who are sick or very ill. The one who has faith seems to make a stronger and quicker recovery. Youll also notice that from these people that they are very at peace and bring happiness to those around them. The second point that he makes that I agree with is sleep, sleep, sleep. Ive notice that in life you need to sleep. People who have trouble sleeping become very irritable and unhappy. Youll also notice that those people whom do sleep they tend to be more patient, alert and more extroverted. These people to me, which are getting enough sleep are happy with that point in their life and can pass their happiness to others. Youll also notice that people seem to make more mistakes and have trouble being happy when they unable to sleep. So when looking at happin ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Optimal physical and mental health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Optimal physical and mental health - Assignment Example from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that approximately 78.6 million of adults in the United States are obese that is 34.9%. Obesity in the United States became an epidemic and the second cause of preventable death. Also, medical treatment of obesity is highly expensive. For example, medical expenditures for obesity were 11.1 billion of dollars in 2009. Appropriate preventable and controlling actions of public medical health care systems may help to decrease the rate of obese people, save hundreds of dollars and increase overall life expectancy.(Ã ¡DC,2014) Formation of the appropriate community environment that promotes and maintains healthy food and beverage intake. Increase the availability of the healthy food that meet the requirements of communities; decrease the level of sugary beverage consumption, making clean and potable water available in different public places. The Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program (NPAO) is an example of state and local program that focuses on implementation of healthy nutrition and physical activity among Americans that helps to prevent obesity and other related chronic diseases. NPAO is a cooperative agreement between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program (DNPAO) and 25 health departments. The main purpose of the DNPAO function is maintenance of the healthy way of life that involve healthy eating, regular physical activity and reduction of increased obesity rate in the United States. DNPAO performs their main goals through development healthy child care centers, hospitals, schools and worksites; conduction of different investigations related to the obesity or other chronic diseases. DNPAO`s three main goals include: improvement of the dietary quality to decrease the rate of chronic illness and control healthy child development; in crease physical activity for people of all ages; reduce the rate of obesity through
Monday, February 3, 2020
Promotional and advertising strategies Research Paper
Promotional and advertising strategies - Research Paper Example The further discussion will illustrate different recommendations for the organizations in terms of utilizing marketing information to different themselves within the marketplace. The study will also discuss the use of consumer-oriented promotion methods for the sports apparel industry along with the pricing decisions used by leading organizations. Finally, it will also discuss the most effective advertising methods and mediums for the organizations of sports apparel sector. The compare and contrast analysis of Nike and Adidas will emphasize on the similarities as well as different approaches of the organisations in terms of promotional procedure. Nike is an American retail brand which deals in manufacturing and marketing sports apparel and accessories. The organization has established their business in 1971 and they are headquartered in Oregon, USA. They possess near about 1600 retail stores across major cities of the world (Nike Inc. 2014). Adidas is a German multinational sportswear retail company which is headquartered in Bavaria, Germany. The organisation was founded and established in 1949 and it currently possesses almost 1746 concept stores (Cullers, 2013). The organization prefers to use informational appeal by the celebrity endorsement. Nike has hired a number of athletes, such as well known soccer players and famous basket ball players, to promote their brand to the potential consumers worldwide. Strong brand promotion through powerful slogan and distinctive logo has been also a pull promotional strategy of the organization. â€Å"Just do it†can be considered as one of their convincing slogans while their â€Å"swooch†logo creates a powerful impact to pull the potential consumers. Adidas also highly focuses on celebrity endorsement in terms of promoting their marketing activities. In comparison to Nike, Adidas prefer to promote their product marketing through athlete as well as movie
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Critical Analysis Of Francis Bacon Philosophy Essay
Critical Analysis Of Francis Bacon Philosophy Essay Bacon was a really wise man. His Essays is a treasure of world philosophy. They teach us those permanent moral principles which everyone must know obligatory. The essay Of Great Places consists of variety of moral maxims yet in this essay he also teaches worldly success. All rising to great place is by a winding stair; and if there be factions, it is good to side a mans self whilst he is rising and to behave himself when he is placed (Bacon). It is clearly a utilitarian advice and it for sure contains a compromise between morality and worldly success (Archer). Even when Bacon convinces the person not badly to say about its predecessor, not because of high ethics, but because of the fact that the person does not follow council would suffer with unpleasant consequences. Key words: great place, Francis Bacon, essay, happiness. In his essay Of Great place he discusses how a great position influences persons life and points on it. Bacon argues that such people hardly may be happy because they are the first that find their own grieves, though they are the last that find their own faults (Bacon). Indeed, great persons may seem happy but not be happy really. Philosopher is right; they should care about other and not think about themselves. Great post allow not only to make goodness, but also evil. Everything here depends on the person. Only readiness for making goodness is the major CRITICAL ANALYSIS justification for love of power. Merit and good works, is the end of mans motion; and conscience of the same is the accomplishment of mans rest stress Bacon and we cannot disagree with him. We have to learn on others mistakes in order to avoid our:  Reduce things to the first institution, and observe wherein, and how, they have degenerate; but yet ask counsel of both times; of the ancient time, what is best; and of the latter time, what is fittest (Bacon). In his essay Bacon gives us some helpful advises that do not lose its currency till today. Indeed, changes are not so good indicator and philosopher is right: changeable people are suspicious. So, every change should be explained together with the reasons that caused it. The author also teaches: In the discharge of thy place, set before thee the best examples; for imitation is a globe of precepts and it is truly important thought. To my mind, it is very current as well. A lot of people got used to create idols and these exam ples not always the best ones. Very often it is the worst examples but people imitate them because it is fashionably, in tune with the times and everyone follows it. However, it is a big mistake. Only the best examples from the past are able to teach us how to act nowadays. We should learn according to those experiences. Bacon fairly stress that we should learn negative things from other experiences not in order to glorify ourselves and to reproach them, but to learn from those mistakes. I think it is also very significant point to CRITICAL ANALYSIS think it more honor, to direct in chief, than to be busy in all (Bacon). Very often people of great post try to control everything forgetting about their main task and main goals. Power makes them blind. They aspire to rule everything. It is not that should it be like. If to keep one topic from this wise essay, so perhaps I would like to discuss this one: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ great persons had need to borrow other mens opinions, to think themselves happy; for if they judge by their own feeling, they cannot find it (Bacon). Well, I agree with this Bacons statement. Great people really devote themselves to others. They must care about all and everyone separately (if it is about some President, for instance). At last, it is truly hard. Indeed! However, such devotion to people and their occupation may turn into happiness. Why not? Imagine: you rule the country and feel responsibility for each single person. Yes, it is a great response, but there are a lot of examples from history when such gr eat people were really happy with their posts. If you really love your work and what you do, so this makes you feel like you are at your place. Despite of all difficulties, you will be strong enough to overcome everything if you like your position. And it is understandable. Well, of course, you may be unhappy being at the great place, but only in a case when you are indifferent to other people and events, if you do not feel it is yours. And Bacon is right: on order to feel them happy great people should know others opinions. It is understandable CRITICAL ANALYSIS because they work for others and we may even say live for others. It is responsibility. Only when you feel that you are heard and understood by others, that they appreciate you and follow you, so then you may feel happy. If you will be alone and work for no one being at the great place, so this work will does not have any results, except of negative. You should feel support and comprehension, understanding and gratitude. You must see that all you do is right and not in vain. Have you ever noticed that politics are really successful only when they are appreciated by people? And it is not only about voting, but during it, of course, as well. If people value their power, other ones will appreciate it too. It is simple, by the way: an effect of situation: if you are loved by someone, especially, by many people, very often others pay a lot of attention to you. Why? Because they see that you affect people somehow, they find something in you, like you for somethingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Consequen tly, you are bright, interesting, and sociable and you know how to treat people. And it is very important thing. Love of majority is an indicator. Of course, such leaders will feel themselves happy: they may be sure that approximately all their deeds are right and helpful. Well, perhaps, you may disagree and say that sometimes even bad politics and leaders in general may be happy but indifferent to their people or workers. It is an opinion that has a right to exist, but ask yourself: is it real happiness when you know and feel that others cannot stand you? CRITICAL ANALYSIS Is it happiness to realize that all your actions they consider as needless, empty, senseless, harmful, insincere, wrong, awful and so on and so for? To my mind, in this case you cannot feel yourself happy anyway. Work Citied Archer, Francis Bacon: Wordly Wisdom (2011). 16 Jan 2011. Web. 20 May 2011. Bacon, Francis. Essays: Of Great Place. Web. 20 May 2011. Fuller, Jean Overton, Sir Francis Bacon (1994). Maidstone, Kent: George Mann Books.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Stockhausen’s Gesang der Junglinge
Stockhausen became increasingly fascinated during the late ’50s with the spatial projection of music in the performance space. It can be said that Stockhausen’s Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge marked the beginning of the end of classic musique concrete. For Kontakte in 1958, using four-track tape, he devised a clever way make the sound of his tape music spin around the audience at various speeds. He did this in the studio using a rotating platform with a loudspeaker mounted on top. He could manually rotate the speaker up to four times a second.Stockhausen also used a specialized tape recorder called the Springer. Originally developed to lengthen or shorten radio broadcasts, it used a rotating matrix of four to six playback heads that spun in the opposite direction as the tape transport. As the tape passed the rotating playback array, one of the playback heads was in contact with it at all times. The output was equal to the sum of the rotating heads.It was characteristic of him that he could not be satisfied with Boulez's and Berio's derivation of music from verbal sounds and structure: there must be some general principle, which a single work would be enough to demonstrate completely – some system which a work could bring into being. Such a system he found in the organization of degrees of comprehensibility, across a range from the plainness of speech to the total incomprehensibility of wordless music.This would require electronic means. He needed â€Å"to arrange everything separate into as smooth a continuum as possible, and then to extricate the diversities from this continuum and compose with them†, and he found the way to do that through attending, between 1954 and 1956, classes in phonetics and information theory given at Bonn University by Werner Meyer-Eppler. Since, as he there discovered, vowel sounds are distinguished, whoever is speaking, by characteristic formants (emphasized bands of frequencies), it seemed it ought to be possib le to create synthetic vowels out of electronic sounds, so that synthesized music could begin to function as language. Working from the other end, the whole repertory of tape transformations was available to alter spoken or sung material and so move it towards pure, meaningless sound.Around the time that Stockhausen was formulating these criteria for electronic music, the nature of his work began to change dramatically. After completing the two electronic Studien, he returned to instrumental writing for about a year, completing several atonal works for piano and woodwinds, as well as the ambitious orchestral work Gruppen.Gruppen, written for three complete orchestral groups, each with its own conductor, marked Stockhausen’s first major experiment with the spatial deployment of sound. He positioned the separate orchestras at three posts around the audience so that their sounds were physically segregated in the listening space. The groups called to each other with their instrum ents, echoed back and forth, sometimes played in unity, and sometimes took turns playing alone so as to move the sound around the audience.Gruppen and his other instrumental experiments of that time were Stockhausen’s bridge to his next electronic work. By the time he embarked on the creation of Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge (Song of the Youths, 1955-56), his views on the control of dynamic elements of electronic music had broadened considerably.In this creation the synthesized electronic sounds are composed according to principles analogous to those operating in vocal sounds, and the recorded voice, that of a boy treble, is carried into the electronic stream by studio alteration and editing: superimpositions creating virtual choruses, reverberations to suggest great distance, scramblings of words and parts of words, changes of speed and direction.Nothing on either side, therefore, is quite foreign to the other, and Stockhausen invites his audience to attend to degrees of comprehen sibility by using a text with which he could expect them (the work was intended for projection in Cologne Cathedral) to be familiar: the German translation of the prayer sung in the Apocrypha by three young Jews in Nebuchadnezzar's furnace (hence the title, Song of the Youths). Stockhausen's electronic composition Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge thus attempts to integrate its biblicalGerman text with all the other materials in the composition (Morgan 442). Even so, the choice of this particular prayer cannot have been uninfluenced by what Stockhausen could have envisioned would be the imagery of the piece, with the boy's singing surrounded by flames of electronic articulation.Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge is perhaps the most significant work of electronic music of the ‘50s because it broke from the aesthetic dogma that had preoccupied the heads of the Paris and Cologne studios. It was a work of artistic dà ©tente, a conscious break from the purely electronically generated music of WDR, in which Stockhausen dared to include acoustic sounds, as had composers of musique concrà ¨te in France.Yet the piece is entirely unlike anything that preceded it. Stockhausens' Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge draws on unorthodox audio materials (Bazzana 74). Stockhausen’s objective was to fuse the sonic components of recorded passages of a youth choir with equivalent tones and timbres produced electronically. He wanted to bring these two different sources of sound together into a single, fluid musical element, interlaced and dissolved into one another rather than contrasted, as had been the tendency of most musique concrete.  Stockhausen created some stir with works of very new spirit and imaginative form (Collaer 395).Stockhausen practiced his newly formed principles of electronic music composition, setting forth a plan that required the modification of the â€Å"speed, length, loudness, softness, density and complexity, the width and narrowness of pitch intervals and differe ntiations of timbre†in an exact and precise manner. There was nothing accidental about this combination of voices and electronic sounds. At thirteen minutes and fourteen seconds, Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge was longer than any previous worked realized at the Cologne studio.It was a â€Å"composed†work, using a visual score showing the placement of sounds and their dynamic elements over the course of the work. The result was an astonishingly beautiful and haunting work of sweeping, moving tones and voices. The text, taken from the Book of Daniel, was sung by a boys’ choir as single syllables and whole words. The words were sometimes revealed as comprehensible sounds, and at other times merely as â€Å"pure sound values†. Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge deals with a much greater variety of sonic material than did the earlier studies (Morgan 466).Stockhausen’s assimilation of a boy’s singing voice into the work was the result of painstaking preparation on his part. He wanted the sung parts to closely match the electronically produced tones of the piece. His composition notes from the time explain how he made this happen: Fifty-two pieces of paper with graphically notated melodies which were sung by the boy, Josef Protschka, during the recording of the individual layers.Stockhausen also produced these melodies as sine tones on tape loops for the circa 3-hour recording sessions. The boy listened to these melodies over earphones and then tried to sing them. Stockhausen chose the best result from each series of attempts for the subsequent synchronization of the layers.Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge is historically important for several reasons. It represented the beginning of the end of the first period of tape composition, which had been sharply divided aesthetically between the Paris and Cologne schools of thought. The maturity of Stockhausen’s approach to composing the work, blending acoustic and electronic sounds as equivocal raw ma terials, signified a maturing of the medium.The work successfully cast off the cloak of novelty and audio experiments that had preoccupied so many tape compositions until that time. Stockhausen’s concept of â€Å"composing the sound†â€â€splitting it, making the changing parameters of sound part of the theme of the workâ€â€was first exercised in Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge. Rhythmic structures were only nominally present, no formal repetition of motifs existed in the work, and its theme was the continuous evolution of sound shapes and dynamics rather than a pattern of developing tones.Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge was composed on five tracks. During its performance, five loudspeakers were placed so that they surrounded the audience. The listener was in the eye of the sonic storm, with music emanating from every side, moving clockwise and counterclockwise, moving and not moving in space.Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge was originally prepared for five tape channels, later reduced t o four, and its ebullience is greatly enhanced by antiphonal effects. Stockhausen himself was to apply in many later works the discoveries he had made here in the treatment of language and of space, of which the latter was already claiming his attention in Gruppen for three orchestras. But perhaps the deepest lesson of Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge was that music of all kinds, whether naturally or electronically produced, is made of sounds rather than notes, and that the first task of the composer is to listen. â€Å"More than ever before†, Stockhausen wrote, â€Å"we have to listen, every day of our lives. We draw conclusions by making tests on ourselves. Whether they are valid for others only our music can show.†(Stockhausen 45-51).Stockhausen's Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge provided a major turning-point in the artistic development of the studio, for against all the teachings of the establishment the piece was structured around recordings of a boy's voice, treated and integrat ed with electronic sounds. In Stockhausen Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge electronic sounds take on a disturbing â€Å"otherness†when set in relief by the humanity of a boy's voice, racked at times out of intelligibility, but never out of recognition, by the dissection of its speech elements.Effects such as the distant murmur of multitudinous identical voices have a dramatic impact far more direct than Stockhausen's comments on the work would suggest; his concern is to incorporate vocal sounds as natural stages (complemented electronically) in the continuum that links tone to noise, vowel to consonant. His vivid imagination for broad effects is further revealed in the spatial direction and movement of the sound by distribution.Stockhausen was the most representative composers of a period which is still in its analytic phase (Collaer 48). Gesang der Jà ¼nglinge has subsequently become a crucial aspect of electronic composition and has helped to combat the faintly ridiculous sensatio n with which an audience concentrates on sounds emanating from a single â€Å"pseudo-instrument†. Stockhausen's fanatical devotion to this art is sustained by a vision of public music rooms (spherical ideally) giving continuous performances of spatial music. However reminiscent this may seem of some deplorable cinematic techniques, complex stereophony is an altogether natural development of machine music and may help it to achieve a persuasive idiom owing nothing to instrumental practice.Works CitedBazzana, Kevin. Glenn Gould: The Performer in the Work: A Study in Performance Practice. Oxford University Press, 1997.Collaer, Paul and Abeles, Sally. A History of Modern Music. World Publishing, 1961.Morgan, Robert P. Twentieth-Century Music: A History of Musical Style in Modern Europe and America. New York. Publication, 1991.Stockhausen â€Å"Actualia†, Die Reihe, 1 (1955, English edn. 1958), 45-51, (see also his ‘ Music and Speech ‘).
Friday, January 10, 2020
What Everybody Dislikes About The American Dream Essay Topics and Why
What Everybody Dislikes About The American Dream Essay Topics and Why the American Dream Essay Topics Help! Simply type example of an argumentative essay and you'll discover unique kinds of samples. It isn't that the topic is chosen from the particular field. Each point needs to be accompanied by strong evidence. Write an essay describing one group of people who the American dream doesn't really ring true for in your perspective. The women in Iraq aren't the only ones which are suffering in the current society. Folks should begin realizing that in order to switch the country they need to be more responsible. People from other countries really like to be in America hence the majority of the immigrants are flocking the nation. A number of other nations envy a nation or consumers and producers because only a number of them are able to match the sheer variety of products that America makes. The Good, the Bad and the American Dream Essay Topics Among the perks of being a hardw orking person is that people may count on you and when folks know they can trust you, it makes you wish to work even harder. The difficulty to maintain a job and stay financially stable can be terribly significant. Both want equality for their people, the people which are in precisely the same class and race they're in. One of the primary reasons why it's alive is there are endless opportunities that folks get on a daily basis. For instance, if part of somebody's American dream is to also come to be a singer there are lots of singing competitions that give one the chance to achieve it. You can do anything if you set in the attempt. In addition to that, a job isn't simple to locate anymore. You have to put in the time and efforts. Jay dies still waiting for Daisy's call though it's clear for all to observe that hope needs to be lost. In order to reach the American dream you can't back down to anyone or anything, it's necessary for you to make what you would like known. On the flip side, his writing expresses the deficiency of governmental assistance. You probably need to be wealthy to be in a position to be given all your wants, and not everybody can be a surgeon or an attorney. In its simplest form it's the belief that everybody has the chance to do their heart's desire. A dream usually means a joyful ending and a joyful outcome. With the capacity to change one's fate, an individual can make their dreams come true. On a different note, American dream involves happiness which comes as a consequence of achievement as a person who would like to accomplish goals like becoming rich or being famous. The American Dream is designed to be a manner of life attainable to all Americans. Gatsby becomes corrupte d because his primary aim is to have Daisy. Both American History X and Crash clearly handle the idea of the American Dream and the manner people decide to live their lives. For Gatsby, his American Deam isn't material possessions in reality, even though it may appear that manner. According the American Dream, everybody has a fair chance at wealth in the event the person is driven and hardworking. The American dream is still accessible today since there are many opportunities and ways to receive your career going. Many people don't understand their own wants and therefore simply attempt to acquire more cash and as soon as they achieve that goal, they realize it's not actually what they wanted. All that must be done is to implement free and reasonable laws that will offer everyone with a chance to pursue the dream. Education too many people is the American dream as it may give you a job and it might offer you Knowledge. For instance, lower-class families may get a decrease chance to attain the American dream, but not entirely impossible. Everyone has different jobs which may control how successful they are, or would like to be. People have equal chance for achievement. New Questions About the American Dream Essay Topics As can be observed from the above mentioned, it's tough to define the expression American dream and today there's no frequent opinion on how best to formulate it. Moreover, there are 3 principal aspects that have made the American Dream possible. To begin with it means the liberty of choice. As the creation and most apparent label of culture, language can be the most influential component that complicates people when they're pursuing the American dream, particularly for immigrants that are non-English speakers. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effo rt the writer has to exert. When writing an essay about American dream picking the right topic can be very challenging. While writing on American dream essay topics it must be noted down by the students that they need to cover various sociological topics and ought to be mindful of the exact same. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. the American Dream Essay Topics - the Conspiracy The American dream can even be as straightforward as going to college, obtaining a level, and receiving a job and home. Most people in our society now look to get a greater education and receive a better job that pays a greater salary. Despite that, an education may have a pricey price that individuals can't pay off. While college is largely costly and resorting to student loans may be the sole way, most individuals think that it's well worth it, seeing since they can find a better Job once they're out of college.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Racial Profiling By Scott Johnson - 945 Words
According to Scott Johnson, â€Å"racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense†(Scott Johnson). The United States Supreme Court has ruled that racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons should be accorded equal protection of the law. However, is this requirement defensible in public policy? It has been proven in previous research studies that racial profiling, if applied correctly, can be a useful defensible public policy. Studies such as the one conducted by David Harris, who is a law professor at the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, show that the racial inequality in arrests made as well as crime rates have been reflective of one sided racial policies.(Harris). Also, Harris stated that, â€Å"crime rates are equal among racial groups and arrests, convictions and incarcerations are unequal based on the premise that police, prosecutors and courts systematically pick on minorities due to the color of skin (Harris). For example, the Trayvon Martin case is evident that racial profiling was negatively applied due to stereotyping. Stereotyping is an exaggerated or distorted generalization about an entire category of people that does not acknowledge individual variation. Stereotypes form the basis for prejudice and discrimination. They generally involve members of one group that deny access to opportunities and rewards that are available to that group. This is a fundamentalShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling1260 Words  | 6 PagesRacial Profiling The definition of racial profiling is prejudging someone by their ethnicity or racial profile based on the stereotypes that an ethnic group may carry. 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